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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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additional portions of these three, were forgeries. He was at once<br />

attacked by a writer in the English Review (no. viii, July 1845), since<br />

known to be Dr Chr. Wordsworth, afterwards bishop of Lincoln, but at<br />

that time a fellow Canon with Cureton at Westminster. Wordsworth<br />

maintained (p. 348) that this Syriac version was 'a miserable epitome<br />

made by an Eutychian heretic,' and that ' so far from invalidating the<br />

claim of the Greek text to be received as the genuine language of<br />

Ignatius, it does in fact... greatly corroborate and confirm it.' The<br />

gauntlet thus thrown down was taken up at once by Cureton. In<br />

his<br />

Vindiciae Ignatianae (London 1846) he defended his position against<br />

his anonymous assailant, and more especially vindicated the Syriac<br />

epistles 'from the charge of heresy'; and, having meanv/hile discovered<br />

a third MS, likewise in the British Museum, he published three years later<br />

his most complete work on the subject, the Corpus Ignatia7itim (London<br />

1849), in which he discusses the whole question at length and gives,<br />

'<br />

in the words of the title-page, a complete collection of the Ignatian<br />

Epistles, genuine, interpolated, and spurious, together with numerous<br />

extracts from them, as quoted by<br />

tenth century in Syriac, Greek, and Latin ;<br />

ecclesiastical writers down to the<br />

an English translation of the<br />

Syriac text, copious notes, and introduction.'<br />

Meanwhile the subject had been taken up by other combatants on<br />

both sides, and the fray became general. Among the earliest and<br />

staunchest allies of Cureton, was the Chevalier (afterwards Baron)<br />

Bunsen, who defended his position in two several works published at<br />

the same time (Hamburg 1847), Die drei dchten u. die vier tmdchten<br />

Brief e dcs Ignatius von Antiochien and Ignatius von Antiochien u. seine<br />

Zeit. The former work contains the text of the epistles in the<br />

several recensions and is dedicated to Lachmann ;<br />

the later discusses<br />

the main question in seven letters addressed to Neander. On the same<br />

side also were ranged A. Ritschl {Enistehung der altkatholischen Kirche<br />

ed. I, 1850; ed. 2, 1857), Weiss (Reuter's Repertorium 1852, p. 169<br />

sq), R. h. Lipsius in two several tracts [Ueber die Aechtheit der<br />

syrischen Recension der ignatianischen Briefe in the Zeitschrift f. die<br />

historische Thcologie 1856, i. p. 3 sq; Ueber das Verhdltniss des Textes<br />

der drei syrischen Briefe des Ignatios zu den Ubrigen<br />

Recensionei der<br />

ig7iatianischen Literatur in Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes<br />

1859, 1. p. i sq), Pressens^ {Trois Premiers Siecles 11. p. 392 sq,<br />

1858), Ewald {Gesch. d. Volkes Israel vii. p. 281 sq, 1859), Milman<br />

{Hist, of Christianity 11. p. 102, ed. 2, 1863), Bohringer {Kirchengesch.<br />

in Biographieen i. p. 16 sq, ed. 2, 1864) and (though less definitely)<br />

Bleek {Ei)il. in das Neue Test. 1862, p. 142), with others. The opposition

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