apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Hero.<br />

'<br />

Incipit laiis hironis etc....prius faciebas. Expliciunt epistole<br />

sancti martiris ignatii secundi aniwc/ne episcopi sed et gesta passionis<br />

ems et laus hironis discipiili<br />

et successoris eius.^<br />

Polycarp.<br />

(4)<br />

The Epistle of<br />

'<br />

Epistola policarpi martiris smimeoriim episcopi discipiili<br />

sancti johajinis incipit. Policarpus et qui cum eo...amen. Explicit<br />

epistola sancti policarpi episcopi et martiris.^ This MS is ascribed to<br />

the 1 2th century in the Catalogue: 'in folio sur beau velin', *manuscrit<br />

de 145 feuillets en belle minuscule.' I have myself inspected it,<br />

and collated it for the end of Polycarp's Epistle.<br />

3. Paris. Bibl. Nat. 1639 (formerly Colbert. 1039), parchment, fol.<br />

double columns, described in the Catal. Cod. MSS Bibl. Reg. iii. p. 162,<br />

where it is assigned to the 12th century. On the fly<br />

leaf is written<br />

'<br />

Hunc solemneni librum dedit huic monasterio beate marie magister joha7ines<br />

de burgundia etc' As in the Troyes ms, the Ignatian Epistles<br />

follow upon S. Augustine's Commentary on the Galatians : fol. 177 a...<br />

'<br />

cum spiritu vestro fratres. amen. Explicit explanatio sancti augustini<br />

super epistolam ad galathas. Incipit scriptum ignatii episcopi et martyris<br />

discipuli iohannis evangeliste. Ad mariam etc' It contains the<br />

same Ignatian matter; (i) The twelve Epistles, (2) The Martyrology<br />

etc., (3) The Praise of Hero, (4)<br />

The Epistle of Polycarp. The last<br />

however is followed by ' Passio saicti aygtilfi abbatis sociorumque ejus,'<br />

which ends the volume.<br />

Cotelier in his edition of the Apostolic Fathers gives collations<br />

from a ms belonging to the collection of Thuanus (de Thou). This<br />

MS is included in the catalogue of de Thou's library, Catal. Bibl.<br />

Thiian. 11. p. 457 (Paris. 1679, and Hamburg 1704),<br />

from which it<br />

appears that the contents of the volume were exactly the same as<br />

in Paris. 1639, though these contents are very heterogeneous, commencing<br />

with Rufinus' translation of Origen on the Romans and ending<br />

with the Passion of S. Aygulf<br />

I infer therefore that this must<br />

be the same ms, and that it<br />

passed into the Colbert collection with<br />

de Thou's mss generally, whence it was transferred to the Royal Library.<br />

I have already (p. 116) pointed out Whiston's mistake about the ms of<br />

Thuanus.<br />

4. Bruxellensis 5510. So numbered in the Catal. des MSS de<br />

la Bibl. Roy. des Dues de Bourgogne, where it is assigned<br />

to the<br />

first third of the 12th century (xi^). The Ignatian matter (including<br />

the Epistle to Polycarp) is exactly the same as in the two preceding<br />

mss (the catalogue gives<br />

it<br />

imperfectly), and coincides in all essential<br />

respects.<br />

Bruxellensis<br />

5.<br />

703 ;<br />

see the Catal. des MSS etc., as before.

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