apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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an account of Bp Gray's library see MuUinger University of Cambridge<br />

p. 397. The Ignatian matter begins on fol.<br />

103 a. It comprises (i)<br />

Tlie twelve Epistles, (2) The Laus Heronis, and is followed by the<br />

Epistle of Polycarp.<br />

This ms was used by Ussher.<br />

11. Palaiimis 150, in the Vatican Library; collated by Dressel<br />

who describes it<br />

(p. Ivii ; comp. p. Hx) as ' membranous, foliis quaternariis<br />

min., saeculi xiv.' It has since been collated by A. Mau for<br />

Lagarde, who ascribes it to the 15 th century (p. iii).<br />

The Ignatian<br />

matter commences the volume, and consists of the twelve Epistles, followed<br />

by the Laus Heronis. The subsequent contents are the Epistle<br />

of Polycarp, seven Epistles of S. Antonius Abbas, the Pastor of Hermas<br />

(a second Latin version, not found in any other ms and published for<br />

the first time by Dressel), and the EncJiiridion of Xystus the Pythagorean.<br />

Is this the Vatican ms which Turrianus, quoted by Ussher<br />

(p. cxxii), mentions as omitting the name of S. Paul in Philad. 4' It<br />

fulfils the condition.<br />

12. Laiirentiatms PI. xxiii. Cod. 20, in the Medicean Library at<br />

Florence, described in Bandini's Catal. Cod. Lat. Bibl. Latir. i.<br />

p. 727<br />

sq as 'codex membranaceus MS in folio saec. xv.' The earher part<br />

of the volume contains the correspondence of Paulinus of Nola.<br />

Then follows the Ignatian matter, which consists of (i)<br />

The correspondence<br />

with the Virgin, preceded by the testimonies of Hieronymus<br />

and others, (2) The twelve Epistles, (3) The Laus Heronis, followed by<br />

(4) The Epistle of Polycarp. Upon this follow immediately 228 (fol. b)<br />

the seven Epistles of S. Antonius, as in Palat. 150. The other treatises<br />

however are not the same in the two i\iss.<br />

13. Vindobonensis 1068, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, described<br />

in Denis Bibl Cod. MSS Theol. Bibl Palat Vindob. Latin. 11. p. 874<br />

(where it is numbered cccxci) as ' cod. membraneus sec. xiv.' It is<br />

written in a very small neat hand, and contains among other works (i)<br />

fol. 72 b, The Epistle of Polycarp, followed immediately by (2) Hieronymus<br />

de Vir. Ill 16, with the heading ' leronimus in libro illustrium<br />

and (3)<br />

The<br />

virorum capitulo de beato Ignatio in hunc modum scribit,'<br />

twelve Ignatian Epistles in the usual order. In prefixing the Epistle<br />

of Polycarp this MS is unique. The other treatises in the volume do<br />

not throw any light on its connexion with other Ignatian mss.<br />

14. Oxon. Magdaknensis 76, in the Library of Magdalen College,<br />

Oxford, described in Coxe's Catal Cod. AISS Coll. Oxon. 11. p. 43 sq<br />

as 'cod. membranaceus in folio, ff.<br />

290, sec. xv, nitide exaratus, manu<br />

Joh. de Rodenberga scriptus.'<br />

It contains among other matter (i) fol.<br />

^<br />

See al)ove, p. 78, note i.

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