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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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It should be added also, that this version does not appear to be quoted<br />

except by English writers, or to have been known out of England'.<br />

Ussher's theory as to the authorship of this version has been confirmed<br />

in a curious way. After my first edition appeared, my attention<br />

was directed by a correspondent to a MS in the library at Tours<br />

professing to contain the Epistles of Ignatius translated by Robert of<br />

Lincoln ;<br />

and I followed up the clue. This ms (formerly no. 247, now<br />

no. 244) is described in A. Dorange's Catalogue des Maimscrits de la<br />

Bibliotheque dc Tours (1875) p. 137. It contains various theological<br />

tracts of different ages from S. Augustine downward. In the Catalogue<br />

it is ascribed to the xiiith century, but this is afterwards corrected<br />

to the xivth ;<br />

nor indeed can it be much earlier, as it contains a work by<br />

Joannes de Rupella (f a.d. 1271). At all events it is some centuries older<br />

than Ussher. Au ' xv" siecle', we are told, 'ce ms a appartenu a Yves Mesnager,'<br />

and afterwards it belonged to the Cathedral of S. Gatien at Tours.<br />

On fol. 484 is the title 'Epistole beati Ignacii,' and after the title comes<br />

this colophon ; '<br />

Has epistolas transtulit de greco in latinum m agister<br />

robertus grossa testa linconiensis episcopus', written with contractions.<br />

Then follows the spurious correspondence with the Virgin and S. John,<br />

beginning ' Johanni sancto senior! etc' I took special pains to satisfy<br />

myself that the handwriting of this colophon was coeval with the context,<br />

and could not be a later insertion. The librarian, M. Duboz, v/as kind<br />

enough to send me a transcript which satisfied me of this fact ;<br />

but to<br />

make doubly sure, the Rev. J. Armitage Robinson at my request<br />

inspected the ms itself, so that no doubt might remain.<br />

What then is the meaning of this colophon Obviously in the<br />

archetype, from which this Tours ms was copied, the Ignatian Epistles<br />

(translated from the Greek) were followed, as we find them in the mss<br />

Caiensis and Montacutianis, by the spurious Latin correspondence, with<br />

^<br />

Turrianus Defens. Can. Apost. 1 says found in the Vatican : see below, p. 1 30,<br />

'<br />

Ignatius in vetere interpretatione Latina and comp. Ussher p. cxxii sq. Tnrrianus<br />

manuscripta epistolae ad Philadelphenses, however quoted the Greek of the genuine<br />

quae in Vaticano est, non habet quod in Ignatius from the Medicean MS, before it<br />

Graeca epistola nuper in publicum emissa was published by Voss.<br />

legitur de Paulo inter eos qui uxorem Pearson (on S/nyrn, 3) strangely conhabuerunt.'<br />

Hence Smith infers {Ign. jectures (p. 13) that our translator was<br />

Epist. praef.) that Turrianus must allude older than Jerome and led him into the<br />

to a manuscript of our Latin Version error of translating oTSa by vidi. The<br />

(' plane cum nostra eadem esse mihi vide- converse (see Zahn /. v. A. p. 402,<br />

tur'). But some mss of the Latin of note) is possible;<br />

that the translator was<br />

the Long recension omit the name of led astray by the well-known passage in<br />

S. Paul in Fhihul. ;, and one of these is<br />


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