apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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rendered ' thesauri sint vestri bona opera vestra ut accipiatis dona<br />

a<br />

Deo<br />

'<br />

in A, and ' et sint vestra opera bona ut accipiatis dona a Deo<br />

in Sj (where a comparison with S shows that ' thesauri-vestri ' has<br />

fallen out of the text of S^).<br />

In Ephes. 14 lav rcXeiw cis 'Ir/croiJv XpicrroV<br />

f-yy\T(. TTjv TTLo-TLv Kol TTjv dyaTrrjv is rendered ' si perfecte<br />

habeatis in<br />

vobis Jesum Christum ;<br />

fides et amor etc' in A, and ' si perfecte sit<br />

vobis (^habeatis) Jesum Christum; fides et amor etc' in S^. In<br />

Ephcs. 16 o'iKocjiOopoi is translated 'qui amant facultates (res)' in A, and<br />

this strange rendering is explained by the fact that the rendering in S,,<br />

is 'qui amant domos', where however >.»n m'^ 'amant' is a clerical<br />

error of some Syriac scribe for .«\-i yf-n 'corrumpunt'. In Magn. 6<br />

o/xo-^Oeiav @eov is translated ' similitudinem et unionem (unanimitatem)<br />

Dei ' in A, and ' similitudinem unanimitatis Dei ' in S^,<br />

where A probably<br />

preserves the original form of the Syriac text, and we should read<br />

O for .1 , there being a double rendering of o/xo-qOeiav.<br />

The conclusion from the facts adduced is irresistible. We have<br />

plainly in these fragments portions of the lost Syriac version from<br />

which the Armenian text was translated.<br />

But the evidence, if it still needed strengthening,<br />

is<br />

strengthened by<br />

another important consideration. For<br />

(iii) It is strange that Cureton should not have been struck by the<br />

close resemblance between the Syriac fragments (S, Sj S3),<br />

and the<br />

Syriac version of the three epistles in the Short recension (2),<br />

in those<br />

passages which are common to both ;<br />

and this evidence has been<br />

materially strengthened by the recently discovered group of fragments,<br />

S^.<br />

The coincidences indeed are so striking when the passages<br />

from the two are written out side by side, as is done for instance by<br />

Denzinger {Aechtheit des bisher. Textes der Ignat. Briefe App. x. p. i ;<br />

see p. 96), that no escape from the inference is possible. I shall not<br />

occupy space here by going over the ground again, but content myself<br />

with referring to Denzinger's tables, or to the various readings in the<br />

present edition, warning the reader however that, inasmuch as my<br />

apparatus criticus does not aim at reproducing the peculiarities of the<br />

Syriac, except so far as they point<br />

to a difference in the Greek text<br />

used, the various readings there given represent very inadequately the<br />

extent of the resemblance. But in fact any one may satisfy himself<br />

of the truth of this statement by comparing the two in Cureton's own<br />

volume. As a rule, they differ only where the recensions differ. Where<br />

these coincide, the Syriac versions also coincide, presenting the same<br />

paraphrastic renderings, the same errors and caprices of translation.<br />


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