OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University

OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University

OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University


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the establishment of the Bretton Woods institutions of International Monitory Fund (IMF) and World<br />

Bank in 1944, and subsequently to the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) in 1947. The<br />

GATT's successor was the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. 5 t the end of the second World<br />

War the economic centrality went to North America from where the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)<br />

became the economic headquarters of the world. The end of Second World War also ushered in the<br />

period of rivalry between two economic systems “capitalism & communism”. 6<br />

Dimensions of Globalization<br />

Economic Globalization. Economic globalization refers to increasing economic interdependence of<br />

national economies across the world through a rapid increase in the cross-border movement of goods,<br />

services, technology and capital. It can conveniently be termed as the oldest and the most enduring form<br />

of globalization. 7<br />

Political Globalization. Although technology is often considered the driving force behind the<br />

globalization process, politics or 'ideology' is the main driver, because the word 'globalization' only<br />

gained currency after the demise of communism. 8 As the conflicts between the nations intensified, there<br />

was a growing need for lasting contacts and consultative bodies. Diplomats and embassies were the first<br />

step in that direction, followed by an exponential growth in inter-governmental organizations and<br />

institutions to deal with international problems. 9<br />

Cultural Globalization. This is an important aspect of globalization which is greatly assisted by the<br />

media and information blitz. The phenomenon referred to as the westernization of our consumption and<br />

entertainment culture is implied by the globalization of the market economy, and thus of consumer<br />

society. The media revolution is now so persuasive and pervasive that it can erode national cultures and<br />

traditional values. 10<br />

International Political Economy. This is about the inter-play of economics and politics in the world<br />

affairs. The traditional approach to the IPE is based on three concepts i.e. Liberal, Mercantilist and<br />

Marxist traditions. In Liberal traditions, the idea is that in a free market economy, profit will<br />

automatically flow towards the investment where it is most profitable to invest. This is a utopian concept<br />

and is almost oblivious to the political dimension of the Realists’ world. In Marxist, the world economy<br />

is seen as an arena of competition, but not among states. Capitalism is the driving force in the world<br />

economy. In the Mercantilist theory, globalization is an arena of inter-state competition. 11 The<br />

contemporary mainstream approaches in international political economy are as under:-<br />

Realism. Realists assert that principles are subordinated to policies and that there can be no<br />

community beyond borders and that the state is the supreme good. The concept revolves around<br />

the 3 Ss, i.e. Statism, Survival and Self-help. 12<br />

Liberalism. It is a political philosophy or worldview founded on the ideas of liberty and<br />

equality, which supports international integration and cooperation. 13<br />

Constructivism. The constructivist view assumes that the domain of international economic<br />

interactions is not value-free, and that economic and political identities, in addition to material<br />

interests, are significant determinants of economic action. 14<br />

Role of Media and IT. Today’s media has tremendous potential in affecting the social, cultural,<br />

religious and human aspects of any item of information. The Arab uprising is a case in point. Both a<br />

product of globalization as well as a catalyst, the internet connects computer users around the world.<br />

From 2000 to 1 st Quarter 2012, the number of Internet users globally rose from 394 million to 2.3<br />

Billion 15 .Some of the effects of Media include greater awareness of international affairs, cultural impact,<br />

speedy flow of information and tools to shape the opinion of the masses.<br />

Drivers of Globalization<br />

International Trade. International trade means that countries become more interconnected through the<br />

exchange of goods and services. Between 1950 and 2010, world trade grew 34-fold in volume terms 16 .<br />

MNCs are major traders and account for a large proportion of international trade. International trade is<br />

aided by the concepts of trans-border transactions, trans-border production, trans-planetary money and<br />

trans-planetary security. For example, Ford makes gearboxes in its factory in Bordeaux and exports them<br />

to its assembly plants in other European countries.<br />

Financial Flows. The financial flows are in two forms:-<br />

<strong>OPINION</strong> <strong>Vol.1</strong> <strong>No.1</strong> 67 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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