apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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42.<br />

Gregory the Great [a.d. 594 or 595].<br />

Epist. V. 39, ad Anastasium Afitiochenutn, Op. vii. p. 520 {Veiet. 1770).<br />

Anmi Gratia. Quae videlicet verba de scriptis vestris accepta,<br />

idcirco in meis epistolis pono, ut de sancto Ignatio vestra beatitudo<br />

cognoscat quia non solum vester est, sed etiam noster. Sicut enim<br />

magistrum ejus apostolorum principem habemus communem, ita quoque<br />

ejusdem principis discipulum nuUus nostrum habeat privatum.<br />

The words,<br />

'<br />

Ajxriv t) x'^P'-^t appear now only in Ps-Polyc. 8 and Ps-Ephcs. 21 ;<br />

but<br />

there are reasons for thinking that they may at one time have been found in the text<br />

of the genuine Ignatius (see in. p. 266). If however this Anastasius was the writer of<br />

the work quoted just above, he must have been acquainted with the spurious epistles.<br />

On Gregory's quotation see above, i. p. 125 sq.<br />

43-<br />

Leontius of Byzantium [<br />

c. a.d. 600].<br />

De Sectis Actio iii. i<br />

(Galland. Bibl. Vet. Patr. xii. p. 633).<br />

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