OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University

OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University


• There have been significant political changes since the end of World War II and number of states has increased from 51 in 1945 to 194 now with theoretically same importance in international system. • Rise in the number of stateless actors to include both transnational and sub-national elements that influence the international scene is another change which is eroding state sovereignty. • As the inter-state wars receded due to their global unacceptability and economic costs, states and non-state actors resorted to low intensity conflicts to further their political aims. • 4GW theorists’ also visualised contemporary terrorist groups as self-sufficient since conflicts will be waged outside the nation-state framework. However, as we have already seen in Swat and FATA, that is hardly the case as while the State of Pakistan was fighting these groups, they were also being supported by few states, states thus remain relevant in fighting or supporting these groups. • In nutshell, the “end of nation state” approach is too deterministic giving an impression that it is an inescapable process. Weak Understanding of Clausewitzian Trinity. One more addition was made by declaring this war as non-Trinitarian by viewing the trinity as loose interface among the government, military and the people while ignoring the trinity of basic hostility (drives the desire for conflict), chance and uncertainty or non-rationality (makes war unpredictable and resistant to prescriptive solutions), and the purpose (element of subordination or rationality) 6 . Going over the history of disturbances in Swat and FATA, Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Sharia Muhammadi (TNSM) was supported by people in 1994 and was thus able to create some sort of trinity. But as government promises remained unfulfilled, basic hostility increased and TNSM decided to include TTP Swat Chapter as its armed group. Inclusion of TTS gave birth to chance and friction and this friction widened as TTS misused its power thus resulting into loss of support and breaking trinity. Trinity thus remains central to war fighting and till the time State of Pakistan failed in establishing trinity of people, armed forces and government no worthwhile operations were possible. Use of Transnational Bases. Super-terrorists of the future were also thought not to have a “traditional” national base or identity, but rather a “non-national or transnational one, such as an ideology or a religion” 7 . However, historically, this has also been a norm rather than exception 8 . Indeed, it characterizes many sub conventional conflicts now in Pakistan and Afghanistan where religion was and is still being used to hide the actual agenda. Although, we may disagree with the final end state these groups desire or long for. Attacking the Will of Enemy. Attacking the will of the enemy was cited as the main objective of the changing character of war. Incidentally, this has also been a standard norm in the history and the only difference now is that through access to media and communication means, certain leverage to their adversary’s political will is being enjoyed by states and non states 9 . Attacks in urban areas of Pakistan by TTP, Al Qaeda and all other host of affiliates of Al Qaeda were aimed at attacking the will of the government and people of Pakistan while attacks on LEAs were aimed at breaking their will. Debates still resonate in the media where government and armed forces are routinely asked to negotiate and reconcile with these groups after each attack. Implosion Rather than Integration. Implosion of state was also identified as one the objectives while not realizing that states still remain important to all terrorist organizations as they wield power over societies within states. Even though initially subversion of an existing order is anticipated, ultimately integration is sought even by insurgents. Post-1996 Afghanistan after Taliban take over stands as a stark example. Implosion followed by integration was also tried in Swat and SWA but failed when TTS and TTP failed to manage the chaos. Hamas and Hezbollah are two more interesting examples as they are now part of the very societies they wish to control 10 . Over Emphasizing Use of Technology. Technologies such as directed energy weapons and robotics were envisioned to be used by future terrorists. Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistani groups inside Pakistan fought with most basic of the weapons and almost no technology. Vietcongs in Vietnam and Afghans in 80s fought with even more primitive weapons but were still able to dissuade the designs of much larger and better equipped 2 nd and 3 rd generation armies. OPINION Vol.1 No.1 130 June 2013

Fifth Generation Warfare Theoretical Aspects. Even though 4GW framework is rather new, some observers are now talking about 5GW. The proponents of 5 th GW assume that as US in particular and other states world over in general develop robust capabilities to deal with 4 th GW conflict, insurgents or terrorists will disperse to establish smaller networks supported by states or at their own for ideological reasons, loyalties of people will hence shift from nation states to causes 11 . In the words of William S. Lind, there were only three generations in the field of warfare since modern era and the fourth denotes an end to this generation of warfare model. Above notwithstanding, 5GW proponents’ first assumption of changing loyalties to ideas rather than nation-states has been proven partially right during Arab spring. The second assumption regarding wide spread attacks as a result of advancement in bio and nano technologies is still inconclusive even though two WMD attacks one each in New York and Tokyo have been observed. Third assumption regarding nets and jets war is also inconclusive as there is a growing realization of making internet and social media more accountable and transparent and stricter immigration controls and imposition of curbs on air travel. Irrelevance of Earlier Generations of Warfare. In order to ascertain whether some new technology or idea constitutes a generational shift or otherwise, it has to be seen that can it make older generations of warfare irrelevant Following the notion that war's outcome is usually determined by superiority in equipment could be deadly as technology is seldom the determining factor as amply highlighted throughout the history. While it is true that tools can augment concepts, the core concepts do not change and arguably dictate the development and implementation of said tools. Over emphasis of fifth generation theorists on technology hence might not bring a new generation of warfare. Fifth Generation Warfare as Information Warfare. Naming Fifth Generation Warfare as “Information Warfare” would mean an oversimplification, this representing only one of the aspects. In order to ascertain that whether warfare has transformed into 5GW, following signs are worth consideration:- Technological advancement represented by the evolution of cyberspace especially the Internet and tremendous improvements in nano and bio technologies. The Possibility of processing a large number of data in cyberspace. The use of Information to strengthen and increase the abilities of force. Persuasion powers of media thus making it more powerful than ever at international level. Finally, fundamental shift in societies wherein they develop new concepts of war fighting to overpower 2 nd and 3 rd generation armies. EVOLVING CHARACTER OF WAR AS A RESULT OF POLITICO – MILITARY CHANGES Evolution of Warfare While warfare has certainly evolved over the centuries and will continue to do so in times to come, its nature has remained unaffected, the changes in its character have also been more contextual i.e. the weapons used by warring parties, objectives, doctrines and concepts of adversaries 12 . Developing better understanding about evolving character of warfare in general and 4GW in particular will thus require better insight into the human nature. Understanding Human Nature We humans fight because there are limited resources and in order to satisfy our desires we have to diminish adversary’s capacity for independent action. Human goal thus remains to survive, survive on own terms and in turn improve our capacity for independent action. Life by implication is thus conflict, survival, and conquest. Variety in responses, rapidity in actions, harmonizing efforts and exercising initiative thus seem to be key qualities that permit one to shape and adapt to an ever-changing environment 13 . OPINION Vol.1 No.1 131 June 2013

Fifth Generation Warfare<br />

Theoretical Aspects. Even though 4GW framework is rather new, some observers are now<br />

talking about 5GW. The proponents of 5 th GW assume that as US in particular and other states<br />

world over in general develop robust capabilities to deal with 4 th GW conflict, insurgents or<br />

terrorists will disperse to establish smaller networks supported by states or at their own for<br />

ideological reasons, loyalties of people will hence shift from nation states to causes 11 . In the words<br />

of William S. Lind, there were only three generations in the field of warfare since modern era and<br />

the fourth denotes an end to this generation of warfare model. Above notwithstanding, 5GW<br />

proponents’ first assumption of changing loyalties to ideas rather than nation-states has been<br />

proven partially right during Arab spring. The second assumption regarding wide spread attacks as<br />

a result of advancement in bio and nano technologies is still inconclusive even though two WMD<br />

attacks one each in New York and Tokyo have been observed. Third assumption regarding nets<br />

and jets war is also inconclusive as there is a growing realization of making internet and social<br />

media more accountable and transparent and stricter immigration controls and imposition of curbs<br />

on air travel.<br />

Irrelevance of Earlier Generations of Warfare. In order to ascertain whether some new<br />

technology or idea constitutes a generational shift or otherwise, it has to be seen that can it make<br />

older generations of warfare irrelevant Following the notion that war's outcome is usually<br />

determined by superiority in equipment could be deadly as technology is seldom the determining<br />

factor as amply highlighted throughout the history. While it is true that tools can augment<br />

concepts, the core concepts do not change and arguably dictate the development and<br />

implementation of said tools. Over emphasis of fifth generation theorists on technology hence<br />

might not bring a new generation of warfare.<br />

Fifth Generation Warfare as Information Warfare. Naming Fifth Generation Warfare as<br />

“Information Warfare” would mean an oversimplification, this representing only one of the<br />

aspects. In order to ascertain that whether warfare has transformed into 5GW, following signs are<br />

worth consideration:-<br />

Technological advancement represented by the evolution of cyberspace especially the<br />

Internet and tremendous improvements in nano and bio technologies.<br />

The Possibility of processing a large number of data in cyberspace.<br />

The use of Information to strengthen and increase the abilities of force.<br />

Persuasion powers of media thus making it more powerful than ever at international<br />

level.<br />

Finally, fundamental shift in societies wherein they develop new concepts of war fighting<br />

to overpower 2 nd and 3 rd generation armies.<br />



Evolution of Warfare<br />

While warfare has certainly evolved over the centuries and will continue to do so in times to come,<br />

its nature has remained unaffected, the changes in its character have also been more contextual i.e. the<br />

weapons used by warring parties, objectives, doctrines and concepts of adversaries 12 . Developing better<br />

understanding about evolving character of warfare in general and 4GW in particular will thus require better<br />

insight into the human nature.<br />

Understanding Human Nature<br />

We humans fight because there are limited resources and in order to satisfy our desires we have to<br />

diminish adversary’s capacity for independent action. Human goal thus remains to survive, survive on own<br />

terms and in turn improve our capacity for independent action. Life by implication is thus conflict,<br />

survival, and conquest. Variety in responses, rapidity in actions, harmonizing efforts and exercising<br />

initiative thus seem to be key qualities that permit one to shape and adapt to an ever-changing<br />

environment 13 .<br />

<strong>OPINION</strong> <strong>Vol.1</strong> <strong>No.1</strong> 131 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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