apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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II9<br />

Ignatian<br />

to Ignatius) entire.<br />

Epistles of the Long recension (including the Letter of Mary<br />

9. Vatic. Regius {Reginensisl) 30 [gg], a Vatican ms collated by Dressel<br />

and called by him [R].<br />

He thus describes it (p. Ivii); 'Membraneus,<br />

foliis octonariis, saeculi xi ineuntis. Insunt 0pp. Dionysii Areopagitae<br />

cum glossis baud indoctis, necnon ad loannem Apostolum spectantia<br />

(i— 160). Postea fragmentum Epistolae Ignatii ad Ephesios exhibetur<br />

in sex foliis cum dimidio'. After Dressel, it was collated by Funk.<br />

The fragment extends from the beginning of the epistle to § 18 irov<br />

Kavxw'-^ ^^ Xeyo-. This epistle is' numbered a, which points to an<br />

arrangement differing from the common order, where it would be ia-<br />

10. Barber. d8, in the Barberini Library at Rome. At the<br />

beginning is written 'S. Ignatii Martyris Epistolae Graecae ex Codice<br />

Vaticano a Leone Allatio erutae', and below is the number 428. Dressel<br />

wrongly copies it 'ex codice Vaticano 428 a Leone Allatio erutae', and<br />

adds ' Cod. Vaticanus frustra quaeritur, cum ille numero 428 insignitus<br />

Ignatium non contineat, neque ad Vaticanum 859 aut Ottobonianum<br />

348 ne ex longinquo quidem accedat'. The correct position of 428<br />

points not to the number of the Vatican ms from which it was copied,<br />

but to the number of the transcript itself in the collection to which it<br />

at one time or other belonged, as I ascertained by personal inspection.<br />

Montfaucon indeed {Bibl. Bibl. i.<br />

pp. 116, 131, 142) mentions a Vatican<br />

MS of the Ignatian Epistles numbered 4248, but I was informed on the<br />

spot that there was no Greek ms corresponding<br />

to this number. This<br />

transcript {Barber. 68) contains the twelve Epistles of Ignatius in the<br />

order usual in the Long recension. The Epistle of Mary to Ignatius is<br />

not included. Dressel in his preface (p. Ix) promises to designate this<br />

MS C, but in his notes it<br />

appears as B.<br />

But what is the value of this professed transcript In the margin<br />

Allatius gives various readings from the famous Medicean ms (see above,<br />

P- 73 sq),<br />

and in reference to these Dressel describes him as 'baud raro<br />

suas conjecturas pro libri scripti lectionibus tacite venditans'. How<br />

just this accusation is, any one may see for himself by comparing these<br />

marginal readings with any fair collation of the Medicean MS itself<br />

But I can prove to demonstration that his text is even less trustworthy<br />

than his margin. On a closer inspection of the text of this transcript, I<br />

became more and more convinced that its characteristic readings were<br />

taken from some printed edition of the Ignatian Epistles; and at<br />

length I obtained direct proof of this. In Hero 4 this transcript reads<br />

£t [K-T]<br />

l-Ri rOtv TTpwTwv TTjocDTOTrAacrTwi/, inserting the worse than superfluous<br />

TrpwTcov. This reading is obviously false, and is not found in any other

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