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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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likewise the arbitrary changes, even where this reason did not exist (e.g. § 7 irpori-<br />

outw diaKe'.adai. for<br />

fiare for eTridv/uLeire), are altogether after his manner (e.g. Trail. 3<br />

ovTus ^x^')' Again the breaking up and recombining of sentences, such as we have<br />

in § 3 6 x/)t(maj't(r/x6s Srav ixKTTJrai virb Kdcr/nov, ^tXetrat Trapd Qeov, is a device in which<br />

the interpolator indulges elsewhere (e.g. Trail. 3, 4, ovx ws dTrio-xoXos Siaraffffo/xat,<br />

dXX' i/^avrbv /lerpw, Ephcs. 10 kav ti^ ifkiov ddiKTidels irXeiova vTrofxeivr], ovtos fiaKapios<br />

/C.T.X.).<br />

(7) The doctrinal changes are not less decisive than the literary. More especially<br />

in the Christological passages can we trace the identity of authorship. There is the<br />

same anxiety to maintain the supremacy of the Father and to represent the agency of the<br />

Son as dependent on the Father, which we find in the other epistles and this anxiety<br />

;<br />

expresses itself in the same way. In inscr. alone four changes are made, all tending<br />

in this direction. In the sentence Trarpb^ v^plarov Kal'lrjaoO Xpiarov tov fibvov viou avrou,<br />

he prefixes Qeov to Trarpos and substitutes (xovoyevovs for /Jidvov (comp. /gn. Mar. inscr.,<br />

Hero inscr,, Smyrn. inscr., Ephes. 20), the word novoyevTjs being a specially favourite term<br />

with the Ignatian interpolator (see above, p. 255). In 'Itjctov Xpiarov rod Qeov rj/xuv he<br />

adds Kal aujTTjpos after Qeov to break its force, this term auiryp again being introduced<br />

elsewhere in the interpolations (e.g. Ephes. inscr.. Trail. 1).<br />

For Tijo-ou Xpiarov<br />

v'lQv Trarpos he substitutes GeoC TravroKparopos Kai'lTjeov Xpiarov rov v'lov avrov, where<br />

(as I have already remarked) iravroKpa.rup is a favourite term of the interpolator.<br />

And lastly, for iv 'Iriaov Xpiari^ toi avrriv iwiaKoin-^aei, apparently to avoid the<br />

inferential identification of Geos with 'Irjaovs Xpiarbs. So too the introduction of the<br />

Spirit, where the other two Persons of the Trinity are mentioned together in the<br />

genuine Ignatius (inscr., § 8), is characteristic of the Ignatian forger (e.g. Trail. 1,<br />

Philad. 9, II, Smy-n. 13). In the former passage xP'-'^tovohos, Trarpwvv/xos, irvev/uLaro-<br />

(f>6po%, the word Trvev/jiarocpopos (like the allied word xpioro^dpos) is not only, as I have<br />

already remarked, a special favourite of the Ignatian forger, but has likewise been<br />

introduced by him in another passage under similar circumstances and from the same<br />

motive {Ephes. 9).<br />

Thus the doctrinal manipulations are equally significant with the<br />

literary and altogether<br />

it is inconceivable that an independent writer should have<br />

;<br />

introduced into this separate letter so many and various changes all so closely resembling<br />

in character the interpolations with which the Ignatian forger<br />

the other six.<br />

has enriched

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