apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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'<br />

is a sloping uncial of a period at least as early as the ninth century.' So far as<br />

regards the Ignatian fragments, its contents are nearly identical with those of the<br />

Vatican MS. I have not therefore thought it necessary to print them separately; but<br />

have contented myself with supplying in brackets the few sentences which are wanting<br />

in Lequien's reproduction of the Vatican MS and giving for the rest a collation of<br />

the various readings oi Far. Reg, 923 at the foot of each passage. In my apparatus<br />

criticus the readings of the Paris MS are not recorded as distinct from those of the<br />

Vatican, except where they vary or where there is some other good reason for recording<br />

them. In my first edition I made use of Lequien's second edition (Venet. 1748),<br />

in which the Greek headings to the Ignatian fragments were omitted. I have now<br />

restored them from his earlier edition (Paris, 17 12).<br />

(B) The Parallela Rupefucaldina were taken by Lequien from a MS which once,<br />

as the name implies, belonged to Card. Rochefoucauld. This is the same MS from<br />

which Cotelier quotes some Ignatian fragments, designating<br />

it Claromontamis. It<br />

was supposed to be lost, but Rendel Harris discovered and identified it in the Middlehill<br />

collection {Phillips \\e^o<br />

= Meer)nan 94). On fol. i it has a colophon which gives<br />

its previous history ;<br />

ex dono emi-<br />

'<br />

Collegii Claromontani Parisiensis Societal. Jesu<br />

nentiss. Cardinal. Rupefucaldi. ' In the Caial. Cod. MSS Coll. Claroviotitani it is<br />

numbered 150. A description of this MS will be found in Harris's Fragments of Fhilo<br />

pp. X sq, XX sq. Harris has likewise given a collation of the Ignatian fragments<br />

{Ignatiana p. 93 sq), adding two or three which are omitted by Lequien. He points<br />

out also that Lequien 'very seldom reprinted an extract which he had already given<br />

under the Vatican Parallels.' Some of Lequien's errors are important. Thus, where<br />

Lequien (p. 789) has irphs 'E^ecrlous as the heading of a quotation from Magn. 4, the<br />

Rts gives the name of the Epistle correctly. In the present edition I have followed<br />

Harris's corrections of Lequien for these fragments, as I have had no opportunity of<br />

consulting the MS myself.<br />

In the Vatican extracts use is made of the Long Recension (e.g. Fs-Trall. 4 kS.v<br />

ippu}fjt.4voi w K.T.X.), as well as of the Middle Form (the genuine Ignatius).<br />

In the Rochefoiicaitld<br />

extracts on the other hand, though the collector quotes the spurious Epistle<br />

to the Antiochenes, there is no distinct example of the use of the interpolated epistles.<br />

In some cases indeed his quotations coincide with the text of the Long Recension<br />

(e.g. Ephes. 11 iv rep vxiv ^iijp, see II.<br />

p. 61; Polyc. 6 Trpea^vTepiij));<br />

but these are<br />

questions of reading, not of recension. The same may perhaps be said of Trail. 4<br />

6 apxuf rod alQjvos tovtov 5ta/3oXoy, as Harris maintains (p. 95 sq). It would seem<br />

therefore that the collector of the Rochefoucauld extracts used a MS, in which the<br />

spurious epistles were attached to the seven genuine letters in their uninterpolated<br />

form, as we find them in GL. Harris indeed has objected (p. 96) to this statement<br />

of mine. He writes :<br />

'<br />

I have shown reason to believe that the passage Fs-Trall. 4 is<br />

quoted in all three recensions of Parallels [Vat., Reg., Rtipef.}; and therefore, as far<br />

as it is concerned, they all quote from the Long Form or some other, and no distinction<br />

is to be made between the recensions etc' Here he has apparently fallen into<br />

a confusion between two passages quoted in these Parallels from Trail. 4. The<br />

one, XPV^^ K.T.X., appears in all the sets of Parallels, as he has shown, though<br />

not recorded in Rupcf. by Lequien. It is evident from his context that he is referring<br />

to this passage. The other, ko.v ippu^^vos u, he has nowhere shown, so far as I<br />

can discover, to be in Rupef. Yet this is not found in any but the Long Recension<br />

of the Ignatian Epistles. It was to this latter that I mainly referred. Further<br />

it is

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