apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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All the extant mss of this version, which have been examined, belong<br />

to one family. All omit the latter part of the Epistle to Polycarp,<br />

ending abruptly at the words 'passibilem vero propter nos ut hominem.'<br />

Moreover all reproduce the same errors, which are due to some<br />

blundering scribe or scribes in the course of transmission. Zahn (prsf.<br />

p. xxix) gives the following instances Magn. 3 'A{3eSSaSdv 'Ahab et<br />

:<br />

Dadan' (the proper names however being variously spelt); Philad. 3<br />

tQiv Ka.KQ>v /3oTaviCv acrTtms 'a verbis malis quae' for 'ab herbis malis<br />

quas'; Ephes. 6 opartKov 8e avSpa ' prospectorem autem verum' for<br />

'virum'; Ephes. 10 dXixvpd 'falsa' for 'salsa'; zd. 19 darpa-.-xopos eyevovTo<br />

'sidera corusca facta sunt', where 'corusca' should be 'chorus'.<br />

Within this family, however, we might be tempted to discover two<br />

sub-families; (i) those which have the simple headings {Regiii. 81,<br />

Magdal. 76), and (2) those which agree in<br />

the elaborate headings (the<br />

remaining mss). On this supposition it would be our first impulse to<br />

assign a later archetype to those which have the elaborate headings.<br />

In this instance however the assumption would be wrong. There is no<br />

special analogy between Regin. 81 and Magdal. 76, the former being the<br />

best and the latter one of the worst of the extant mss. Nor would it be<br />

correct to regard the more elaborate headings as an indication of a later<br />

date here, as is<br />

commonly the case. In the heading to Philippians<br />

for instance, *De baptismo' must have been derived immediately from<br />

the Greek Trcpl ^airTLcrixaTos, which is erroneous in itself and probably<br />

originated in a marginal gloss (see in. p. 188).<br />

This version is exceptionally slovenly and betrays gross ignorance<br />

of the Greek language.<br />

Frequently sentences are rendered without any<br />

regard to the grammar of the original.<br />

Two or three examples will<br />

suffice, though they might be multiplied to any extent.<br />

/xt}<br />

ow dvaLo-drjTOL Zjxev Trj \<br />

TOTTjTo avrov. eai' fiLfirja-qrai rjfxa'i nisi nos tentaverit. Secundum au-<br />

KaOa 7rpa(T(rofi€v, ovk €ti<br />

ecr/Aev. tem quod agimus, jam non erimus,<br />

nos miseratus fuerit.<br />

Afagn. 10. nisi ipse<br />

Oavdrov Karccppovrjaav ' fJLLKpov Mortem contempserunt, parum diydp<br />

etTretv vfip^tnv koX TrX-qytZv'<br />

ov<br />

centes esse injurias et plagas et alia<br />

fx.'^v 8e, dXkd Koi fierd to cTrtSei^ai nonnuUa propter ipsum sustinere.<br />

kavTQv K.T.X. Stfiyrn. 3. Nam et postquam ostendit se, etc.<br />

o TTavra KaXwv kivwv ets Trjv avToG<br />

Karaa-Ktv-qv'<br />

ov<br />

fx.€TayLvw(TKO}v<br />

iirl<br />

Ipse omnia evocans et movens in<br />

suam praeparationem, non recognos-<br />

[tw] TocrouTw KaKio' rj yap dv ov cans ;<br />

in tantum enim mala erant<br />

TTavra rjv Trovrypo, dW tTryaOiTO non omnia; malignus autem sentie-<br />

K.T.X. Philipp. 4. bat etc.

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