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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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they had discovered, in the Ignatian Epistles, still remained. This was<br />

inevitable. Where there are good grounds for suspecting a man's<br />

character, even his most innocent actions are scanned with misgiving<br />

and interpreted to his disadvantage. So it was with these Ignatian<br />

writings. Suspicion had been justly excited against the only Ignatian<br />

letters hitherto known ; and, when excited, it unjustly sought a handle<br />

in any matter that came to hand. Thus the uninterpolated passages<br />

suffered from their companionship with the interpolations. Not more<br />

righteous than Jupiter of old, outraged criticism<br />

'incesto addidit integrum.'<br />

Even when Ussher's discovery had severed the companionship between<br />

the false and true, the taint of the old suspicion remained.<br />

The smirch of the mud previously thrown still<br />

clung to the innocent<br />

victim, and it has never been altogether effaced.<br />

Yet on the whole Ussher's discovery was felt to have furnished the<br />

true key to the solution of the Ignatian question. He had acted the<br />

part of the Good Samaritan, wrote Bishop Hall, and had bound up<br />

the wounds of the poor traveller who had fallen into the hands of<br />

thieves and been shamefully handled by them'. Adversaries indeed<br />

have paraded the names of those who, notwithstanding the fresh light<br />

thrown on the subject by this discovery,<br />

continued to condemn or to<br />

suspect these letters wholly or in part. It is not difficult, where the<br />

search ranges over a sufficient period, to draw up a considerable list<br />

of second and third-rate names, with here and there an author of higher<br />

repute, who took the adverse side. Meanwhile the very far larger<br />

number of critics and theologians, who have accepted the Seven<br />

Epistles as genuine, is altogether forgotten. Nor, if we regard the<br />

weight, rather than the numbers, of the names ranged on either side<br />

in the immediately succeeding generations, can we hesitate to say<br />

where the preponderance lies. No such list of names can be produced<br />

on the other side, as Ussher and Voss and Grotius and Pearson and Bull<br />

^<br />

'<br />

Ussher's Works xvi. p. 92 Inciderat<br />

nempe bonus iste viator Hierosolymitanus<br />

in latrones quosdam Hierochuntinos, qui<br />

ilium non spoliarant<br />

modo sed misere<br />

etiam peneque ad mortem vulnerarant ;<br />

praeterierant saucium ac fere moribundum<br />

nescio quot Parkeri, Coci, Salmasii, aliique<br />

nuperae sectae coryphaei... vestra unius<br />

pietatis [pietas ], optimi instar Samaritae,<br />

vinum oleumque infudit tarn patentibus<br />

vulneribus, abstersit saniem, foedeque<br />

hiulca plagarum ora manu tenera fasciavit;<br />

fereque exanimem vestro typorum jumento<br />

imposuit ac communi denique ecclesiae<br />

;<br />

hospitio, non sine maximis impensis, commendavit.'<br />

Later on in the same letter<br />

(p. 93) Hall writes, 'Bis martyrium passus<br />

Ignatius noster; tua demum opera, praesul<br />

honoratissime, reviviscit.'

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