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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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and dwelt with bodyless spirits, and were out of the flesh even when<br />

in the flesh. Take for me, as a proof of these things, the words of him<br />

who as in reaHty had put on God; For I say ^<br />

noi because I am bound and<br />

am able to understand the heavenly things, and the places of angels, and the<br />

statiotis of principalities, visible, to wit, and ifivisible, from<br />

this am I<br />

already a disciple ; for many things are lacking to us, so that we may not<br />

be lacking of God (<br />

Trail. 5).<br />

Let us therefore, since Christ is our head and master, and not man,<br />

as He says in the Gospels, be prepared for the kingdom of Heaven like<br />

:<br />

the saying of the martyr Ignatius, So that we may not be altogether lacking<br />

of God, to whom praise is meet for ever and ever. Amen.<br />

Brit. Mits. Add. 12159, containing a Syriac version, mutilated in parts, of the<br />

Epithroniaii or Entkroniastk Sernions {^o^ol iiridpovioi. or ivdpoviaffTiKoi) of Severus,<br />

—<br />

so called because they were delivered by him from the patriarchal chair (a.d. 513<br />

518). On the nature of this work see Fabric. Btdt. Graec. X. p. 617, ed. Harles, Mai<br />

Script. Vet. Nov. Coll. ix. p. 725, Assem. Bibl. Orient. I.<br />

pp. 494, 570 sq, Wright's<br />

Catalogiu p. 534 sq.<br />

It is divided into three books, containing Hom. i— 43, 44<br />

— 90,<br />

91 — 125, respectively.<br />

These sermons were twice translated into Syriac (see above p. 25). Large<br />

portions of both versions are extant in the Nitrian Mss of the Vatican and the British<br />

Museum. Our MS contains the later version, made by Jacob of Edessa, A.D. 701,<br />

to whom the note on Hom. 65 is due. The colophon giving the date of the MS is<br />

mutilated, but enough can be deciphered to fix the year of writing<br />

to a.d. 868<br />

(Wright's Catalogue p. 545). On these homilies, delivered in the Church of S. Ignatius<br />

on the day of SS. Basil and Gregory, see above, I. pp. 24 sq, 48, and below, 11. p.<br />

421 sq.<br />

The extracts relating to Ignatius are given and translated by Cureton (C /.<br />

pp. 215 sq, 247 sq).<br />

(5) Epistulae Severi et Juliani.<br />

ca.2'3^\x:99 K'.icn ^o<br />

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