23 June 2009 - Hitchin Girls School

23 June 2009 - Hitchin Girls School

23 June 2009 - Hitchin Girls School


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HELD ON TUESDAY <strong>23</strong> RD JUNE <strong>2009</strong><br />

Present: Mr C. Minton – Chairman Mrs F. Manning – Headteacher<br />

Mrs J. Paris<br />

Mrs N. Job<br />

Mrs M. King<br />

Mr S. Scott<br />

Mrs S. Wilson<br />

Mr S. Burgoyne<br />

Mr N. Hunt<br />

Mrs R. Coe<br />

Mr M. Seaman-Hill<br />

In attendance: Mrs D. Lodge - Deputy Headteacher<br />

Mr T. Hankin - Business Manager<br />

Mrs T. Stojko - Observer<br />

Mr B. Frederick - Clerk to Governors<br />

No Governors had any interest to declare in respect of the business of the meeting<br />

1. Apologies and Welcome<br />

Apologies had been received from Mr David Miller, Mr James Dellar, Mrs Teresa Loveday, Mr<br />

Deepak Sangha and Dr Graham Simpson.<br />

Tina Stojko was welcomed as the newly elected staff governor (attending as an observer).<br />

2. Notification of Items for Any Other Business<br />

No further items.<br />

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.<br />

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 24 th March <strong>2009</strong> were confirmed and signed.<br />

2. The minutes of the meeting held on 9 th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2009</strong> were confirmed and signed subject to the<br />

inclusion of Mrs N. Job under apologies.<br />

4. Matters Arising from those Minutes<br />

1. 14-19 Consortium (Agenda Item 4 24/03/09)<br />

Elaine Leigh (Consortium Co-ordinator) would be invited to give a presentation at the next<br />

meeting.<br />

2. Appointment to a Committee<br />

Tine Stojko was invited to attend meetings of all three committees before her appointment to<br />

one.<br />

3. Parent governor Election<br />

The election process would commence in the second week of September inviting<br />

nominations.<br />

It was agreed to welcome the newly elected parent governors to a cheese and wine evening<br />

following their election.<br />

4. Local Authority Appointment<br />

Colin Minton reported that Derrick Ashley would make a decision early next term whether a<br />

clash of interest in respect of development of the Benslow Field prevented him from<br />

rejoining the Governing Body.<br />

5. <strong>School</strong> Improvement<br />

The full version of the <strong>School</strong> Improvement Plan would be circulated to Governors by the<br />

end of term.<br />

1<br />

5. Membership of the Governing Body<br />

1. Appointment of Community Governors for the period 01/09/09 - 31/06/13<br />

The Clerk conducted the formal procedures.

The following were appointed as community governors<br />

Colin Minton<br />

Sue Wilson<br />

Nesta Job<br />

Mary King<br />

2. Local Authority Appointments<br />

The following had been appointed<br />

Deepak Sangha<br />

David Miller<br />

Mark Seaman-Hill<br />

3. Staff Governors<br />

The following had been elected from 01/09/09 for a 4 year tenure<br />

Rebecca Coe - (re-elected)<br />

Tina Stojko<br />

4. Parent Governors<br />

The election of parent governors would be conducted during the second and third weeks of<br />

the Autumn Term<br />

5. Associate Governors<br />

David Barnard was appointed as an associate governor (annual tenure).<br />

6. Other Governors<br />

The tenure of office of the following governors were not affected.<br />

Dr Graham Simpson (Sponsor Governor) – (09/12/08 – 08/12/12)<br />

Steve Burgoyne (Staff Governor) – (17/12/07 – 16/12/11)<br />

7. Retiring Governors<br />

The Chair made presentations to the following in appreciation of their services.<br />

Teresa Loveday (Absent)<br />

Jim Dellar (Absent)<br />

Jacqueline Paris<br />

Stephen Scott<br />

Nigel Hunt was eligible for re-election.<br />

Jacqueline Paris and Stephen Scott spoke warmly of their association with the school and<br />

wished the Governing Body well with the challenges for the future.<br />

2<br />

6. Reports<br />

6.1. Headteacher’s Report<br />

Frances Manning presented a written report under the following key headings:<br />

Progress on the <strong>School</strong> Improvement Plan (SIP)<br />

Curriculum<br />

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)<br />

Buildings and Environment<br />

Secondary Transfer<br />

Student attainment and achievement<br />

ICT<br />

Extended <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Self Evaluation and OFSTED<br />

Secondary Strategy<br />

Trips and events<br />

Progress on the Headteacher’s Objectives<br />

SAPG/Diploma<br />

Specialist <strong>School</strong>s and Academies Trust (SSAT)<br />

Staffing Update<br />

Current Vacancies<br />

Attendance<br />

Student Numbers

Exclusions<br />

Figures for the Academic Year 2008/09<br />

Racist Incidents<br />

Bullying Incidents<br />

Staff CPD - Summer Terms <strong>2009</strong><br />

Particular reference was made to:<br />

1. Induction Programme for Yr 7<br />

A lot of staff had been involved in planning the programme. It will be about identity and<br />

cultural diversity and will engage students in reflecting on their skills and attributes which<br />

they bring with them to the school.<br />

Governors are invited to visit the school on the Friday evening at 7 pm.<br />

2. Buildings and Environment<br />

Additional funding from the LSC will allow for the maintenance programme to be revisited.<br />

The dialogue continued on progressing plans for improved sports facilities at the school.<br />

There will be a meeting with Richard Thake, County Councillor with Executive Responsibility<br />

for Education.<br />

3. Secondary Transfer<br />

12 appeals had been upheld with 170 on roll. 46 also on the continued interest list. 5 appeals<br />

for places in other years.<br />

4. BTEC Business Studies Dragon’s Den Competition.<br />

The team made confident presentations.<br />

5. Post 16 Data Dashboard<br />

This data tool is to be used for calculating funds for schools and colleges following the demise<br />

of the LSC.<br />

6. New <strong>School</strong> Website<br />

Governors pictures to be included.<br />

7. Head Girl<br />

Regular reporting at Governors’ meetings on the work of the <strong>School</strong> Council.<br />

8. Self Evaluation<br />

Factors affecting sixth form performance.<br />

9. Trips and Events<br />

Operation Wallacea trip to South Africa.<br />

Students having to raise funds through part-time jobs and sponsorships.<br />

10. Staff<br />

<strong>School</strong> fully staffed with details of the new appointments.<br />

The report was received.<br />

6.2. Finance<br />

Sue Wilson reported on the meeting held on 13th May <strong>2009</strong> (copy of minutes received).<br />

Key points:<br />

The LSC had allocated £58k additional funding improving the overall financial position.<br />

The <strong>2009</strong>/2010 Draft Budget was approved.<br />

6.3. Capital Planning Group<br />

Colin Minton reported on the meetings held on 1 st and 2 nd <strong>June</strong> <strong>2009</strong> (The minutes of the<br />

meetings were received).<br />

A decision had been taken to postpone the commitment of the devolved capital allocation<br />

until the next round of meetings had taken place. The estimated costings had been broken<br />

down into phases.<br />

The report was received<br />

3<br />

6.4. Buildings and Environment<br />

Mark Seaman-Hill reported on the meeting held on 5 th May <strong>2009</strong> (copy of minutes received).<br />

Key points:<br />

Decorating work in the West Wing

Mains electrical supply remained an issue<br />

Proposed development at the Dell with the benefit to the school of repairs to the<br />

boundary fencing<br />

The report was received.<br />

6.5. Curriculum and Performance<br />

Nesta Job reported on the meeting held on 5 th May <strong>2009</strong> (copy of the minutes of the<br />

meeting received).<br />

Key points:<br />

Model Document on ‘Behaviour for Learning’ will be circulated to Governors.<br />

<strong>School</strong> Uniform<br />

Frances Manning reported to the new standards set for school uniform. The new<br />

skirts/trousers would be worn by Yr 7 in September with a transitional one year for<br />

the remainder of the school. Suits will be worn by Year 12.<br />

The report was received.<br />

6.6. Science College Management Group<br />

Frances Manning tabled the minutes of the meeting of the Science College Management<br />

Group held on 3 rd <strong>June</strong> <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Key points:<br />

Links with 20 primary schools<br />

Fund raising to support the submission of the second specialism.<br />

There was the need to raise £25k with £10k to be contributed by businesses. The<br />

timescale is to January 2010.<br />

The Science College team had experienced a very positive year.<br />

The report was received.<br />

6.7 Annual Report to the Governing Body on Safeguarding Children<br />

The report was being prepared with copies circulated at the next meeting.<br />

It was agreed to hold a Cluster Governors’ Training Session on Safeguarding in the Spring<br />

Term 2010.<br />

ACTION: Mary King<br />

Some governors would undertake the on-line course on Safeguarding Children.<br />

Sue Wilson would be the nominated governor.<br />

7. Calendar of Meetings for <strong>2009</strong>/10<br />

The Calendar of Meeting for the next school year was agreed for circulation with alterations to<br />

the draft.<br />

(attached as an appendix)<br />

4<br />

8. Report from Link Governors<br />

1. Colin Minton – Resistant Materials and Graphics.<br />

Well equipped workshops<br />

enthusiastic students in Y7<br />

Amazing quality of work being produced with encouragement to exhibit more. Credit<br />

to the skilled staff.<br />

GCSE Paper demonstrated how difficult exams are.<br />

2. Stephen Scott – ICT<br />

ICT and Business Studies is a small department.<br />

Janet Malloy is the ICT champion within the school.<br />

Student participation in the Dragon’s Den Competition.<br />

Excellent presentations in Business studies.<br />

Exploitation of ICT resources needed to be upfront in all curricular areas.<br />

Another need is the development of a VL Environment.<br />

3. Nesta Job – SEN<br />

Visited SEN support in Y8 English and Y7 Science.<br />

Good interaction with SEN support helping out with other pupils in the class.

4. Mark Seaman-Hill - Technology<br />

Eye opener in terms of the different designs on display.<br />

Food technology at GCSE.<br />

Extended curriculum visits to farms and research centre.<br />

5. Jacqueline Paris - Psychology<br />

Psychology in Y12. Very impressive pack of information.<br />

Health and Social Care discussion.<br />

Also saw<br />

Y7 Drama – interpretations<br />

Further reports would be received at the next meeting.<br />

9. Any Other Business<br />

1. Extended <strong>School</strong>s – Partnership Event on 14 th July <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Governors to be invited to the morning session.<br />

2. Founders Day on Friday 26 th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

10. Date of Next Meeting<br />

Tuesday 17 th November <strong>2009</strong> 6.00 for 7 pm.<br />

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.<br />


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