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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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fragments, Hero i (see lll. p. 102), and Tats. 2 (see above, p. 198).<br />

And from it the<br />

Armenian translator got the additional epistles. In his Meleteniata Merx did not say<br />

whether this version was confined to these five additional epistles or contained the<br />

seven also. But on the appearance of Land's Anecdota Syriaca, containing some<br />

hitherto unpublished fragments (see above, p. 190 sq), he was convinced that these<br />

also belonged to his third version [Zeilschi: fiir IViss. TJieol. 1. c). Thus he supposes<br />

three distinct translations of the seven epistles into Syriac.<br />

We are constrained to ask whether the demand for the Ignatian letters<br />

among native Syrians was likely to have been so great as this hypothesis requires.<br />

But, independently of the a priori improbability, this theory of a second and third<br />

translation involves strange difficulties of which Merx takes no account, (i) The<br />

hyi:)othesis of a Severian Syriac is based on the fact that the quotations in Severus do<br />

not agree with the 'Curetonian.' Yet as Severus wrote in Greek, and not in Syriac,<br />

it would be most improbable that th.ey should agree. The translator or translators of<br />

the works of Severus would be much more likely to have translated the Ignatian<br />

quotations bodily with the text of Severus than to have hunted them out in an existing<br />

Syriac Version. At all events, if they do not agree with the only Syriac Version of<br />

which we have any knowledge, it is a safe inference that they did so translate them.<br />

Merx again lays some stress on the fact ('gravissimum est') that the quotations of<br />

Severus agree with those of Timotheus (p. 55). If they had agreed to any remarkable<br />

extent, this would be a solid argimient in favour of their having been taken from a common<br />

source, i.e. from a Syriac Version accessible to the translators of both. But even<br />

then we should have to remember: (a)<br />

That the agreement might arise from the fact that<br />

both followed the Greek closely ; (/3) That, as these translations were apparently made<br />

in the Monophysite interests and probably under the same influences and about the<br />

same time, the very expressions in the more striking quotations might be transmitted<br />

from the one translation to the other. But in fact the only quotations which the<br />

two have in common are Ro7n. 6 and Magn. 8. (i) The first of these extends only to<br />

nine words, iiriTpiyf/aTi fioi fiiix-qTriv elvai rov irdOovs rov Qeov yuou. It is twice quoted<br />

in Timotheus and three times in Severus : see pp. 174 sq, 178 sq.<br />

The two quotations<br />

of Timotheus do not exactly agree between themselves, nor do those of Severus<br />

among themselves. But one of Timotheus which is a strictly literal rendering of the<br />

Greek agrees exactly with one of Severas. Why should they not so agree This is<br />

essentially one of those stock quotations of which I spoke, where agreement was<br />

probable. Indeed the only words in which there was room for any real difference are<br />

iTnTpiTreiu and fxt/xriTris, of which the former is translated by its common equivalent in<br />

the Peshito, and the latter by the substantive derived from the verb which represents<br />

fiifielcrdat, fiifj.T]rriv yiv€cr9ai., in that version, (ii)<br />

The second quotation, Magn. 8, is somewhat<br />

longer, though<br />

it does not extend beyond a few lines. Here however Timotheus<br />

and Severus by no means agree. Being literally translated, the passages could not but<br />

coincide in many respects; yet in points of Syriac idiom there are several differences, and<br />

in one part there is a wide divergence, attributable to various readings in the Greek text<br />

of the Ignatian Epistles. Timotheus read X670S di'5ios ovk cltto 0-17^ TrpoeXddiv, whereas<br />

the text of Severus omitted atSios ovk. This difference is<br />

reproduced in the Syriac.<br />

Merx indeed would insert a negative in Severus by reading Jy3 r

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