PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVESTMENT FUNDS Requests for exchange of Shares on any Valuation Day from a Fund or a Class of Shares denominated in one currency into a Fund or a Class of Shares denominated in another currency will require one (1) additional Luxembourg bank business day in order to effect the currency conversions for such exchange. However, in exceptional circumstances, the Company or the Transfer Agent may, at its own discretion, decide to process such a request for exchange and the necessary currency conversions on the same Valuation Date. The number of Shares issued upon exchange will be based upon the respective net asset value of the Shares of the two relevant Funds or Class of Shares on the Valuation Day on which the exchange request is effected and will be calculated as follows: A = [B x (C - D - E)] x F G where A = the number of Shares in the new Fund or Class of Shares to which the Shareholder shall become entitled; B = the number of Shares in the original Fund or Class of Shares which the Shareholder has requested to be exchanged; C = net asset value per Share of the original Fund or Class of Shares; D = calculated amount of exchange charge (if any) payable per Share; E = if applicable, EU withholding tax deducted from the net asset value per Share of the original Fund; F = the relevant currency exchange rate (defined as the currency exchange factor determined by the Board of Directors for the relevant Valuation Day, as representing the effective rate of exchange between the two relevant currencies) after adjusting such rate to reflect the effective costs of making the transfer, when the original Fund or Class of Shares and the new Fund or Class of Shares are not designated in the same currency and, in any other case, 1; G = net asset value per Share of the new Fund or Class of Shares. In certain limited circumstances, for distribution in certain countries and/or through certain sub- distributors and/or professional investors, the Board of Directors may, at its own discretion, authorise an exchange charge which calculated amount shall not exceed 1.00% of the value of the Shares being requested for exchange. In such case, any local supplement to this Prospectus or marketing material, including that used by the relevant intermediaries, will refer to the possibility and terms of such exchange charge. It is at present intended that the exchange charge will be paid to the Principal Distributor (who may, in turn, pay a portion thereof to the sub- distributors, intermediaries, dealers and/or professional investors receiving the order for exchange) after deducting the total transaction expense payable to the Transfer Agent. Such charge shall be automatically deducted when the number of Shares is calculated and paid by the Company. Exchanges may not, however, be effected if the result thereof would be that the Shareholder would be registered as holding less than USD 2,500 (or the equivalent in the currency of denomination of the Fund) in value of Shares of the original Fund(s) and also of the Fund(s) into which his Shares are to be exchanged. Any request to exchange Shares may not be executed until any previous transaction involving the Shares to be exchanged has been completed and full settlement on those Shares received. In addition to the exchange charge described above, in certain circumstances an exchange from any one Fund will necessitate a fee equivalent to the difference between the two levels of charges unless the Shareholder can document that as a result of prior exchanges, he had already paid the exchange rate differential. It is currently anticipated that any exchange rate differential will be paid to the Principal Distributor, who may, in turn, pay a portion of each differential to sub- distributors, intermediaries, dealers and/or professional investor. However, the exchange rate differential may be waived at the discretion of the Company. 54 Franklin Templeton Investment Funds

PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVESTMENT FUNDS A new registered Share certificate, if requested, will not be delivered or posted to the Shareholder until the old Share certificate has been received in good form by the Transfer Agent. In addition, new registered Share certificates will not be issued unless specifically requested by the Shareholder. In the event that a new Share certificate is requested, such new Share certificate will not be issued until such time as the exchange has been transacted. Shareholders may, under certain circumstances, exchange Shares of the Company into Shares or units of certain other investment funds of Franklin Templeton Investments having a similar sales charge structure including same percentage of CDSC over the same period of time. Information on the investment funds into which Shares may be exchanged, and details of the procedure, terms and conditions for exchange may be obtained from the Transfer Agent upon request. It is recommended to Shareholders to promptly check the confirmation statement that is mailed after each transaction in order to ensure that it has been accurately recorded in their account. Claims should be submitted in writing to the local Franklin Templeton Investments servicing office within fifteen (15) days from the statement date. These confirmation statements are private and confidential. To safeguard your holdings in the case of loss or theft of these statements (or of your identity documents/ passport), please immediately inform your local Franklin Templeton Investments servicing office. Transfer of Shares Transfer of registered Shares shall be effected as follows: (a) if Share certificates have been issued, by inscription of the transfer to be made in the register of Shareholders of the Company by the Transfer Agent upon delivering the Share certificates representing such Shares along with other instruments of transfer satisfactory to the Company and/or the Transfer Agent such as the standard transfer form available at the registered office of the Company and/or the Transfer Agent, and (b) if no Share certificates have been issued, by written declaration of transfer to be inscribed in the register of Shareholders of the Company, dated and signed by the transferor and, if so requested by the Company and/or the Transfer Agent, also signed by the transferee, or by persons holding suitable powers of attorney to act therefore. If a transfer results in a holding on the part of the relevant Shareholders of less than USD 2,500 (or the equivalent in the currency of denomination of the Fund) in value of Shares of the relevant Fund, the Company may require the relevant holding to be redeemed. Any request to transfer Shares will only be executed once any previous transaction involving the Shares to be transferred has been completed and full settlement on those Shares received. Transfer of Shares will be effected in accordance with the Luxembourg Stocks Exchange regulations. The Shares of the Company are freely transferable. The Articles provide that the Board of Directors is entitled to impose restrictions as they may think necessary for the purposes of ensuring that no Shares are acquired or held by (a) any person in violation of or subject to the applicable laws or regulations of any country or government authority or (b) any person in circumstances which, in the opinion of the Directors, might result in the Company incurring any liability of taxation or suffering any other disadvantage which the Company might not otherwise have incurred. The Shares transferred may be subject to specific conditions, including CDSC. It is the duty of the investor to which the Shares are transferred to inform himself of any specific condition applicable to such Shares. 55

PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN <strong>TEMPLETON</strong> <strong>INVESTMENT</strong> <strong>FUNDS</strong><br />

Requests for exchange of Shares on any Valuation Day from a Fund or a Class of Shares denominated in<br />

one currency into a Fund or a Class of Shares denominated in another currency will require one (1) additional<br />

Luxembourg bank business day in order to effect the currency conversions for such exchange. However,<br />

in exceptional circumstances, the Company or the Transfer Agent may, at its own discretion, decide to<br />

process such a request for exchange and the necessary currency conversions on the same Valuation Date.<br />

The number of Shares issued upon exchange will be based upon the respective net asset value of the Shares of<br />

the two relevant Funds or Class of Shares on the Valuation Day on which the exchange request is effected<br />

and will be calculated as follows:<br />

A = [B x (C - D - E)] x F<br />

G<br />

where<br />

A = the number of Shares in the new Fund or Class of Shares to which the Shareholder shall become<br />

entitled;<br />

B = the number of Shares in the original Fund or Class of Shares which the Shareholder has requested<br />

to be exchanged;<br />

C = net asset value per Share of the original Fund or Class of Shares;<br />

D = calculated amount of exchange charge (if any) payable per Share;<br />

E = if applicable, EU withholding tax deducted from the net asset value per Share of the original Fund;<br />

F = the relevant currency exchange rate (defined as the currency exchange factor determined by the<br />

Board of Directors for the relevant Valuation Day, as representing the effective rate of exchange<br />

between the two relevant currencies) after adjusting such rate to reflect the effective costs of<br />

making the transfer, when the original Fund or Class of Shares and the new Fund or Class of<br />

Shares are not designated in the same currency and, in any other case, 1;<br />

G =<br />

net asset value per Share of the new Fund or Class of Shares.<br />

In certain limited circumstances, for distribution in certain countries and/or through certain sub- distributors<br />

and/or professional investors, the Board of Directors may, at its own discretion, authorise an exchange<br />

charge which calculated amount shall not exceed 1.00% of the value of the Shares being requested for<br />

exchange. In such case, any local supplement to this Prospectus or marketing material, including that<br />

used by the relevant intermediaries, will refer to the possibility and terms of such exchange charge. It is at<br />

present intended that the exchange charge will be paid to the Principal Distributor (who may, in turn, pay<br />

a portion thereof to the sub- distributors, intermediaries, dealers and/or professional investors receiving<br />

the order for exchange) after deducting the total transaction expense payable to the Transfer Agent. Such<br />

charge shall be automatically deducted when the number of Shares is calculated and paid by the Company.<br />

Exchanges may not, however, be effected if the result thereof would be that the Shareholder would be<br />

registered as holding less than USD 2,500 (or the equivalent in the currency of denomination of the Fund)<br />

in value of Shares of the original Fund(s) and also of the Fund(s) into which his Shares are to be exchanged.<br />

Any request to exchange Shares may not be executed until any previous transaction involving the Shares<br />

to be exchanged has been completed and full settlement on those Shares received.<br />

In addition to the exchange charge described above, in certain circumstances an exchange from any one<br />

Fund will necessitate a fee equivalent to the difference between the two levels of charges unless the<br />

Shareholder can document that as a result of prior exchanges, he had already paid the exchange rate<br />

differential. It is currently anticipated that any exchange rate differential will be paid to the Principal<br />

Distributor, who may, in turn, pay a portion of each differential to sub- distributors, intermediaries,<br />

dealers and/or professional investor. However, the exchange rate differential may be waived at the<br />

discretion of the Company.<br />

54 Franklin Templeton Investment Funds

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