apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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So again we have such renderings as<br />

IlavXov...fxeixapTvpr]ix€vov 'Pauli...<br />

martyrium consummantis' {Ephes. 12), ov X-qaeraL v/jid<br />

n toJv vorjfxdTaiv<br />

Tov SiajSoXov 'nolite vos vulnerare in ahqua contagione diaboh' {Ephes.<br />

14; did this arise from a confusion with the Latin lacdo^ laesi, the word<br />

being read A-Tjo-ere), ov'Sevds Ao'yoj' TroLovjxai twv Ssivwv 'nuUi iniquorum<br />

istorum facio sermonem' [Tars, i), n-apo^vcriJiov's 'acredines' {Polyc. 2),<br />

and the hke. So too ovaiirrjv<br />

is almost universally translated with an<br />

entire disregard of the mood. In Anf. 1 2, Hero 8, it is rendered 'nutrivi';<br />

in Trail. 13, Magn. 12, Tars. 8, 10, Ant. 14, Ephes. 2, 'adquisivi'; in<br />

Philipp. 15 'adjutus sum'; in Philad. 4 'memor sum'. In one passage<br />

indeed, Rom. 5,<br />

it is correctly rendered 'utinam fruar', but this passage<br />

happens to be given in Latin by Jerome {de Vir. III. 16) after Eusebius,<br />

and the Igna ian translator reproduces Jerome's rendering. With these<br />

instances of blunde ing before us, we may question whether the translator<br />

really had any different reading before him, when we find him giving<br />

'auxiliatrix' for 8ia/3or;roii {Ephes. 8), 'laus, laudabilis' for cvwo-t, rivii>\i.ivr]%<br />

{Magn. iT)^ ^4; comp. ib. i).<br />

Other passages however seem to<br />

show that he used a text which had many corruptions; e.g. 'adjutorium'<br />

((Sor/OeLav for ofio-^OeLav) Polyc. I, 'habui' (etxov for elooi/) Ephes. 2, 'placitum<br />

voluntatis ejus' {^.v^oK-qaet<br />

for ov ZokyJucl) Trail. 9 (comp.<br />

ib. 10<br />

'<br />

voluntarie<br />

complacens '),<br />

'<br />

Christi dimicationem ' {^^Lo-TOfxa-^iav<br />

XpiOTToixaOiav) Philad. 8, 'festino' (a-z.v^op.a.1 for cnrivSofjiaL) Antioch. 8.<br />

These examples will have shov/n that this Latin version is absolutely<br />

worthless for interpretational purposes, and that even its textual value is<br />

limited. Still it was evidently translated from an older form of the<br />

Greek than any preserved in extant Greek mss, and there are not a few<br />

passages in which we are able to correct errors or to supply omissions<br />

by its means (see e.g. iii. pp. 154, 164, 1G6, 174, 201, 242, 269 etc).<br />

The cases are very rare however, in which its value for textual purposes<br />

is affected by variations in the readings of the Latin mss themselves, and<br />

in all such cases the correct Latin reading<br />

is at once determinable without<br />

any elaborate weighing of authorities ; e.g. in Rom. inscr., where the<br />

Latin alternatives are ' fide Christi ' and ' lege Christi ',<br />

and the Greek<br />

and we ;)(picrToji'u/xos y^picTTovoix.o'i, at once reject 'fide Christi', because it<br />

has no connexion with either Greek reading. Under these circumstances<br />

it seemed to me that I should only be wasting time and encumbering<br />

my pages to no purpose, if I attempted to produce a revised text of this<br />

Latin version with its<br />

proper 'apparatus criticus,' and I have been content<br />

to avail myself of the labours of my predecessors (see in. p. 133).<br />


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