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to Polycarp*. He failed to perceive that Jerome, having<br />

no direct<br />

knowledge of the Ignatian Epistles, went wrong from sheer ignorance.<br />

The objections from the internal character of the epistle, which Ussher<br />

quotes from Vedelius {App. Ign. I.e.), have no force; and indeed the<br />

Epistle to Polycarp, being substantially the same in all the three recensions,<br />

is the best standard and the safest test of the style of S. Ignatius.<br />

This part of Ussher's theory was almost universally rejected, as it deserved<br />

to be; but his main argument was irrefragable, and those who<br />

Recension have beaten<br />

have since attempted to reinstate the Long<br />

their heads against a stone wall.<br />

As yet however the original Greek of the Middle Recension was not<br />

forthcoming. Ussher had heard of a MS in the Medicean Library^ at<br />

'<br />

was also drawn into this controversy : [misprinted Aiyj*!};] esse,' a reference to<br />

^<br />

Pearson, in refuting Ussher's objections<br />

and Ussher and Pearson each endeamarks,<br />

[Vind. Ign. p. 50 sq), justly revoured<br />

in accordance with his owti theory<br />

'Neque enim Hieronymum hie to find some reason in the intrinsic contents<br />

imprimis spectandum esse puto, neque<br />

of the epistle why the end should<br />

Eusebium ex Hieronymo interpreter, be omitted (Ussher p. cxxviii, Pearson<br />

sed, uti par est, Hieronymum ex Eusebio p. 59).<br />

The simple solution seems to<br />

ex quo sua transtulit.' He shows conclusively<br />

be that the Greek MS which the trans-<br />

that Eusebius speaks of seven lator used was defective here, probably<br />

epistles ; but he is less happy in his by the loss of a leaf. The Latin Version<br />

attempt to impose the same meaning on<br />

elsewhere (e.g. in the superscription<br />

Jerome. This he does by means of a of this Epistle to Polycarp) exhibits<br />

parenthesis a solution which Casaubon traces of indistinctness or mutilation in<br />

had suggested<br />

— 'Scripsit...ad Smyrnaeos copy from which it was made. Thus<br />

(et proprie ad Polycarpum commendans the fact has no bearing on this controversy.<br />

illi Antiochensem ecclesiam) in qua et<br />

de evangelic etc' Ussher had laid some<br />

^<br />

Ussher was probably put on the scent<br />

stress on the fact that Honorius of Augustodunum<br />

of the Medicean MS by the Ignatian<br />

(dc Script. Eccl. 17, Migne's quotations in Turrianus whom he men-<br />

Patrol. CLXXII. p. 199) omits all mention<br />

tions. I have observed the following<br />

of the Epistle to Polycarp. To this quotations from the Medicean MS in this<br />

Pearson replies that Honorius is no independent<br />

writer; Adv. Magd. Cent. pro Can. Apost.<br />

or trastworthy authority, as he (Coloniae 1573) iv. 5 (p. 433) 'Credite<br />

derives all his information from Jerome in dilectione' from Philad. 9; ib. iv. 7<br />

and very frequently perverts or misunderstands<br />

(p. 442) 'Sic fides est avar^iji'^evs rj/xuv...<br />

him (p. 54). On the other hand Dilectio vero est odbs t) dvacpipovaa els<br />

he quotes Nicephorus {H. E. iii.<br />

19), de6v\ from Ephes. 9. This latter quotation<br />

who rightly interprets Eusebius, koI<br />

is given likewise in Dogmat. de<br />

X/j-upvaiois dWrjv Staxaparret, Kal avri^ Justif. fol. 38 a (Romae 1557). Va.Adv.<br />

5i idiq. Tip wpo^dpu} ravTTjs UoKvKapTnp Magd. Cent. etc. ii. 10 (p. 203) the MS is<br />

eripav iw^ffreWe. The fact that the mentioned by name ;<br />

Hoc solum admonere<br />

Latin version of this epistle in the Long<br />

volui, in exemplari vetustissimo<br />

Recension ends abruptly (§ 3 'propter et emendatissimo bibliothecae Mediceae<br />

nos ut hominem'; see above, p. 133) Florentinae, non 'AvaKXrp-if) sed Arji/tp

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