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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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'•^<br />

The<br />


pretation of his meaning. In one of his sermons this father writes as<br />

follows ' :<br />

'<br />

Therefore, dearly beloved, give ye glory, and bear Christ meanwhile<br />

in your body, a delightful load, a pleasant weight, a wholesome<br />

burden... That great Ignatius, the scholar of the disciple whom Jesus<br />

loved, our martyr with whose precious reliques our poverty hath been<br />

enriched, saluteth a certain^ Mary in several epistles^ which he wrote<br />

to her, as Christ-hearer. Truly an exceptional title of dignity and a<br />

commendation of exceeding honour. For the carrying of Him,<br />

to be<br />

whose slave is to be a king, is not onerous, but honorable... Happy<br />

the man who shall have so borne Christ as to deserve to be introduced<br />

into the holy city by the Holy One of all.'<br />

'<br />

In Psabii. xc Serni. vii. § 3, 4 (11.<br />

p. 124, Venet. \']i(i) 'Glorificate itaque,<br />

dilectissimi, et portate interim Christum<br />

in corpora vestro, onus delectabile, suave<br />

pondus, sarcinam salutarem.... Magnus ille<br />

Ignatius, discipuli quem diligebat Jesus<br />

auditor, martyr noster, cujus pretiosis<br />

reliquiis nostra ditata est paupertas,<br />

Mariam quandam in pluribus quas ad<br />

eam scripsit epistolis, Christiferam consalutat.<br />

Egregius plane titulus dignitatis<br />

et commendatio hionoris immensi.<br />

Nempe cui servire regnare est, gestare<br />

hunc, non onerari est, sed honorari,...<br />

Felix qui sic tulerit Christum, ut a sancto<br />

sanctorum in sanctam civitatem mereatur<br />

induci. '<br />

word qiiandain was doubtless<br />

omitted by transcribers acquainted with<br />

the letter to the Virgin, but ignorant of<br />

the letter to Mary of Cassobola. To<br />

such the expression would appear out of<br />

place. In some instances qiiidein is substituted<br />

for quandam with the same view,<br />

as in Lattr. xxiii. 20. Internal probability<br />

and external evidence alike show<br />

that quandam is correct. The passage of<br />

S. Bernard sometimes accompanies the<br />

Correspondence in the mss, for the purpose<br />

of recommending it to the reader ;<br />

e.g. Magd. 76, Law. xxiii. 20.<br />

^<br />

The expression 'pluribus Uteris' must<br />

be set down to an error on S. Bernard's<br />

part. He may have got the idea of<br />

'several letters' in either of two ways<br />

—<br />

from a lapse of memory which substituted<br />

a second letter<br />

from Ignatius to Mary of<br />

Cassobola for the letter from Mary of<br />

Cassobola to Ignatius, or from a confusion<br />

which combined the two letters to the<br />

two Maries, each<br />

'<br />

designated Christifera,'<br />

and supposed them both addressed to<br />

Mary of Cassobola. This latter hypothesis<br />

however supposes him to have had<br />

a superficial acquaintance with the letter<br />

to the Virgin, which seems improbable;<br />

and the former therefore is to be preferred.<br />

The extant Clairvaux MS (see<br />

above p. 127), though early, does not<br />

contain the correspondence with the<br />

Virgin and S. John. Can it be that the<br />

'pretiosae reliquiae,' to which S. Bernard<br />

refers, were the literary remains of<br />

Ignatius with which the library had<br />

recently been enriched <br />

If any one doubts whether such a<br />

mistake as I attribute to S. Bernard be<br />

possible, he may be convinced by finding<br />

that it is actually made by the editor of<br />

a standard edition of S. Bernard's works<br />

(Venet. 1726), who maintains that his<br />

author is not speaking of the Virgin,<br />

sed de alia quadam, nempe Cassabolita<br />

'<br />

seu Castabolita, ad quam duae extant<br />

epistolae sancto<br />

Ignatio martyri adscriptae,<br />

in quibus Christifera salutatur.'

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