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LTR XV (Academic Year 2002-03): 88-91<br />

SERMON:<br />

“CHOOSE FREEDOM” (GAL. 3:23-29) 1<br />

William Mundt<br />

W<br />

ho would choose to be a prisoner when you could be freed The<br />

answer may surprise you. In matters of faith millions choose the<br />

slavery of the Law over the freedom of the Gospel. What is even<br />

more frightening is that these are the groups that are growing. What is this<br />

fascination people have for enslaving themselves to what the Bible calls the<br />

“weak and beggarly elemental spirits of the universe” (Gal. 4:9,3). What<br />

makes people so eager to be “tossed to and fro and carried about with every<br />

wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14). The drive to be a slave always seems to be<br />

stronger than the desire to be free.<br />

Of course, most people do not see it that way. “There is a way which<br />

seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death”, Scripture says (Prov.<br />

14:12). And what seems right is the notion—natural only since sin entered<br />

the world—that God will be happy and justice will be served if we just try<br />

our best; that God indeed helps those who help themselves. What a<br />

comforting thought to be persuaded that God did not really mean it when He<br />

said “The soul that sins shall die” (Ex. 34:7b) and that there is indeed no sin<br />

as long as one is sincere!<br />

That kind of thinking is what makes and keeps one a prisoner, confined<br />

within the walls of man-made rules and rites, “holding the form of religion<br />

but denying the power of it” (II Tim. 3:5). People must like walls; they keep<br />

building them. The Bible tells us that among other things, Jesus came to<br />

break down the<br />

dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in His flesh the law of<br />

commandments and ordinances ... and might reconcile us both to God in one<br />

body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end. And He<br />

came and preached peace ... for through Him we have access ... to the Father”<br />

(Eph 2:14f.)<br />

Unfortunately, by nature we build more walls, higher walls, or find other<br />

ways to keep God out of our lives.<br />

It happened in Galatia then. It still happens in St. Catharines, Edmonton,<br />

and everywhere people live. “You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched<br />

you” begins the chapter from which we take our text today. Don’t you see,<br />

it asks, that freedom is definitely a possibility Jesus declared it: “If you<br />

continue in My word, you are truly My disciples; and you will know the<br />

1 Preached at Faith Lutheran Church, Dunnville, Ontario, 8 July 2001.

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