Kalaam-e-Goya : Bhai Nand Lal - Institute of Sikh Studies

Kalaam-e-Goya : Bhai Nand Lal - Institute of Sikh Studies

Kalaam-e-Goya : Bhai Nand Lal - Institute of Sikh Studies


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gLjLl 10<br />

sfzI mihPl ivc qfN ibnf pRIqm dy hor iksy dI kQf khfxI<br />

nhIN huMdI[<br />

ibnfN (sLWk dy)prdy qy aMdr lMG af, ies sMgq ivc koeI Eprf<br />

nhIN[ (1)<br />

qfq prfeI Cwz dy aqy afpxy afp nUM jfx,<br />

jo BI afpxy afp nUM jfx lYNdf hY, Auh rWb qoN Auprf nhIN hY [<br />

(2)<br />

ijs iksy nUM rWb dI cfh hY, AuhI idl df sfihb hY !<br />

ieh kMm nf hr iksy cfqr df hY, qy nf hI iksy dIvfny df[ (3)<br />

hy nsIhq krn vfly, qUM kd qk nsIhqfN dy ikWsy suxfAuNdf<br />

rhyNgf<br />

ieh qfN msq irMdfN dI mjls hY,koeI ikWsy khfxIafN dI QfN<br />

nhIN[(4)<br />

ieh rWbI KjLfnf idlfN idafN mflkfN kol huMdf<br />

hY[<br />

qUM bIafbfnfN ivc ikAuN jfNdf hY Auh AjfV dy KUMijafN ivc<br />

nhIN[(5)<br />

ies sOLk dy KjLfny nUM rWb dy ipafirafN pfsoN mMg[<br />

ikAuN jo AunfH dI jfn ivc isvfey ipafry (vfihgurU) dy muKVy dy<br />

nksLfN dy hor kuJ vI nhIN[ (6)<br />

kd qk qUM ies qrHfN kihMdf rhyNgf, aY goXf ! aijhIafN glWfN<br />

qoN cup Dfr[<br />

rWb dy sLOk df aDfr kfaby jfN mMdr qy nhIN hY [(7)(10)<br />

Ghazal Ten<br />

In the assembly <strong>of</strong> ours, none is conversed about except the sweetheart,<br />

Without hesitation come in as no one is a stranger there.(1)<br />

Shed the eccentricity and know your own self,<br />

As a knower <strong>of</strong> self remains not an alien to the Almighty.(2)<br />

The one who strives for him, is the master <strong>of</strong> his heart,<br />

And this needs neither a clever person nor an adherent.(3)<br />

Oh, you the counsellor, how long are you going to narrate the parables<br />

This is the congregation <strong>of</strong> self-absorbed ones and there is no place for<br />

fiction.(4)<br />

Celestial treasures are bestowed only on the heartthrobs,<br />

Why are you roaming around in the jungles, as they are never found in<br />

the corners <strong>of</strong> the wilderness(5)<br />

Go and beg this treasure <strong>of</strong> fondness <strong>of</strong> the godly lovers,<br />

Because, even, in their temporal life, there is nothing but Celestial<br />

Name.(6)<br />

How long are you going to tattle like that, Oh, <strong>Goya</strong>, better it is to keep<br />

quiet,<br />

Emancipation is not obtainable, either at Kabah or at the place <strong>of</strong> the<br />


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