apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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wanting, but the us contains the whole of the Epistle to the Romans,<br />

and breaks off at (fiOdo-ai in c. of the Acts.<br />

5<br />

(4) Berol. Sachmc 222. This is a transcript made for Dr Sachau<br />

in A.D. 1 88 1 from an older ms at Alkosh, and forms part of the Syriac<br />

collection which he procured for the Berlin library.<br />

It is a volume<br />

of Acta Martyrum, beginning with Thomas the Apostle and ending<br />

with Thekla. See Sachau's Kurzes Verzeichniss der Sachau'schen<br />

Sammlung Syrischer Handschrifteti (Berlin 1S85), and compare his<br />

Reisc in Syrien u. Mesopotaiiiien pp. 364, 366 (Leipzig 1883). The<br />

Acts of Ignatius begin on fol. 122. This ms was kindly collated for<br />

me by Dr Sachau himself, and its various readings are recorded in<br />

the present edition by Dr Wright.<br />

This Syriac version of the Antiochene Acts has been edited anew by<br />

Dr AVright for the present work (in. p. 103 sq). The various readings<br />

of the four mss, designated A, B, C, D, respectively, are there given.<br />

The Epistle to the Romans incorporated in these Acts was translated,<br />

together with the Acts themselves, directly from the Greek, and is<br />

therefore quite independent of the general Syriac version of the Ignatian<br />

Epistles It is<br />

[S]. very loose and paraphrastic. Only those variations<br />

are given in my apparatus criticus, which have some value in determining<br />

the Greek text or are otherwise of interest.<br />

(v)<br />

Copto-Thebaic [C].<br />

A fragment of a version in the Sahidic or Thebaic dialect of the<br />

Coptic language was printed for the first time for my first edition, having<br />

been transcribed by me several years before. Before the actual appearance<br />

of my work however, it was published independently by<br />

Ciasca in Pitra's Anal. Sacr. Spicil. Solesm. Par. iv. p. 255 sq (1883).<br />

Borg. 248. This ms is<br />

inadequately described in Zoega's Catalogus<br />

Codicum Copticorum Manuscriptoruin qui in Museo Borgiano Velitris<br />

adscft'anfur (Romae, 18 10) p. 604, as follows: ' Primo loco occurrit<br />

postrema pars epistolae primae S. Ignatii Martyris quae Philippis scripta<br />

ad Heronem. Deinde pag. 6 prostat titulus fi.g^oM.-itoc Keenicro'AH<br />

iiTe nneTOTPd^ewfi ixmei^Tioc nMewpTTpoc neTcyMOVTe epoq "xe -eeoc^opoc<br />

eTe iieTt^opei MTrnoTTe e&.qc^A.ic tye>. npMCAiirpnH.<br />

11. Pariter alia<br />

epistola sancti Ignatii martyris quem vocant Theophorum, i.e. qui<br />

Deum fert; quam scripsit ad Smyrnaeos.' The heading of the Epistle to<br />

the Smyrnseans is not quite accurate, as will appear by comparing<br />

it with<br />

the transcript printed in this edition :<br />

and moreover Zoega does not say<br />

whether the ms contains the title<br />

only or part of the epistle; and, if<br />

the latter, to which recension it<br />

belongs. This ms, together with the

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