PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVESTMENT FUNDS Issue of Shares Shares are made available through the Principal Distributor pursuant to an amended and restated Principal Distribution Agreement dated December 1, 2005, for distribution of Shares and the Principal Distributor will, from time to time, enter into contractual agreements with several other sub- distributors, intermediaries, dealers and/or professional investors for the distribution of those Shares. Shares of each Fund may be issued by the Company on any Valuation Day. Shares of each Fund shall be issued or sold at the net asset value per Share of the relevant Fund (see Appendix D), calculated on the Valuation Day on which the application is received, plus any applicable initial sales charge, provided such application is received in Luxembourg on that Valuation Day. The applicable net asset value will be available on the following Valuation Day. The Articles provide that Shares may not be issued or sold at less than the relevant net asset value per Share (as to the computation of which, see Appendix D). Applications received by the Company in Luxembourg or by a distributor duly authorised in written on a Valuation Day will be dealt with at the relevant net asset value per Share determined on that Valuation Day. Procedure for Application Applications for Shares may be accepted at the discretion of the Board of Directors, and should be made either (i) on the standard Application Form or (ii) by written application giving the information stated below. Any subsequent purchase of Shares may also be made by telephone, facsimile or electronic request, if expressly allowed by the Transfer Agent. Concerning the requests made by telephone, facsimile and electronic means, the Transfer Agent may in its own discretion request a written and duly signed confirmation, in which case it may delay the processing of the request until receipt of written confirmation thereof. Applications for Shares should be sent or made to the office of the Transfer Agent or the relevant appointed Share Distributor on a Valuation Day before the appropriate dealing cut- off time as described in Appendix A in order to be dealt with on that day on the basis of the net asset value per Share calculated on that day, subject to any applicable sales charge. However, processing of all applications received by a relevant Share Distributor will only commence once they have been forwarded to the Transfer Agent or to a distributor duly authorised in writing. Subscription monies may be required to be received by the Transfer Agent or the relevant Share Distributor in cleared funds prior to processing of the applications. In such case, the application will be dealt with on the basis of the net asset value per Share of the relevant Class calculated on the Valuation Day when such funds are received by the Transfer Agent. The Board of Directors of the Company may permit, if it deems it appropriate, different dealing cut- off times to be agreed with local distributors or for distribution in jurisdictions where the different time zone so justifies. In such circumstances, the applicable dealing cut- off time applied must always precede the time when the applicable net asset value is calculated and published. Such different cut off time shall be disclosed in the local supplement to this Prospectus, the agreements in place with the local distributors or other marketing material used in the jurisdictions concerned. Orders for Shares will be settled in the Fund’s currency. Investors settling in a currency other than the base currency or (if applicable) the Alternative Currency Class of the Fund concerned are advised that a delay in processing the application until the next Valuation Day may occur to allow for currency conversion. Applications not made on the standard Application Form should be duly signed and: (a) state the name of the Fund(s) Class, the Class ISIN code (please refer to Appendix G of the Prospectus for details of ISIN codes) and number of Shares applied for in the Fund(s) (the number of Shares should be stated both in numbers and in words) or the amount (in numbers and in words) to be invested (which should include provision for any applicable initial sales charge) - Shareholders are informed that investment orders for Share amounts must be settled in the Fund’s currency except for the Templeton Euro Money Market Fund for which investment orders for Share amounts is not available; 48 Franklin Templeton Investment Funds

PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVESTMENT FUNDS (b) state how payment has been or will be made; (c) acknowledge receipt of this Prospectus (and any specific annex applicable to local jurisdictions, if applicable) and confirm that the application is made on the basis of and subject to the information contained in this Prospectus and the Articles and agree to abide by the terms and conditions thereof; (d) state the name (and reference, if any) of the investor as well as the contact details (i.e. address, e- mail, telephone number, fax, …), the passport number, date of birth and nationality of the investor, whether the application is made on behalf of a minor and the address to which the confirmation statement is to be dispatched; (e) confirm that the Shares are not being acquired either directly or indirectly by or on behalf of any U.S. Person or on behalf of any person in any other jurisdiction that would be restricted or prohibited from acquiring Shares and that the investor will not sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any such Shares, directly or indirectly, to or for the account of any U.S. Person or in the United States of America or to or for the account of any person in such other jurisdiction, unless pursuant to an exemption from registration requirements available under U.S. law, any applicable statute, rule or interpretation; (f) to the extent that the investor has chosen to have dividends in respect of Shares in any Fund(s) reinvested in further Shares, instruct the Company to receive payment of any dividends paid in respect of such Shares on the investor’s behalf and to apply such dividends in subscription for further Shares in the Fund(s) in respect of which the dividends are paid at the net asset value on the Valuation Day on which the price of the Shares of that Fund goes ex- dividend. If, however, no indication is given to the contrary, all dividends in respect of a Fund will automatically be reinvested in additional Shares of the relevant Fund; (g) confirm who is the ultimate economic beneficiary, unless the investor is an intermediary having an identification obligation equivalent to that required under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (as described in the section “ Anti- Money Laundering Legislation and Terrorist Financing”); and (h) state whether the application is for Shares with or without Share certificates. Please refer to the section “Certificates and Registration”. If there is any discrepancy between the name of the Fund(s) Class, the Class ISIN code or the currency of the Fund(s) Class quoted in the Application, the order will be processed on the basis of the ISIN code quoted in the Application. Share amount may have a maximum of three (3) decimal places. Any transaction order with a stated Share amount with more than three (3) decimal places will be rounded to three (3) decimal places, using conventional rounding to the nearest thousandths place. In addition, investors should provide the documentation required for anti- money laundering and terrorist financing purposes and as more fully described in the section “ Anti- Money Laundering Legislation and Terrorist Financing”. As soon as the price at which the Shares are to be issued has been determined, the Company will inform the investor, if practicable, of the total amount receivable, including any applicable initial sales charge, in respect of the number of Shares applied for, or, in the case where a subscriber has indicated the amount to be invested, the number of Shares to be allotted. Payment of the total amount due should be made in the base currency of denomination of the relevant Fund or (if applicable) of the relevant Class of Shares. However, payment may be made, in certain instances as permitted by the Transfer Agent, in any freely exchangeable currency and the necessary foreign exchange transactions will be arranged on behalf of, and at the expense of, the investor. Shares held through Clearstream or Euroclear must be settled in the currency of denomination of the relevant Fund or (if applicable) of the relevant Class of Shares and within three (3) Luxembourg bank business days following the Valuation Day. Trades instructed through Clearstream or Euroclear, which remain unsettled for a period of thirty days shall be cancelled. In such circumstances, the Company has the right to bring an action against the defaulting investor to obtain compensation for any loss directly or indirectly resulting from the failure by the investor to make good settlement by the settlement date. 49

PROSPECTUS OF FRANKLIN <strong>TEMPLETON</strong> <strong>INVESTMENT</strong> <strong>FUNDS</strong><br />

Issue of Shares<br />

Shares are made available through the Principal Distributor pursuant to an amended and restated Principal<br />

Distribution Agreement dated December 1, 2005, for distribution of Shares and the Principal Distributor<br />

will, from time to time, enter into contractual agreements with several other sub- distributors, intermediaries,<br />

dealers and/or professional investors for the distribution of those Shares.<br />

Shares of each Fund may be issued by the Company on any Valuation Day. Shares of each Fund shall be<br />

issued or sold at the net asset value per Share of the relevant Fund (see Appendix D), calculated on the<br />

Valuation Day on which the application is received, plus any applicable initial sales charge, provided such<br />

application is received in Luxembourg on that Valuation Day. The applicable net asset value will be<br />

available on the following Valuation Day.<br />

The Articles provide that Shares may not be issued or sold at less than the relevant net asset value per<br />

Share (as to the computation of which, see Appendix D). Applications received by the Company in<br />

Luxembourg or by a distributor duly authorised in written on a Valuation Day will be dealt with at the<br />

relevant net asset value per Share determined on that Valuation Day.<br />

Procedure for Application<br />

Applications for Shares may be accepted at the discretion of the Board of Directors, and should be made<br />

either (i) on the standard Application Form or (ii) by written application giving the information stated<br />

below. Any subsequent purchase of Shares may also be made by telephone, facsimile or electronic<br />

request, if expressly allowed by the Transfer Agent. Concerning the requests made by telephone,<br />

facsimile and electronic means, the Transfer Agent may in its own discretion request a written and duly<br />

signed confirmation, in which case it may delay the processing of the request until receipt of written<br />

confirmation thereof. Applications for Shares should be sent or made to the office of the Transfer Agent<br />

or the relevant appointed Share Distributor on a Valuation Day before the appropriate dealing cut- off<br />

time as described in Appendix A in order to be dealt with on that day on the basis of the net asset value per<br />

Share calculated on that day, subject to any applicable sales charge. However, processing of all applications<br />

received by a relevant Share Distributor will only commence once they have been forwarded to the Transfer<br />

Agent or to a distributor duly authorised in writing. Subscription monies may be required to be received by<br />

the Transfer Agent or the relevant Share Distributor in cleared funds prior to processing of the applications.<br />

In such case, the application will be dealt with on the basis of the net asset value per Share of the relevant<br />

Class calculated on the Valuation Day when such funds are received by the Transfer Agent.<br />

The Board of Directors of the Company may permit, if it deems it appropriate, different dealing cut- off<br />

times to be agreed with local distributors or for distribution in jurisdictions where the different time zone<br />

so justifies. In such circumstances, the applicable dealing cut- off time applied must always precede the<br />

time when the applicable net asset value is calculated and published. Such different cut off time shall be<br />

disclosed in the local supplement to this Prospectus, the agreements in place with the local distributors or<br />

other marketing material used in the jurisdictions concerned.<br />

Orders for Shares will be settled in the Fund’s currency. Investors settling in a currency other than the base<br />

currency or (if applicable) the Alternative Currency Class of the Fund concerned are advised that a delay<br />

in processing the application until the next Valuation Day may occur to allow for currency conversion.<br />

Applications not made on the standard Application Form should be duly signed and:<br />

(a) state the name of the Fund(s) Class, the Class ISIN code (please refer to Appendix G of the Prospectus<br />

for details of ISIN codes) and number of Shares applied for in the Fund(s) (the number of Shares should<br />

be stated both in numbers and in words) or the amount (in numbers and in words) to be invested (which<br />

should include provision for any applicable initial sales charge) - Shareholders are informed that<br />

investment orders for Share amounts must be settled in the Fund’s currency except for the Templeton<br />

Euro Money Market Fund for which investment orders for Share amounts is not available;<br />

48 Franklin Templeton Investment Funds

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