apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Him whom I know, who is the cause of my generation (tov t^s e/a^s ycvvT^o-cws<br />

air Lov) .. .{or I live by reason of the Father (Sta tov Trarepa)'.' But<br />

in the first place, the vtrtpo-yr] of the Father is maintained by the most<br />

orthodox writers (see Cotelier Pair. Apost. ii. p. 86), and indeed, when<br />

rightly understood, is a necessary element of the Catholic doctrine of<br />

the Trinity (see Bull Defens. Fid. Nicen. Sect, iv 'De subordinatione<br />

Filii') ;<br />

and secondly, the worship here mentioned is directly connected<br />

with the temptation, and therefore with the humanity of Christ. Nor<br />

kol tov<br />

again is the expression in Trail. 5, tov re Trvcv/Aaros Tjyv vif/TjXoTrjTa<br />

Kvpiov TTJv /ao"tA.etav kol Ittl Tracn to toC iravTOKparopos ©eou aTrapdOeTOV,<br />

incapable of an orthodox interpretation.<br />

On the other hand there are not wanting passages which seem to<br />

indicate the writer as an adherent of the Nicene doctrine, (i) If he<br />

avoids the word oVoovo-to, he uses o/xoVt/xos instead. In Philipp. 2,<br />

speaking of the baptismal formula (Matt, xxviii. 19), he says that<br />

baptism is enjoined 'not into One with three names nor into Three<br />

incarnates, but into Three equal in honour (ofioTt/xovs).' It is difficult to<br />

interpret this otherwise than as a virtual acknowledgment of the Nicene<br />

doctrine, especially when we compare it with such passages as Athan.<br />

Expos. Fid. I {Op.<br />

I. p. 79), where he calls the Son tjV dXr]6LV7jv<br />

(LKova tou TTttTpos laoTifjiov KOL 1(t6So$ov, or Greg. Naz. Oral. 31 § 12<br />

(Op. I. p. 563), where this father speaks of t6 iv toU Tpia-lv o/xo'ti/aov Ti]

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