High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M.

High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M. High performance capillary electrophoresis - T.E.A.M.


Principles the exact pI of fused silica is difficult to determine, EOF becomes significant above pH4. Nonionic materials such as Teflon also exhibit EOF, presumably resulting from adsorption of anions. Counterions (cations, in most cases), which build up near the surface to maintain charge balance, form the doublelayer and create a potential difference very close to the wall (figure 5b). This is known as the zeta potential. When the voltage is applied across the capillary the cations forming the diffuse double-layer are attracted toward the cathode. Because they are solvated their movement drags the bulk solution in the capillary toward the cathode. This process is shown in schematic form in figure 5c. The magnitude of the EOF can be expressed in terms of velocity or mobility by or v EOF = (e z / h) E (7) m EOF = (e z / h) (8) where: v EOF = velocity m EOF = EOF “mobility” z = zeta potential e = dielectric constant. (note the independence of mobility on applied electric field) The zeta potential is essentially determined by the surface charge on the capillary wall. Since this charge is strongly pH dependent, the magnitude of the EOF varies with pH. At high pH, where the silanol groups are predominantly deprotonated, the EOF is significantly greater than at low pH where they become protonated. Depending on the 20

a) Principles b) c) Figure 5 Development of the electro-osmotic flow: a) negatively charged fused silica surface (Si-O - ) b) hydrated cations accumulating near surface c) bulk flow towards the cathode upon application of electric field 21

a)<br />

Principles<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

Figure 5<br />

Development of the electro-osmotic flow:<br />

a) negatively charged fused silica surface (Si-O - )<br />

b) hydrated cations accumulating near surface<br />

c) bulk flow towards the cathode upon application of electric field<br />


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