apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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comp.<br />


from this Ignatian passage, and his description of the author will suit any early bishop<br />

of any church.<br />

(3) Horn, tii hi Epist. ad Ephes., Op. xi. p. 19.<br />

oidTT^p hid TLuo^ e\K(iiv fJirj^avrj,<br />

Tr\rjv d\X'<br />

o/x,&Js i(f)6ey^aT0. tl 8e rovro eariv O^Ae<br />

MApXYpiOY AIMA TAYTHN AyNACGAI €2 A A € l'(|)<br />

6 I N THN AMApTIAN<br />

€(f)r]crep<br />

k.t.X.<br />

No name is here mentioned, and the passage does not occur in the genuine Ignatius.<br />

Doubtless S. Chrysostom was referring to some one else. A later John of<br />

Antioch however, belonging apparently to the twelfth century, ascribes this saying to<br />

Ignatius (Cotel. Alan. Ecd. Gtaec. I. p. 176 ry oe iKKKyjaiav Qeou OKavSaKicravTi<br />

ovok iJ.apTvpi.ov alfxa Kara tov deoipopov 'lyi/driov dpKec els '•<br />

avyx'^PV'^'-^ ib. p. 747).<br />

This is<br />

probably a pure assumption. There is<br />

something like the sentiment however<br />

in Hero 2.<br />

{5) Horn, de Legislatore 4, Op. vi. p. 410.<br />

Atct TOVTO yevvax6

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