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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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(iii) It is further urged by Zahn, that the Ignatian interpolator, though in his<br />

forged letters he plagiarizes from the passage of the Epistle to the Romans quoted by<br />

Eusebius, yet betrays no knowledge of this epistle outside the historian's quotation<br />

(see I.v.A. pp. 128, 161); and naturally he lays great stress on this supposed fact {Ign.<br />

Ep. p. vii). But can this statement be sustained Is not the opening of the Tarsian<br />

Epistle iKKXrjalg. d^iewaivu) Kal a^LOfj-v-qfioveiiTi^ Kal d^i.ayaTrrjT(i) palpably suggested by<br />

the opening of the Roman Epistle, where, and where alone, there is a similar accumulation<br />

of words compounded of d^ios, and in which also occurs the solitary instance of<br />

the rare word d^iiTraiuos in the genuine Ignatius Again, the opening of /gn. Mar.<br />

Tjj rj\€7]iJ.ivT[i X'^P'-''''-<br />

©EoO irarpbs v^iarov Kal KvfAov'I. X....d^to^^y...Mapi'y nXelcxTa iu<br />

Oeoj xo-ipeiv more closely resembles other parts of this same passage than anything else<br />

in the genuine Ignatius. Again in /gn. Mar. 1 the expression ovai/j-rju tCiv deivwv rwv<br />

ifiol 7]T0i/j.a(T/j.ivuif is adapted, as Zahn points out, from a passage in J^om. 5, which is<br />

quoted by Eusebius. But there is one strong reason for believing nevertheless that it<br />

was not taken from the historian. In Eusebius the reading is ruv i^ol irol/Muv without<br />

any variation ;<br />

while in the independent texts of the Roman Epistle it is twi> ifiol<br />

ijToifJiaafi^vuv, as quoted in Ign. Mar. 2, likewise without any variation. Again Tars.<br />

10 Trpoaeijxeffde iva 'Irjffov eTrtrtv^w has its closest resemblance in jRom. 8 alrriaaade wepl<br />

ifjLoO IVa iviT^x'^ (the phrase iva 'Itjo-ov Xptcrrov iwiTiJXt^ occurring twice in § 5 of this<br />

same epistle), though parallels may likewise be found in Magii. 14, Siiiyrn. 11, and<br />

elsewhere.<br />

(iv) Lastly; Zahn {Ign. Ep. p. vii) sees a confirmation of his view in the<br />

phenomena of the MSS '<br />

;<br />

Soli epistulae ad Ephesios, quippe quae ultimo loco ab ipso<br />

interpolatore posita sit, dix.-r]v subscriptum est tamquam clausula totius collectionis (p.<br />

288, 17).' This seems to be a mistake. The cni.-i]v is not the concluding word but is<br />

part of the letter itself, djoiT/j' t) xdpis (see below, 111. p. 266), and was quoted as such by<br />

Anastasius of Antioch (see above, p. 204). It occurs moreover in exactly the same<br />

position in the Epistle to Polycarp (see iii. p. 232) and there is even some<br />

; ground<br />

for surmising that it may have stood originally in the genuine Ignatius in both these<br />

places (ill. p. 266). But Zahn continues; 'Atque in codice Vaticano 859 [g.^] qui<br />

reliquis epistulis omnibus subscripsit to\} ayiov lepoixaprvpos 'lyvariov eTrto-xoXr Trpbs<br />

'AvTioxfts, irpbs "Upwa, k.t.X., sive addito sive omisso epistulae numero, epistulae<br />

ad Romanos prorsus singularis subjuncta est epigraphe, toO dy. iepofj.. Iyi/. irarpidpxov<br />

QeoO TriXews cwTioxdas iiruTToXTj Trpbs pu/xaiovs t^'.'<br />

This is true likewise of our other<br />

chief MSS (gi g4). But Zahn has omitted to observe that a corresponding elaborate<br />

title (inserting however in this case not Ko.rpidpxov QeovirdXews but apxt-ewiffKbirov<br />

QeovwoXeus) is also placed at the head of the Letter to Mary, the first in the collection<br />

of epistles ascribed to Ignatius, as the Letter to the Romans is the last, in these MSS<br />

gi gg (comp. also g4). Thus the more elaborate superscription and subscription bind<br />

the whole collection together and the<br />

; phenomena, so far from showing that the last<br />

letter was originally separate, establish its close connexion with the rest. The<br />

only inference that we can draw from these facts is, that the parent MS from which our<br />

existing MSS (at least gj gog4) were derived was not written before the age of Justinian<br />

(a.d. 538), when Antioch acquired the name of Theopolis.

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