PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVESTMENT FUNDS facsimile or electronic means, and shall contain the information stated in the section “Exchange of Shares”. Restrictions relating to the exchange of Shares of a Class into Shares of another Class are more fully described in the section “Exchange of Shares”. Any request to exchange Shares may not be executed until any previous transaction involving the Shares to be exchanged has been completed and full settlement on those Shares received. Complete requests for exchange of Shares on any Valuation Day from a Fund denominated in one currency into a Fund denominated in another currency will require one (1) additional Luxembourg bank business day in order to effectuate the currency transactions for such exchange. Redemption of Shares Shares may be redeemed at a price equal to the relevant net asset value of the relevant Class of Shares calculated on the applicable Valuation Day by giving notice to the Transfer Agent in writing or, if expressly allowed by the Transfer Agent, by telephone, facsimile or electronic means, containing the information stated in the section “Redemption of Shares”. Concerning the redemption requests made by telephone, facsimile and electronic means, the Transfer Agent may at its own discretion request a written and duly signed confirmation, in which case it may delay the processing of the request until receipt of written confirmation thereof. Where a certificate has been issued in the name(s) of the Shareholder(s), the Board of Directors may require that such share certificate, duly endorsed, be returned to the Transfer Agent prior to the transaction being effectuated at any applicable net asset value and therefore prior to payment being made. In the case of physical bearer Shares, the certificate must be returned together with the unmatured coupons, to the Principal Paying Agent. Any request to redeem Shares may not be executed until any previous transaction involving the Shares to be redeemed has been completed and full settlement on those Shares received. Complete redemption requests for Shares received by the Transfer Agent or by a duly authorised Share Distributor on a Valuation Day before the appropriate dealing cut- off times will be dealt with on that day on the basis of the net asset value per Share of the relevant Class calculated on that day. Complete redemption requests for Shares received by the Transfer Agent or a duly authorised Share distributor after the appropriate dealing cut- off times as more fully described in Appendix A will normally be dealt with on the basis of the net asset value per Share of the relevant Class calculated on the next Valuation Day. The Board of Directors of the Company may permit, if it deems it appropriate, different dealing cut- off times to be agreed with local distributors or for distribution in jurisdictions where the different time zone so justifies. In such circumstances, the applicable dealing cut- off time applied must always precede the time when the applicable net asset value is calculated and published. Such different cut off time shall be disclosed in the local supplement to this Prospectus, the agreements in place with the local distributors or other marketing material used in the jurisdictions concerned. The proceeds of redemption of Class B Shares may be subject to a CDSC if such Shares are redeemed within a certain number of years of the date of issue as more fully disclosed in the Section “Investment Management Fees and Sales Charge Structure”. Certain transactions with respect to Class A Shares and Class AX Shares may also be subject to a CDSC if redeemed within the first 18 months of purchase. The proceeds of redemption of Class C Shares may be subject to a CDSC if such Shares are redeemed within 12 months of the date of issue. For further details with respect to this charge see section “Investment Management Fees and Sales Charge Structure”. Settlement Settlement should be made within five (5) Luxembourg bank business days following the Valuation Day after the date on which the application or its functional equivalent as described in the section “Procedure for Application” is received in good order, unless the Board of Directors requires cleared funds on or prior to an application being accepted. Investors will be required to compensate the Company at the discretion of the Board of Directors for any loss resulting from late settlement. Investors are informed that it is the Company’s policy not to make or accept unrelated third party payments. Shares held through vi Franklin Templeton Investment Funds

PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVESTMENT FUNDS Clearstream or Euroclear must be settled in the currency of denomination of the relevant Fund or (if applicable) of the relevant Class of Shares and within three (3) Luxembourg bank business days following the Valuation Day. Trades instructed through Clearstream or Euroclear, which remain unsettled for a period of thirty days will be cancelled. In such circumstances, the Company has the right to bring an action against the defaulting investor to obtain compensation for any loss directly or indirectly resulting from the failure by the investor to make good settlement by the settlement date. Payment for Shares redeemed shall be made not later than five (5) Luxembourg bank business days after the redemption request has been received in good order unless otherwise described in the section “Redemption of Shares”. Past performance Investors should refer to the simplified prospectus of the Company for historical performance charts of the relevant Funds as at June 30 (or December 31 as the case may be) for the last three (3) years. Regular Savings Plans and Systematic Withdrawal Plans Regular Savings Plans and Systematic Withdrawal Plans are available for the benefit of Shareholders in various countries and in case a Regular Savings Plan is terminated before the agreed final date, the amount of initial charges payable by the relevant Shareholders may be greater than it would have been in the case of standard subscriptions, as detailed in Section “Investment Management Fees and Sales Charge Structure”. For further information please contact the Transfer Agent or your local Franklin Templeton Investments office. Anti- Money Laundering and Counter- Terrorist Financing Legislation Pursuant to the Luxembourg Laws of April 5, 1993 relating to the financial sector (as amended) and November 12, 2004 relating to anti- money laundering and counter- terrorist financing (as amended), as well as to the circulars of the Luxembourg supervisory authority (especially the CSSF circular 08/387), obligations have been imposed on all professionals of the financial sector to prevent the use of UCITS for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes. Within this context a procedure for the identification of investors has been imposed. The Application Form of an investor must be accompanied, in the case of individuals, by a copy of the passport or identification card and, in the case of legal entities, by a copy of the statutes, Articles of Incorporation or other constitutive documents, an extract from the commercial register and a list of authorised signatories. In addition, in the case of legal entities not listed on a recognised Stock Exchange, identification of the shareholders owning more than 25 % of the shares issued or of the voting rights as well as the name and address of persons having a significant influence on the management of the legal persons may be required. In the case of a trust, the Application Form must, at least, be accompanied by a copy of the trust instrument, copy of the passports and/or statutes or other appropriate constitutive documents of the trustee(s) and a list of authorised signatories. In addition, the identification of the trustee, the settler, the ultimate beneficiary and the protector may be required. Any copy must be certified to be a true copy by one of the following authorities: ambassador, consulate, notary or police officer or their equivalent in the jurisdiction concerned. Such identification procedure must be complied with in the following circumstances: a) in the case of direct subscriptions to the Company; and b) in the case of subscriptions received by the Company from any intermediary resident in a country which does not impose on such intermediary an obligation to identify investors equivalent to that required under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. The Company reserves the right to ask for additional information and documentation as may be required to comply with any applicable laws and regulations. Failure to provide documentation may result in delay in investment or the withholding of redemption proceeds. Such information provided to the Transfer Agent is collected and processed for anti- money laundering and counter- terrorist financing compliance purposes. vii

PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN <strong>TEMPLETON</strong> <strong>INVESTMENT</strong> <strong>FUNDS</strong><br />

Clearstream or Euroclear must be settled in the currency of denomination of the relevant Fund or (if<br />

applicable) of the relevant Class of Shares and within three (3) Luxembourg bank business days following<br />

the Valuation Day. Trades instructed through Clearstream or Euroclear, which remain unsettled for a<br />

period of thirty days will be cancelled. In such circumstances, the Company has the right to bring an<br />

action against the defaulting investor to obtain compensation for any loss directly or indirectly resulting<br />

from the failure by the investor to make good settlement by the settlement date. Payment for Shares<br />

redeemed shall be made not later than five (5) Luxembourg bank business days after the redemption<br />

request has been received in good order unless otherwise described in the section “Redemption of Shares”.<br />

Past performance<br />

Investors should refer to the simplified prospectus of the Company for historical performance charts of<br />

the relevant Funds as at June 30 (or December 31 as the case may be) for the last three (3) years.<br />

Regular Savings Plans and Systematic Withdrawal Plans<br />

Regular Savings Plans and Systematic Withdrawal Plans are available for the benefit of Shareholders in<br />

various countries and in case a Regular Savings Plan is terminated before the agreed final date, the amount<br />

of initial charges payable by the relevant Shareholders may be greater than it would have been in the case of<br />

standard subscriptions, as detailed in Section “Investment Management Fees and Sales Charge Structure”. For<br />

further information please contact the Transfer Agent or your local Franklin Templeton Investments office.<br />

Anti- Money Laundering and Counter- Terrorist Financing Legislation<br />

Pursuant to the Luxembourg Laws of April 5, 1993 relating to the financial sector (as amended) and<br />

November 12, 2004 relating to anti- money laundering and counter- terrorist financing (as amended), as<br />

well as to the circulars of the Luxembourg supervisory authority (especially the CSSF circular 08/387),<br />

obligations have been imposed on all professionals of the financial sector to prevent the use of UCITS for<br />

money laundering and terrorist financing purposes. Within this context a procedure for the identification<br />

of investors has been imposed. The Application Form of an investor must be accompanied, in the case of<br />

individuals, by a copy of the passport or identification card and, in the case of legal entities, by a copy of<br />

the statutes, Articles of Incorporation or other constitutive documents, an extract from the commercial<br />

register and a list of authorised signatories. In addition, in the case of legal entities not listed on a<br />

recognised Stock Exchange, identification of the shareholders owning more than 25 % of the shares<br />

issued or of the voting rights as well as the name and address of persons having a significant influence on<br />

the management of the legal persons may be required. In the case of a trust, the Application Form must,<br />

at least, be accompanied by a copy of the trust instrument, copy of the passports and/or statutes or other<br />

appropriate constitutive documents of the trustee(s) and a list of authorised signatories. In addition, the<br />

identification of the trustee, the settler, the ultimate beneficiary and the protector may be required. Any<br />

copy must be certified to be a true copy by one of the following authorities: ambassador, consulate,<br />

notary or police officer or their equivalent in the jurisdiction concerned. Such identification procedure<br />

must be complied with in the following circumstances:<br />

a) in the case of direct subscriptions to the Company; and<br />

b) in the case of subscriptions received by the Company from any intermediary resident in a country<br />

which does not impose on such intermediary an obligation to identify investors equivalent to that<br />

required under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the prevention of money laundering<br />

and terrorist financing.<br />

The Company reserves the right to ask for additional information and documentation as may be required to<br />

comply with any applicable laws and regulations. Failure to provide documentation may result in delay in<br />

investment or the withholding of redemption proceeds.<br />

Such information provided to the Transfer Agent is collected and processed for anti- money laundering<br />

and counter- terrorist financing compliance purposes.<br /><br />


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