apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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natural consequence of the addition of the Acts of Martyrdom at the<br />

end of all the epistles; for, as the Epistle to the Romans was already<br />

incorporated in these Acts, its removal from an earlier place in the collection<br />

followed as a matter of course. Whether the addition of these<br />

Acts and the consequent displacement of the Epistle to the Romans<br />

took place simultaneously with the attachment of the Additional Epistles<br />

or not, may be an open question. In the Armenian collection the<br />

Epistle to the Romans has not been displaced— the Acts of Martyrdom<br />

not having been attached to this collection; and the Additional Epistles<br />

therefore stand by themselves, as an appendix. On the other hand<br />

they do not, as in the Greek and Latin collection, occur in the same<br />

order as in the Long Recension. A principle however is discernible in<br />

the arrangement. The Epistle to the Antiochenes, as being addressed<br />

to Ignatius' own church, stands first; and the five remaining letters are<br />

arranged in a chronological sequence. But the main inference from<br />

both collections is the same. In each case a person, possessing the<br />

Seven Epistles of the Middle Form, comes across a copy of the Long<br />

Recension which contains thirteen epistles, and he sets himself to supply<br />

the apparent defect in his own collection. This he does by picking out<br />

the missing epistles from the recension which had thus accidentally<br />

fallen into his hands and adding them to his own copy.<br />

Thus the evidence of the mss confirms the result of the examination<br />

of the Additional Epistles themselves and assigns them to the same<br />

pen which interpolated the Seven Epistles, or in other words to the<br />

Recension. Of five out of the six this seems to be<br />

author of the Long<br />

absolutely certain.<br />

But respecting the remaining one — the Epistle to the<br />

— Philippians some doubt has been entertained. It is<br />

wanting in the<br />

Latin and Greek' copies of the Middle Recension, and it stands last in<br />

the Armenian collection of the same. Again it is thought to be<br />

deficient in external evidence as compared with the other Additional<br />

Letters. For these reasons there is at least a presumption that it<br />

was written later than the other five and by a different hand. This<br />

suspicion moreover has been thought to be confirmed by the style of<br />

the epistle,<br />

in which distinctive peculiarities have been discerned ^<br />

^<br />

Though the existing Greek MS (the<br />

fair confidence to say that they agreed in<br />

Medicean) of this collection is imper- omitting this epistle,<br />

feet at the end, so that the part which<br />

-<br />

The Epistle to the Philippians was<br />

ought to contain the Epistle to Philip- assigned to a different author from the<br />

plans is wanting, yet the close resemblance other forged epistles by Ussher (pp. Ixxix,<br />

of this MS to the MSS of the Latin Version cxxviii) and this view is<br />

; apparently<br />

in all the main features enables us with Cureton's, C. I. pp. 338, 341.

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