High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M.

High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M. High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M.


Instrumentation/Operation Capillary conditioning One of the most important factors leading to good reproducibility is capillary conditioning. Maintaining a reproducible capillary surface is one of the most significant problems in CE. The most reproducible conditions are encountered when no conditioning other than with buffer is employed. However, adsorption of sample to the surface and changes in EOF often do not allow this. Base conditioning to remove adsorbates and refresh the surface by deprotonation of the silanol groups is most commonly employed. A typical wash method includes flushing a new capillary with 1N NaOH, followed by 0. 1 N NaOH and then buffer. Before each analysis only the last two steps are performed. Other washing procedures can employ strong acids, organics such as methanol or DMSO, or detergents. Mobility [× 10 -4 cm 2 V -1 a -1 ] 12 10 8 6 4 2 Decreasing pH Increasing pH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pH Figure 55 pH hysteresis of EOF in fused silica capillaries 31 Conditions: 10 mM phosphate, benzylalcohol neutral marker, 25 kV, 25 °C, L = 80 cm, id = 75 µm A potential problem with base conditioning, especially when employing low pH running buffers, is a hysteresis of the wall charge (figure 55). This hysteresis can cause nonreproducible EOF and necessitate long equilibration times. Unless migration time reproducibility is unacceptable or significant solute adsorption occurs, it may be advisable to avoid conditioning with basic solutions, especially when using low pH running buffers. Equilibration of the surface at neutral or high pH is rapid and generally not problematic. An additional factor in maintaining constant surface charge is adsorption of buffer components. Phosphate, for example, is known to adsorb to the surface and to require long equilibration times. In addition, surfactants can render permanent changes to the capillary surface. It has been suggested that once a capillary is exposed to a particular detergent it should be dedicated for use only for buffers containing that surfactant if high reproducibility is required. 92

Batch-to-batch reproducibility is highly dependent on the nature of the fused silica itself. Surface charge and EOF can vary 5 % RSD or more between capillary batches. Comparison of inter-capillary data often requires normalization of EOF. 4.2.2 Capillary thermostating Effective control of capillary temperature is important for reproducible operation. Temperature regulation to ± 0.1 °C is beneficial due to the strong viscosity dependence of sample injection and migration time. Further, the system should isolate the capillary from changes in ambient temperature. The two approaches generally used are to bath the capillary in a high velocity air stream or in a liquid. While liquid thermostating is theoretically more efficient, forced air thermostating at º 10 m/s air velocity is usually sufficient for the quantity of heat generated in CE. As shown in the Ohm’s law plots of figure 14, efficiency of the two systems is similar up to about 5 W/m. Although the liquid system is more effective at higher power generation, CE experiments are not usually performed under such conditions. A benefit of the air thermostating system is instrumental simplicity and ease of use. Instrumentation/Operation 4.2.3 High voltage power supply In CE a DC power supply is used to apply up to about 30 kV and current levels of 200 to 300 mA. Stable regulation of the voltage (± 0.1 %) is required to maintain high migration time reproducibility. The power supply should have the capability to switch polarity. Under normal conditions the EOF is in the direction of the cathode. In this case, injection is made at the anode. 93

Batch-to-batch reproducibility is highly dependent on the<br />

nature of the fused silica itself. Surface charge and EOF can<br />

vary 5 % RSD or more between <strong>capillary</strong> batches. Comparison<br />

of inter-<strong>capillary</strong> data often requires normalization of<br />

EOF.<br />

4.2.2 Capillary thermostating<br />

Effective control of <strong>capillary</strong> temperature is important for<br />

reproducible operation. Temperature regulation to ± 0.1 °C<br />

is beneficial due to the strong viscosity dependence of<br />

sample injection and migration time. Further, the system<br />

should isolate the <strong>capillary</strong> from changes in ambient<br />

temperature. The two approaches generally used are to bath<br />

the <strong>capillary</strong> in a high velocity air stream or in a liquid.<br />

While liquid thermostating is theoretically more efficient,<br />

forced air thermostating at º 10 m/s air velocity is usually<br />

sufficient for the quantity of heat generated in CE. As<br />

shown in the Ohm’s law plots of figure 14, efficiency of the<br />

two systems is similar up to about 5 W/m. Although the<br />

liquid system is more effective at higher power generation,<br />

CE experiments are not usually performed under such<br />

conditions. A benefit of the air thermostating system is<br />

instrumental simplicity and ease of use.<br />

Instrumentation/Operation<br />

4.2.3 <strong>High</strong> voltage power supply<br />

In CE a DC power supply is used to apply up to about 30 kV<br />

and current levels of 200 to 300 mA. Stable regulation of the<br />

voltage (± 0.1 %) is required to maintain high migration time<br />

reproducibility.<br />

The power supply should have the capability to switch<br />

polarity. Under normal conditions the EOF is in the direction<br />

of the cathode. In this case, injection is made at the<br />

anode.<br />


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