Case History: Drinking Water: Chemical Free Fe & Mn ... - Purifics!

Case History: Drinking Water: Chemical Free Fe & Mn ... - Purifics!

Case History: Drinking Water: Chemical Free Fe & Mn ... - Purifics!


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<strong>Case</strong> <strong>History</strong>:<br />

<strong>Drinking</strong> <strong>Water</strong>: <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fe</strong> & <strong>Mn</strong> Removal Using<br />

Background ________________________________________________________<br />

A well with a capacity of 3 MGD (12.4 MLD) is to be brought back online for municipal drinking water in the<br />

southern USA. The well water has developed unacceptable issues with iron (1.7ppm) and manganese (0.11<br />

ppm). Residents complained of orange/brown cloudy water and action was required.<br />

Several technologies have been considered to solve the iron and manganese problem including green sand<br />

filtration, chemical sequestering agents, GAC filtration, and <strong>Purifics</strong>’ (Ceramic Ultra Filtration).<br />

Solution ___________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Purifics</strong> chemical free technology was successfully piloted and purified the water of iron from 1.7 ppm<br />

to < 0.05ppm, and manganese from 0.11 ppm to

DOC4019R0<br />

Full Scale Solution ___________________________________________________<br />

The full scale system will be 3<br />

MGD platforms with a membrane design life of 25 years as shown below.<br />

Reference Documents ________________________________________________<br />

DOC3019 <strong>Water</strong> Purification<br />

DOC3023 Technical Data Sheet:<br />

L Platform<br />

DOC3020 Technical Data Sheet: MLD Platform<br />

DOC2015 Technical Briefing: THM (& HAA) Prevention & Color Removal<br />

DOC2029 On-Site Pilot Verification<br />

340 Sovereign Road, London, ON, Canada, N6M 1A8<br />

Ph: 519.473.5788, info@<strong>Purifics</strong>.com, www.<strong>Purifics</strong>.com<br />

<strong>Purifics</strong>, Photo-Cat, & AOP + are registered trademarks. <strong>Purifics</strong> products are protected by one or more of the following US Patents: #5,462,674 / #5,554,300/ #5,589,078 / #6,136,203 /<br />

#6,215,126B1 / #6,398,971B1 / #7,008,473B2 / #7,326,278B2 / #7,425,272B2 / #7,588,688B2 / #7,800,310B2 / #7,837,952B2. Domestic & foreign patents & pending.

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