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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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additional epistles to the Armenian translator. But, if this was so, and if (as Merx<br />

maintains) it comprised the seven epistles as well, why should the Armenian<br />

translator have deserted it in part of his work and have had recourse (as Merx<br />

Curetonian '— for these seven epistles<br />

<br />

—<br />

supposes) to another Syriac Version the<br />

'<br />

Moreover it is now ascertained (see above, p. 192) that the very quotations. Trail,<br />

5, Magn. 8, 9 (in Land's Anecd. Syr. p. 32 sq), which Merx assigned to this third<br />

version, because they did not agree with the quotations of Severus, and which convinced<br />

him that this version must have comprised the seven epistles also {Zeitsch. f.<br />

Wissensch. Theol. 1.<br />

c), are taken from a work of this very Severus himself.<br />

Thus of the three translations, which Merx supposes, the first alone remains.<br />

Whether it originally included the spurious epistles (in addition to the seven Vossian<br />

letters) or whether these were a later addition, may be a matter of question.<br />

I have dealt with this theory at some length, because I wished to dispose of it once<br />

for all and to prevent the necessity of referring to it again. The question of the Ignatian<br />

writings is so intricate in itself that unless pains are taken to it<br />

disengage from<br />

artificial entanglements which critics have created, it will become hopelessly involved.<br />

Moreover it seemed necessary to protest against the vicious principle<br />

— which underlies<br />

so much recent criticism— of multiplying documents to account for accidental differences<br />

of language in quotations. [This note was written some time before the appearance<br />

of Zahn's Ignatius v. Antiochien, in which he has discussed (p. 174 sq) the theory<br />

of Merx to the same effect.]<br />

35-<br />

Ephraem of Antioch [t<br />

c. A.D, 545].<br />

(i) Episi. ad Zenobium, Photii Bibliotheca 228 (p. 246).<br />

Onep ovu eip'qTai, /caret to rpiTov Ked\aLou<br />

e/c re tcou<br />

evayy€XiKO)v (fxovoJu kol ek t(ov diroaToXiKcov, /cat St)<br />

Kat e/c<br />

ToJu fxaKapiiov TtaTepoiV t^ixcou, ^lypariov tov Seoipopov Koi<br />

lovXiov /cat ^AdavacTLOv /cat<br />

TpyjyopCcov Kat BacrtXetou,<br />

oteXey^et Tovq Svorcre/^ei^, w tcl)v rj dpdpoiv )(prjcrL

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