apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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treatise was going through the press (1859), and that the work of<br />

Merx two years later convinced him of his error. Even Volkmar confessed<br />

that his opinion respecting the priority of the Curetonian letters<br />

was shaken by Zahn's arguments {Jenaer Literaturzeitung 1874, no. 20,<br />

p. 290, referred to by Zahn Ign. Ep. p. vi).<br />

So likewise Renan {Les<br />

Eva7igiles p. xv sq, 1877) has declared himself very decidedly against<br />

the Curetonian theory. One by one,<br />

it is losing its old adherents, and<br />

no new champion has started up'. I venture to hope that the discussion<br />

which follows will extinguish the last sparks of its waning<br />

life. The investigation of diction and style has never been seriously<br />

undertaken before, and the results will, I think, be considered<br />

decisive.<br />

The examination falls, as usual, under the two heads of external<br />

and internal evidence.<br />

I .<br />

External Evidence.<br />

To the term external evideice a wide interpretation will here be<br />

given. It will thus comprise three heads : (i) Quotations and references;<br />

(ii)<br />

Documents and phenomena of the text; (iii) Historical<br />

relations of the two recensions.<br />

All (i)<br />

the evidence of quotatiojis, it is urged, prior to Eusebius<br />

points to the Short Recension as the original form. Every passage cited<br />

during the Ante-nicene period<br />

is found in the three Curetonian letters.<br />

These quotations occur, it is true, in the epistles of the Middle Form<br />

likewise ;<br />

so that the fact, if fact it be, is not decisive. But still the<br />

circumstance that we are not required to travel beyond the limits of<br />

the Short Recension to satisfy the external evidence of the first two<br />

Curetonian letters' he had afterwards below (p. 291 sq), of confounding various<br />

retracted his former opinion on both recensions and various readings. Lipsius<br />

'<br />

questions alilie.' Nevertheless the infer- in his later writings still maintains that the<br />

ence is unquestionably true. See for in- Curetonian letters preserve older readstance<br />

the statement of Lipsius in the ings (as undeniably they do) than the<br />

Jenaer Literaturzeitung p. 22, Ueber existing text of the Vossian, but he not<br />

'<br />

die Nichtursprlinglichkeit der Cureton- less distinctly abandons their priority as a<br />

schen Recension der drei syrischen Briefe recension.<br />

langst kein vStreit zwischen uns besteht.' -^<br />

One very recent writer however<br />

His previous statements in the Zeitschr. (Chastel Histoire du Christianisiiie I.<br />

fUr Wissensch. Theol. xvii. p. 209 sq, pp. 113, 213 sq, Paris 1881) follows<br />

though equally explicit, were misunder- Bunsen blindly, without showing any<br />

stood by my critic, who fell into the error, knowledge of the more recent criticism<br />

to which I shall have occasion to refer on the subject.

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