OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University

OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University


5 Tariq Ramadan, The Arab Awakening – Islam and the Middle East, (England: Penguin Group,2012), 2 6 Timo Behr and Mika Aaltola, The Arab Uprising- Causes, Prospects and Implications, March 2011 7 Katerina Dalacoura, The 2011 Uprising in the Arab Middle East: Political Change and Geopolitical Implications, http://www.chathamhouse.org/ 8 Marc Lynch, America and Egypt After the Uprising, http;//www.marclynch.com/wp 9 Ahram online, Morsi’s first 100 days: A report card, 9 October 2012, http://english.ahramonline.org.en/news 10 Dr. Morsi’s Electoral Pragram- General Features of Nahda (Renaissance) Project, Ikhwanweb, 28 April 2012, http://www. Ikhwanweb.com 11 Security Council SC/10200, Security Council Approves “No Fly Zone” over Libya, 17 march 2011, http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs 12 10 Reasons why Arab Spring happened and continues a year on, Outernationalists, 14 July 2012, Accessed 23 December 2012, http://outernationalist.net/ 13 Bobby Ghosh, The Arab Spring’s Nobel Laureate Says the Revolution Isn’t over, Time World, 17 July 2012, http://world.time.com/2012/07/17/the-arab-spring 14 Saad Abedine and Ben Brumfield, Over 37000 have died in Syria’s civil war, opposition group says, CNN, 16 November 2012, http://edition.cnn.com 15 Maha Husain Aziz, Is Jordan Headed for an Arab Spring, Bloomberg Business week, 25 November 2012, http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-11-25 16 Donna Abu-Nasr, Saudi Women Inspired by Fall of Mubarak Step Up Equality Demand, 31 March 2011, Islam Daily, http://www.islamdaily.org/en/saudi-arabia/ 17 Chas W. Freeman Jr. The Arab Awakening: Strategic Implications, Middle East Policy, 12 June 2011, http;//onlonelibrary.wiley.com 18 Sykes – Picot Agreement, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Accessed on 23 December 2012, http://www.britannica.com/ 19 Panorama 2012, The oil and gas producing countries of North Africa and Middle East, http://www.ifpenerglesnouvelles.com/ 20 Youth Unemployment Getting Even Worse, ILO Report, 4 September 2012, http;/www.ilo.org/global 21 The World Fact Book, Central Intelligence Agency, Accessed on 23 December 2012, http://www.cia.gov/library/publication 22 Tariq Ramadan, The Arab Awakening – Islam and the Middle East, (England: Penguin Group,2012), 9 23 CIA World Factbook, Indus Mundi, http://www.indexmundi.com/g 24 Mathew M Reed, King Abdullah’s Big Spending Spree, The Foreigner, 25 July 2012 25 World Audit, December 2012, http://www.worldaudit.org/democracy.htm 26 World Democracy and Press Freedom Ranking, http://www.worldaudit.org/democracy/ 27 Human Development Index (HDI), 2011 Rankings by UNDP, http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistic/ 28 Mapping the Global Muslim Population, The Pew Forum, 7 October 2009, http://www.pewforum.org/Muslim/Mapping 29 Chas W. Freeman Jr. The Arab Awakening: Strategic Implications, Middle East Policy, 12 June 2011, http://onlonelibrary.wiley.com 30 Olivier Roy, The Transformation of the Arab World, Journal of Democracy Volume 23, July 2012 31 Chas W. Freeman Jr. The Arab Awakening: Strategic Implications, Middle East Policy, 12 June 2011, http;//onlonelibrary.wiley.com 32 Olivier Roy, The Transformation of the Arab World, Journal of Democracy Volume 23, July 2012 33 Madeline Storck, The Role of Social Media in Political Mobilization: a Case Study of the January 2011 Egyptian Uprising, http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/ 34 Marc Lynch, Why the Arab Uprising will Force the U.S. to Rethink Israel-Palestine 35 Tariq Ramadan, The Arab Awakening – Islam and the Middle East, (England: Penguin Group,2012), 129-130 36 Robina Khalid Rathore and Dr. Theodore Karasik, Is Pakistan likely to Follow the “Arab Revolt”- Analysis, 12 September 2011, Eurasia review, http://www.eurasiareview.com/ 37 Javed Hafiz, Lessons of Arab Revolts, The Nation, 10 November 2012, http://www.nation.com.pk 38 Shaukat M Zafar, Hopes from Upcoming Elections, Pakistan Observer, 17 December 2012, http://pakobserver.net/dailynews.asp OPINION Vol.1 No.1 64 June 2013

PART – 2 National Security ‣ Globalization – Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan ‣ Afghanistan – Pre and Post 2014: Implications for Pakistan ‣ Pakistan, Demography and Climate Change OPINION Vol.1 No.1 65 June 2013

PART – 2<br />

<strong>National</strong> Security<br />

‣ Globalization – Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan<br />

‣ Afghanistan – Pre and Post 2014: Implications for Pakistan<br />

‣ Pakistan, Demography and Climate Change<br />

<strong>OPINION</strong> <strong>Vol.1</strong> <strong>No.1</strong> 65 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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