Combining Information from Multiple Internet Sources

Combining Information from Multiple Internet Sources

Combining Information from Multiple Internet Sources


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The listing presents the short descriptions of the components already introduced in<br />

the Use Case diagram (Fig. and also some components that have not yet been described.<br />

Also the transfer objects which are utilized by the components are presented in this listing.<br />


GatewayServlet – this component is the backend of the web application. It is<br />

responsible for processing user requests and serves as a web application<br />

controller. Its purpose is also to forward user requests to the<br />

SearcherClientAgent. This object is a derivation of the HTTPServlet class<br />

provided in the Java Enterprise Edition API.<br />

SearcherClientAgent.- this component is responsible for the creation of the entry<br />

point to the Main module. It creates the necessary ManagerAgent as an entry point<br />

to the application and forwards user requests to it. It is also responsible for<br />

receiving result list after it is finished being processed. This object derives<br />

<strong>from</strong> the GatewayAgent class provided by the JADE framework.<br />

FeedbackAgent – this component is responsible for sending user feedback (if such<br />

is required) to the application, after the results are presented. This object<br />

derives <strong>from</strong> the GatewayAgent class provided by the JADE framework.<br />

ManagerAgent – this component is not a part of the Client module, however since<br />

it is known in the Client module, its purpose in this module will be described.<br />

It serves as an entry point to the Main module which in turn is responsible for<br />

the information retrieval and processing. From the Client module point of view it<br />

only receives query, returns results and sometimes receives feedback. This object<br />

derives <strong>from</strong> the Agent class provided by the JADE framework.<br />


SearchParams – this transfer object serves as container to relay the search<br />

parameters provided by user into the lower parts of the application. This object<br />

contains the query and the algorithm name which are then relayed to the further<br />

parts of the application.<br />

HTMLTagA – this transfer object is used as a container with which the feedback<br />

which user may provide is enclosed. This class is a simplified representation of<br />

Listing Components of the Client module<br />

The following part presents the information flow and components interaction in a more<br />

detailed way. This section also presents the way in which the transfer objects are utilized in this<br />


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