apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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'<br />


this note separating the one from the other and referring to the<br />

preceding epistles. The preceding epistles have disappeared, but the<br />

appended note, assigning the translation to Robert of Lincoln, has<br />

survived. We have thus nearly contemporary testimony to the authorship<br />

of the version.<br />

The value of this version for critical purposes consists in its extreme<br />

literalness. To this end the construction of the Latin is consistently<br />

sacrificed, as for instance in Philad. lo ets to avyxap-rjvai<br />

avroi evrt to<br />

passiones,' ib. 1 1 eis to yevo/^evov ews Svptas avyxo-pyjvai auToTs (i.e. that<br />

'<br />

he may visit Syria and congratulate them ')<br />

in factum usque Syriam<br />

'<br />

congaudere ipsis,' Polyc. 7 lav irep Sta tov -TraOelv ©sou CTrtTw^^w<br />

€is TO<br />

ivpeQrjvai /xe eV rfj dvao-rdaei vjxwv jiaOyj-nqv, 'siquidem per pati Deo potiar<br />

in inveniri me in resurrectione vestri discipulum,' Trail. 12 rrj i^^t dXX-qXoiv<br />

Trpoaevxy ' ea quae cum adinvicem oratione,' Afar. Ign. 3 ae eorum qui secundum virum<br />

ordinatio' (to TroAvev'-aKTov), ib. 14 ' superindigeo ' (eVtScoyxat), Rom. 5<br />

'<br />

'<br />

'<br />

injustificatio {dSiKriixa),<br />

Mar. Ign. 5 subrememorans '<br />

(v-irofXL/j.v7]-<br />

aKova-a), Ign. Mar. 3<br />

'<br />

scriptibilis<br />

'<br />

(cfouoriao-TT/'s),<br />

lb. 1 1<br />

'<br />

amaricatio '<br />

(ypacfuKO's), Ant. 3<br />

(7rapo|^i;o-/xo's),<br />

'<br />

potestativus '<br />

etc. And again, particles<br />

are scrupulously reproduced in violation of Latin idiom, such as<br />

uv, which is rendered titiqtie, e.g. Trail. 11 i(paLvovTo av 'apparerent<br />

utique,' Magn. 12 oTav 'quando utique.' Even as regards the order of<br />

the words it<br />

may be treated as an authority ;<br />

for in this respect also<br />

with very rare exceptions the Greek is rigidly followed without any<br />

regard for Latin usage.<br />

Moreover the ms which the translator used was evidently superior<br />

to the existing mss of the Greek {laur. Ivii. 7 and Paris. Graec. 14^1).<br />

Thus it is free from several interpolations in these mss (mostly found also<br />

in the Long recension, and frequently quotations from the N. T.) ;<br />

e.g. Ephes. i tov VTz\p -^[xwv lavToV dveveyKOvro'; ©eo) Trpoacj^opdv koI $v(riav,<br />

ib. 2 KajyjpTi(TfX€Voi. Tw avT(2 VOL K.T.X., Pom. 3 Ttt<br />

yap fSXcTTOfJLiva TrpoaKaipa<br />

K.T.X., ib. 4 KoafjLLKov ^ jxaraiov, ib.<br />

5 dvaTop.ai SiatpeVet, tb, 6 tl yap<br />

w^eXetTat avOpwiro'i k.t.X., ib. 10 tovtccttlv AvyovarTov et/caSt Tpirrj. Similarly<br />

it is free from the omission of Ao'yos<br />

after ©eou and the substitution<br />

of Tpe'xwi' for ^wvri in Rom. 2.<br />

Again, in several instances it gives<br />

words and clauses which have dropped out of these mss through inad-

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