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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Florence, which promised to supply the deficiency {Polyc. et Ign. Ep. p.<br />

xxvi, App. Ign. praef.), but had not succeeded in getting a transcript.<br />

The discovery however was not long delayed. Two years after the<br />

appearance of Ussher's work, Isaac Voss (Amstel. 1646) published six<br />

out of the seven epistles of the Middle Recension from this Florentine<br />

MS; while the absence of the seventh— the Epistle to the Romans—<br />

was easily accounted for by the fact that the MS was imperfect<br />

at the end, so that this epistle (as in the corresponding Latin) must<br />

have been incorporated in the Acts of Martyrdom of the saint, with<br />

which the volume would close, and both together must have disappeared<br />

with the missing sheets. About half a century later the missing<br />

Greek Acts of Ignatius with the incorporated Epistle to the Romans<br />

were discovered in a ms belonging to the Colbert collection {see above,<br />

p. 75), and published by Ruinart (Paris a.d. 1689) in his Ada Martyriwi<br />

Sincera. Thus the Greek text of the seven epistles of the<br />

Middle Recension was completed.<br />

By Ussher's labours the question between the Long and the Middle<br />

Recension was— or ought<br />

— to have been set at rest for ever'. Yet<br />

notwithstanding the cogency of the evidence critics have boldly stepped<br />

forward from time to time and endeavoured to reinstate the shattered<br />

idol. Whiston early in the last century (a. d. 171 i),<br />

Meier" towards the<br />

middle of the present (a.d. 1836), have led this more than forlorn hope,<br />

and probably the succession will be kept up at long intervals till the end<br />

of time. Such critical eccentricities form a curious study in Hterary<br />

history, but do not need any serious refutation.<br />

But before we finally dismiss the Long Recension two points deserve<br />

consideration. First. The question has been treated hitherto almost<br />

entirely in reference to the Seven Epistles which occur in both the Long<br />

and the Middle Recension. Little has been said, except incidentally, of<br />

the five or (including the letter of Mary of Cassobola to Ignatius) the six<br />

Ign. Mar. 4. Though Turrianus praises was not a professional critic however,<br />

the Medicean ms for its correctness, he there is no reason to suppose that he did<br />

failed to see that it contained the key to so from deliberate preference. About the<br />

the solution of the Ignatian question. same time Morinus [Comment, de Sacr.<br />

^<br />

It took some little time however £cc/. 6>ra'm. Par. iii. p. 45 sq, Paris 1655,<br />

before the results of Ussher's labours quoted by Cureton C. I p. xiv) defends<br />

were generally accepted. Thus Jeremy the Long<br />

Recension. In Suicer's The-<br />

Taylor in his Doctrine and Practice of saurus (ed. i, 1682; ed. 2, 1728)<br />

it is<br />

Repentance [Works ix. p. 94), published still<br />

quoted as if authentic,<br />

ten years after the appearance of ^<br />

Ussher's<br />

Theolog. Stztdien u. Kritiken 1836,<br />

edition, still quotes the Epistle to the Mag- p. 340.<br />

nesians from the Long Recension. As he

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