apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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would othenvise be withdrawn from under them, and their reconstructions<br />

of early Christian history would fall in ruins on<br />

their heads. On the other hand those, who adopt the traditional<br />

views of the origin of Christianity and of the history of<br />

the Church as substantially correct, may look with comparative<br />

calmness on the result. The loss of the Ignatian Epistles would<br />

be the loss of one buttress to their fabric ;<br />

but the withdrawal<br />

would not materially affect the stability<br />

of the fabric itself<br />

It has been stated already that a long period has elapsed<br />

since this edition was first conceived. But its execution likewise<br />

has been protracted through several years.<br />

Nor were the pages<br />

passed through the press in the same order in which they appear<br />

in the volumes as completed. It is<br />

necessary to state these facts,<br />

because in some places the absence of reference to works which<br />

have now been long before the public might create surprise.<br />

these cases my work has at least the advantage<br />

In<br />

of entire independence,<br />

which will enhance the value of the results where they<br />

are the same. The commentary on the genuine Epistles of Ignatius<br />

and the introduction and texts of the Ignatian Acts of Martyrdom,<br />

which form the greater part of the first section of the<br />

second volume, were passed through the press before the close<br />

of 1878. Some portions of the Appendix IgJiatiana had been<br />

already in type several years before this, though they remained<br />

unpaged. In the early part of the year 1879<br />

I removed to<br />

Durham, and thenceforward my official duties left me scanty<br />

leisure for literary work. For weeks, and sometimes for months<br />

together, I have not found time to write a single<br />

line. Indeed<br />

the book which is now at length completed would probably<br />

have appeared some three or four years before,<br />

if I had remained<br />

in Cambridge. For the most part the first volume has<br />

been written and passed through the press after the second;<br />

but in the later parts they have often proceeded pari passu, and<br />

elsewhere an occasional sheet in either volume was delayed for<br />

special reasons.<br />

The long delay in the publication has had this further result,

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