High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M.

High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M. High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M.


Instrumentation/Operation Calculation of mobility or use of an internal standard can greatly improve relative migration time reproducibility. Since mobility is calculated relative to the EOF, it is in effect an internal standard. Variations in temperature due to changes in ambient or from Joule heating, interaction of the running buffer with the surface (that is, equilibration), or by slight changes in buffer composition or concentration can alter EOF but generally do not affect selectivity. In these cases an internal standard can improve reproducibility, as exemplified in table 18 for a peptide mapping separation. The internal standard can either be added to the sample mixture or can be a component in the original sample. The EOF, often present as a negative-going peak due to displacement of buffer, can be a useful reference for calculating mobility or for use as an internal standard. Migration time [min] Relative migration Run# Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3 Peak 3 / Peak 1 Table 18 Migration time reproducibility — absolute and internal standard 1 15,193 17.965 18.421 1.212 3 14,971 17.672 18.12 1.210 5 15,107 17.914 18.391 1.217 7 15,303 18.119 18.597 1.215 9 15,237 18.04 18.512 1.215 11 14,713 17.337 17.79 1.209 13 14,575 17.145 17.58 1.206 15 14,401 16.95 17.402 1.208 17 14,522 17.137 17.61 1.213 19 14,869 17.584 18.073 1.215 (n = 20) Average 14.942 17.654 18.119 1.213 s 0.342 0.45 0.462 0.004 % RSD 2.29 2.55 2.55 0.32 4.3 Detection Detection in CE is a significant challenge as a result of the small dimensions of the capillary. Although CE requires only nanoliter volumes of sample, it is not a “trace” analysis technique since relatively concentrated analyte solutions or 96

pre-concentration methods are often necessary. A number of detection methods have been used in CE to meet this challenge, many of which are similar to those employed in liquid column chromatography. As in HPLC, UV-Visible detection is by-far the most common. Table 19 contains a list of many of the detection methods investigated, along with detection limits, and advantages/disadvantages. 4.3.1 UV-Visible absorption UV-Visible absorption is the most widely used detection method primarily due to its nearly universal detection nature. With fused-silica capillaries, detection below 200 nm up through the visible spectrum can be used. The high efficiency observed in CE is due in part to on-capillary detection. Since the optical window is directly in the capillary there is no zone broadening as a result of dead-volume or component mixing. In fact the separation is still occurring while in the detection window. As with all optical detectors, the width of the detection region should be small relative to the solute zone width to maintain high resolution. This is best accomplished with a slit designed for specific capillary dimensions. Since peaks in CE are typically 2 to 5 mm wide, slit lengths should be maximally one third this amount. Detector design is critical due to the short optical path length. The optical beam should be tightly focused directly into the capillary to obtain maximum throughput at the slit and to minimize stray light reaching the detector. These aspects are important to both sensitivity and linear detection range. Instrumentation/Operation 4.3.2 Sensitivity Sensitivity is defined as the slope of the calibration curve (detector signal versus sample concentration). A steeper slope indicates better sensitivity. For absorptive 97

Instrumentation/Operation<br />

Calculation of mobility or use of an internal standard can<br />

greatly improve relative migration time reproducibility.<br />

Since mobility is calculated relative to the EOF, it is in<br />

effect an internal standard. Variations in temperature due to<br />

changes in ambient or from Joule heating, interaction of the<br />

running buffer with the surface (that is, equilibration), or by<br />

slight changes in buffer composition or concentration can<br />

alter EOF but generally do not affect selectivity. In these<br />

cases an internal standard can improve reproducibility, as<br />

exemplified in table 18 for a peptide mapping separation.<br />

The internal standard can either be added to the sample<br />

mixture or can be a component in the original sample. The<br />

EOF, often present as a negative-going peak due to displacement<br />

of buffer, can be a useful reference for calculating<br />

mobility or for use as an internal standard.<br />

Migration time [min]<br />

Relative migration<br />

Run# Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3 Peak 3 / Peak 1<br />

Table 18<br />

Migration time reproducibility<br />

— absolute and internal standard<br />

1 15,193 17.965 18.421 1.212<br />

3 14,971 17.672 18.12 1.210<br />

5 15,107 17.914 18.391 1.217<br />

7 15,303 18.119 18.597 1.215<br />

9 15,237 18.04 18.512 1.215<br />

11 14,713 17.337 17.79 1.209<br />

13 14,575 17.145 17.58 1.206<br />

15 14,401 16.95 17.402 1.208<br />

17 14,522 17.137 17.61 1.213<br />

19 14,869 17.584 18.073 1.215<br />

(n = 20)<br />

Average 14.942 17.654 18.119 1.213<br />

s 0.342 0.45 0.462 0.004<br />

% RSD 2.29 2.55 2.55 0.32<br />

4.3 Detection<br />

Detection in CE is a significant challenge as a result of the<br />

small dimensions of the <strong>capillary</strong>. Although CE requires only<br />

nanoliter volumes of sample, it is not a “trace” analysis<br />

technique since relatively concentrated analyte solutions or<br />


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