apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Epistle begins, takes offence at the grammar and alters accordingly.<br />

I have not noticed any reading in Dressel's collation of the Ignatian<br />

Epistles inconsistent with the supposition that it was copied from<br />

Vatic. 859 and, having myself examined the w. : 11. of both mss in<br />

the Epistle of Polycarp, I am confirmed in this view by the minute<br />

differences, which are at once explained by the phenomena of the<br />

older MS. Still it is barely possible that Oitob. 348 was copied not<br />

from Vatic. 859 itself, but from some ms closely allied to it. The<br />

headings to the epistles are simpler than in the older ms, being of the<br />

type Tov avTou irpos /Aayriycrtov lina-Tokr] Tpirr}. Dressel says of Ottob.<br />

348 * Adsunt in margine schoha, adnotationes, correctiones ac conjecturae<br />

haud contemnendae'. He has not remarked that these marginal<br />

notes are chiefly<br />

in the Epistle to the Romans, where they are<br />

merely various readings derived from the text of the Metaphrast.<br />

Elsewhere its corrections of the text of Vatic. 859 are for the most part<br />

very obvious. These marginal notes are in a different hand from the<br />

MS itself<br />

The title<br />

page (fol. I a) has rov aylov upoixdprvpo lyvarlov tov<br />

6eo(f)6pov cTTicTToXat in rubric : then Trpos TpaWrjcrLov; i-jnarToXr} Seure/aa,<br />

with a side note AetVet 7; o.pXV '^'^ Trpos rpaWrja-Lovs cttiotoXi^s /', t^s<br />

Se. TrpwTT/s TO Trav, but the last line rrj's Se n-pwrr]'; to ttolv seems to be<br />

by a different hand. The text begins about two-thirds down fol. i b.<br />

4. Laurent. Plut. vii. Cod. 21, in the Laurentian library at Florence,<br />

described in Bandini Catal. MSS Grace. Bibl. Laurent, i. p. 269. Some<br />

vv. 11. are given from it by Ussher, who designates<br />

it Flor., and a fuller<br />

but still partial collation appears in Dressel [F].<br />

The volume contains<br />

(i) The Epistles of Ignatius and Polycarp (with the Epistle of Barnabas<br />

attached to the latter); (2) Hippolytus de Cotisummatione Mundi, de<br />

Antichristo, and de Secundo Adventu. The ms is ascribed to the 15th<br />

century, but seems to belong rather to the i6th.<br />

The Epistles of Ignatius, Polycarp, and Barnabas in this ms appear<br />

to have been derived (so far as I have observed) immediately from<br />

Ottob. 348. The title page presents exactly the same appearance, except<br />

that the words T17S 8e TrpwT'j^s to Trdv are omitted ;<br />

the fragment of<br />

the Trallians begins with the same words ws ^'<br />

Kar avra ovv irpa6rr]

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