apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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284 IlPISTLES of S. IGNATIUS.<br />

The general bearing of the controversy will have appeared from this<br />

sketch of its history. While the advocates of the priority of the Vossian<br />

letters took different sides on the question of their genuineness, the champions<br />

of the Curetonian letters almost to a man maintained these to be<br />

the authentic work of Ignatius. There was however one exception.<br />

Volkmar {Evaigelien p. 636 sq, 1870; comp. Ursprung uns. Evang.<br />

p. 51 sq, 1866) advocated the priority of the Curetonian letters, supposing<br />

that the Vossian collection was enlarged from them about<br />

A.D. 170; while at the same time he condemned the Curetonian letters<br />

themselves as spurious. This theory stands self-condemned, and naturally<br />

it has failed to find supporters'.<br />

It would not be easy to overrate the services which Cureton has<br />

rendered to the study of the Ignatian letters by the publication and<br />

elucidation of the Syriac texts. The questions also which he started<br />

or revived and the information respecting the past history of the controversy<br />

which he gathered together have not been without their<br />

value. It<br />

may confidently be expected that the ultimate issue will be<br />

the settlement of the Ignatian question on a more solid basis than<br />

would have been possible without his labours. But assuredly this<br />

settlement will not be that which he too boldly predicted. Neither<br />

his method nor his results will stand the test of a searching criticism.<br />

His method is vitiated by a threefold confusion. First, there is the<br />

confusion, of which I shall have occasion to speak hereafter (p. 291),<br />

between various forms or recensions of the epistles and various readings<br />

in particular passages. Secondly, there is a studied attempt to confound<br />

together the evidence for the Vossian letters and for the epistles<br />

of the Long Recension, as if the external testimony in the two cases<br />

stood on the same level. This confusion I have already discussed at<br />

1<br />

In the Contemporary Revieiv, Feb. curtness in the style, but the epistles<br />

1875, p. 346, I placed the author of read more consecutively, without faults<br />

Supernatural Religion in the same cate- of construction or grammar, and passages<br />

gory with Volkmar, as ' assuming the which in the Greek text were confused<br />

priority of the Curetonian letters.' I did and almost unintelligible have become<br />

so on the strength of such passages as quite clear in the Syriac. The interpolathis<br />

(.S".<br />

i. I. p. 262sq); ' Those who still tions in the text in fact had been so<br />

maintain the superior authenticity of the clumsily made that they had obscured<br />

Greek Shorter version argue that the the meaning,' with much more to the<br />

Syriac is an epitome of the Greek. This same effect. I am still at a loss to underdoes<br />

not however seem tenable when the stand what other sense could be assigned<br />

matter is carefully examined. Although to these words ;<br />

but the author (6". R. i.<br />

so much is absent from the Syriac ver- p. xlv, ed. 6) repudiates my interpretasion,<br />

not only is there no interruption of tion of his language,<br />

the sense and no obscurity or undue

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