OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University

OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University OPINION Vol.1, No.1 June 2013 - National Defence University


ecologically sensitive species 31 as well as increased risk of occurrence of severe cyclones and storm surges 32 . Lastly, the change in the ocean climate patterns has caused rise in the cyclonic storm activity in the Arabian Sea 33 , having devastating impact on the coastal areas of Sind and Balochistan. Key Strategic Factors in Demography and Climate Change of Pakistan Urbanization. Urbanization is a common factor from both demography and Climate Change perspective, prime reasons are:- Demography. There are not enough agri-related jobs in rural areas to employ the swelling population. Urban areas offer better opportunities to educated youth with a comparatively easy going life which is free of agriculture related inherent risks. Climate Change. The frequency of natural calamities greatly increases risk of agro output. Diminishing water resource will add to the difficulties of agriculture as a profession. Conclusion. Regardless of the causes, urbanization is likely to continue, so much so that by 2030, 50% of the Pakistani population is expected to be urbanized, putting more pressure particularly on the megacities. However, in the absence of economic growth, these mega cities in turn will parent a host of other administrative nightmares, making the urban population extremely vulnerable to exploitation and casting a direct shadow on national security, including engagement of Armed forces and Law Enforcing Agencies into internal security situations. Water and Food Security. The confluence of demography and Climate Change affects food and water security of future generations in a big way. Demography. Increasing population requires greater number of people to be fed, putting more stress on available agri-land. Domestic water consumption for urban and rural population is likely to increase. Growing population would need more housing space, occupying vital agriculture utility space and even water. Climate Change. The water related calamities of last three monsoon seasons destroyed crops over a large area and affected around 20 million people mostly from rural areas. The loss in agriculture sector alone was estimated more than US$ 3 billion, while the accumulative losses were around 10 billion US $, wiping out 0.5% of GDP and deeply affecting growth. Conclusion. The mutually complementing effects of demography and Climate Change on food and water security will be enormous, directly impacting our national security, in the form of inter provincial friction on the sharing of resources. Energy Security. Energy sector in Pakistan is under increasing stress, the effects of demography and Climate Change on energy sector include:- Demography. Energy consumption is expected to rise to 129 million TOEs by 2030. Major reasons included improving life-styles, inherent to developing economies, which requires more energy; increasing population, which is a major contributor to increased energy needs; and per capita energy consumption in urban areas (upto 80% more than rural areas), which is going to put more demand on scarce energy resources. Climate Change. From the Climate Change perspective, energy security will be affected due to extreme oscillation in water flow pattern in the rivers that will grossly undermine reliability of hydro-power generation; global criticism on thermal power particularly coal based generation; and non-availability of natural gas in requisite quantum (preferred being least on Green House Gases emissions). The cost of energy production will therefore become prohibitive. Conclusion. The conflicting exigencies of demography and Climate Change put the energy sector in a binary stretch like situation. Resultantly, energy security in the future will come under threat. The obvious fallouts will have direct bearing on the socio-economic development and security needs of the country. Disaster Management. Since recent past Pakistan is faced with enormous impact of natural calamities / disasters, climate change and demography have a close interplay in the magnitude of the disasters: OPINION Vol.1 No.1 98 June 2013

Demography. Unplanned expansion of towns and cities close to river banks has increased their risk to disasters. More affected population also means that relief and rehabilitation efforts would need more resources at national level. Climate Change. The effect is only accentuated by expected increase in frequency and magnitude of natural calamities as a result of Climate Change. Conclusions. The frequency and scale of natural disasters could force employment of armed forces in rehabilitation efforts for sustained durations. The heightened vulnerabilities to disaster risks demand more resources for relief and rehabilitation. The diversion of funds from other heads has obvious fallout on socio-economic development of the country. Such adjustments also have fallouts on the resources for Armed Forces developmental and R&D capacity. Pakistan’s Population Youth bulge and Human Resource Development The increasing population with a noticeable component of youth bulge suffers from lack of education and inadequate health facilities. Today our next generation stands on weak footing to deal with the challenges of an evolving competitive environment across the globe. This leaves them with very few opportunities to choose livelihood and employment. The growing frustration among the youth is likely to make them vulnerable to prejudice and polarization which can lead to extremism. Hence a failure to engage youth and convert their energies into a dynamic force may result in very grave consequences for the country. Climate Change and GoP Response The Government has proactively acted to address the risks of the climate change. Recently, Pakistan Climate Change Policy has been approved by the Cabinet. The policy is quite elaborate and chalks out explicit tasks and responsibilities for mitigation and adaption measures to coup with the impact of Climate Change. Furthermore, the lack of awareness, resource and technological constraints with respect to mitigation and adaptation techniques would continue to pose challenge to the country. Therefore, the country which is the least contributor and worst affected by the CC needs to plead its case with adroit wisdom to gain benefits from the international protocols of CC. The Ministry of Human Resource Development has been established this year (2012), the policy guide available so far is the Vision 2030 Policy Document issued in 2007, however, implementation process has been marred due to lack of resources. Fallouts of demography and Climate Change if not addressed and managed, will have a direct bearing on the national interests which include, Eradicating Extremism, Socio Economic Development, Energy And Water Security, Internal Stability And Education. The consequence will therefore, put strain on economy and good governance, affecting all other facets of national security of the country. Recommendations After analyzing both the issues, it is concluded that Demography and Climate Change are interrelated issues and their impacts on the society are reinforcing and has a direct impact on National Security. In response domain, demographic management needs a pro-active response due to fact that we are already in a precarious situation whereas in the context of Climate Change, the two approaches of adaptation and mitigation are required. The response framework is based on the vision of revitalization of existing resources, and synergizing their actions by applying systematic corrections through interfacing under a futuristic framework for accruing benefits of the potentials and opportunities. The focus is first to address the immediate concerns, create a stable situation and then venture for mid to long term futuristic recommendations flowing out of the same stability. Composite proposals are being given for both issues. Short Term Recommendations Nomination of a Lead Agency. Importance of a lead agency for steering any national policy cannot be over-emphasized. As population and environment aspects have been devolved to the provinces with the passage of 18th amendment, a vacuum has been created at national policy level. The newly created HRD Ministry should be mandated as the lead agency for management of entire HR in the country. It should be supplemented by planning commission for policy level coordination. Existing organizations like NAVTEC and provincial level TEVTAs should be guided by the same ministry to develop HR as per the skill demands of the country. Institutional Capacity Building. As Provinces have not yet been able to form local governments thus they lack capacity to handle fallouts of demography and Climate Change. There is a need to OPINION Vol.1 No.1 99 June 2013

Demography. Unplanned expansion of towns and cities close to river banks has increased their<br />

risk to disasters. More affected population also means that relief and rehabilitation efforts would<br />

need more resources at national level.<br />

Climate Change. The effect is only accentuated by expected increase in frequency and magnitude<br />

of natural calamities as a result of Climate Change.<br />

Conclusions. The frequency and scale of natural disasters could force employment of armed<br />

forces in rehabilitation efforts for sustained durations. The heightened vulnerabilities to disaster<br />

risks demand more resources for relief and rehabilitation. The diversion of funds from other heads<br />

has obvious fallout on socio-economic development of the country. Such adjustments also have<br />

fallouts on the resources for Armed Forces developmental and R&D capacity.<br />

Pakistan’s Population Youth bulge and Human Resource Development<br />

The increasing population with a noticeable component of youth bulge suffers from lack of<br />

education and inadequate health facilities. Today our next generation stands on weak footing to deal with<br />

the challenges of an evolving competitive environment across the globe. This leaves them with very few<br />

opportunities to choose livelihood and employment. The growing frustration among the youth is likely to<br />

make them vulnerable to prejudice and polarization which can lead to extremism. Hence a failure to<br />

engage youth and convert their energies into a dynamic force may result in very grave consequences for<br />

the country.<br />

Climate Change and GoP Response<br />

The Government has proactively acted to address the risks of the climate change. Recently,<br />

Pakistan Climate Change Policy has been approved by the Cabinet. The policy is quite elaborate and<br />

chalks out explicit tasks and responsibilities for mitigation and adaption measures to coup with the impact<br />

of Climate Change. Furthermore, the lack of awareness, resource and technological constraints with<br />

respect to mitigation and adaptation techniques would continue to pose challenge to the country.<br />

Therefore, the country which is the least contributor and worst affected by the CC needs to plead its case<br />

with adroit wisdom to gain benefits from the international protocols of CC. The Ministry of Human<br />

Resource Development has been established this year (2012), the policy guide available so far is the Vision<br />

2030 Policy Document issued in 2007, however, implementation process has been marred due to lack of<br />

resources. Fallouts of demography and Climate Change if not addressed and managed, will have a direct<br />

bearing on the national interests which include, Eradicating Extremism, Socio Economic Development,<br />

Energy And Water Security, Internal Stability And Education. The consequence will therefore, put strain<br />

on economy and good governance, affecting all other facets of national security of the country.<br />

Recommendations<br />

After analyzing both the issues, it is concluded that Demography and Climate Change are<br />

interrelated issues and their impacts on the society are reinforcing and has a direct impact on <strong>National</strong><br />

Security. In response domain, demographic management needs a pro-active response due to fact that we<br />

are already in a precarious situation whereas in the context of Climate Change, the two approaches of<br />

adaptation and mitigation are required. The response framework is based on the vision of revitalization of<br />

existing resources, and synergizing their actions by applying systematic corrections through interfacing<br />

under a futuristic framework for accruing benefits of the potentials and opportunities. The focus is first to<br />

address the immediate concerns, create a stable situation and then venture for mid to long term futuristic<br />

recommendations flowing out of the same stability. Composite proposals are being given for both issues.<br />

Short Term Recommendations<br />

Nomination of a Lead Agency. Importance of a lead agency for steering any national policy<br />

cannot be over-emphasized. As population and environment aspects have been devolved to the<br />

provinces with the passage of 18th amendment, a vacuum has been created at national policy level.<br />

The newly created HRD Ministry should be mandated as the lead agency for management of entire<br />

HR in the country. It should be supplemented by planning commission for policy level<br />

coordination. Existing organizations like NAVTEC and provincial level TEVTAs should be<br />

guided by the same ministry to develop HR as per the skill demands of the country.<br />

Institutional Capacity Building. As Provinces have not yet been able to form local governments<br />

thus they lack capacity to handle fallouts of demography and Climate Change. There is a need to<br />

<strong>OPINION</strong> <strong>Vol.1</strong> <strong>No.1</strong> 99 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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