press release the board of banca finnat approves the draft financial ...

press release the board of banca finnat approves the draft financial ...

press release the board of banca finnat approves the draft financial ...


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OF 10,000,000 OWN SHARES<br />

The Consolidated Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it stands at 85.2 million euros<br />

compared to 12.7 million euros in <strong>the</strong> previous year<br />

The dividend resolved is 0.020 euros per share,<br />

corresponding to 10% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nominal value <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> shares<br />

• Net commission income to 33.4 million euros from 31.4 million in 2006 (+6.4%);<br />

• Earnings margin to 130.54 million euros from 43.39 million in 2006 (+200.8%);<br />

• Consolidated net pr<strong>of</strong>it to 85.2 million euros from 12.7 million in 2006 (+570.9%);<br />

• Total assets under administration amounting to approximately 9.1 billion euros at <strong>the</strong><br />

end <strong>of</strong> December 2007, with a yoy increase <strong>of</strong> almost 10% for asset management;<br />

Rome, 28 March 2008 – The Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> Banca Finnat Euramerica approved today <strong>the</strong><br />

consolidated <strong>financial</strong> statements and <strong>the</strong> individual <strong>financial</strong> statements for 2007, which were<br />

drawn up in accordance with <strong>the</strong> international accounting standards IAS/IFRS.<br />

The income and <strong>financial</strong> results for 2007 were positively affected by <strong>the</strong> overall economic effects<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) / Borsa Italiana merger.<br />

More specifically, it is worth highlighting that:<br />

<strong>the</strong> Interest Margin rose by 69.3% (to 5.13 million euros, from 3.03 million in 2006);<br />

<strong>the</strong> Consolidated net commission income increased by 6.4% (to 33.4 million euros, from<br />

31.4 million in 2006);<br />

<strong>the</strong> Earnings margin went up to 130.54 million euros from 43.39 million in 2006 (+200.8%);<br />

<strong>the</strong> Consolidated net pr<strong>of</strong>it rose to 85.2 million euros from 12.7 million in 2006 ;<br />

<strong>the</strong> Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity went up by 51% to 220.4 million euros from 145.85<br />

million in 2006;<br />

The difference <strong>of</strong> 5.7 million euros between <strong>the</strong> net consolidated pr<strong>of</strong>it for 2007 (85.2 million euros)<br />

and that shown in <strong>the</strong> quarterly report at 31 December 2007 (90.9 million euros) is almost entirely<br />

due to <strong>the</strong> recalculation <strong>of</strong> deferred taxes, which were revised at a later stage in <strong>the</strong> light <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

amendments introduced by <strong>the</strong> Italian Budget Law for 2008.

Net <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> economic and equity effects connected with <strong>the</strong> LSEG / Borsa Italiana merger, <strong>the</strong><br />

Banca Finnat Euramerica Group obtained:<br />

a 22.4% increase in Earnings Margin (to 53.1 million euros from 43.39 million in 2006);<br />

an increase by almost 38% in Consolidated Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it (to 17.5 million euros from 12.7 million in<br />

2006).<br />

an ROE <strong>of</strong> 12.15% compared to 8.7% obtained in 2006.<br />

Worth noting is also <strong>the</strong> volume <strong>of</strong> Assets Under Administration, which totalled 9.1 billion euros.<br />

Buyback and Dividend transaction<br />

The Board <strong>of</strong> Directors resolved to propose to <strong>the</strong> next Shareholders’ Meeting <strong>the</strong> payment <strong>of</strong> a<br />

gross dividend <strong>of</strong> 0.020 euros per share, up by 54% on <strong>the</strong> 2006 distribution. This dividend<br />

includes also 0.005 euros <strong>of</strong> an extraordinary nature given <strong>the</strong> excellent result obtained during <strong>the</strong><br />

year.<br />

The dividend will be paid on 22 May 2008 (dividend registration date 19 May 2008).<br />

The Board <strong>of</strong> Directors resolved also to request from <strong>the</strong> Shareholders’ Meeting a new autorisation<br />

to purchase no more than 10,000,000 own shares, which will last for 18 months from <strong>the</strong> date in<br />

which <strong>the</strong> Shareholders’ Meeting will adopt <strong>the</strong> related resolution.<br />

Notice <strong>of</strong> call for <strong>the</strong> Shareholders’ Meeting<br />

The Shareholders’ Meeting, called to approve <strong>the</strong> <strong>financial</strong> statements for 2007, has been<br />

scheduled for 29 April 2008 at 10.00am on first call and, if necessary, on 2 May 2008 at 10.00am<br />

on second call. The Meeting will be held at <strong>the</strong> Registered Office <strong>of</strong> Banca Finnat Euramerica in<br />

Rome, Piazza del Gesù 49.<br />

The Manager in charge <strong>of</strong> preparing corporate reports and accounting documents (Paolo<br />

Collettini) hereby declares, pursuant to paragraph 2, article 154 bis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Consolidation<br />

Finance Act, that <strong>the</strong> accounting information provided in this <strong>press</strong> <strong>release</strong> matches <strong>the</strong><br />

information reported in <strong>the</strong> Company’s documents, books and accounting records.<br />


Attachments : Consolidated Balance Sheet and Pr<strong>of</strong>it and Loss Account for 2007<br />


CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 (in thousands <strong>of</strong> euros)<br />

Asset items 31/12/2007 31/12/2006<br />

10 Cash and cash equivalents 511 550<br />

20 Financial assets held for trading 102,857 39,472<br />

40 Available-for-sale <strong>financial</strong> assets 107,176 101,178<br />

60 Due from banks 98,692 51,240<br />

70 Due from customers 99,658 87,119<br />

100 Equity Investments 550 551<br />

120 Tangible assets 7,080 7,414<br />

130 Intangible assets 1,524 1,785<br />

<strong>of</strong> which:<br />

- goodwill 300 300<br />

140 Tax assets 6,349 9,597<br />

a) current 752 2,607<br />

b) prepaid 5,597 6,990<br />

160 O<strong>the</strong>r assets 47,717 73,333<br />

Total assets 472,114 372,239<br />

Liability and Net equity items 31/12/2007 31/12/2006<br />

10 Due to banks 5,704 14,315<br />

20 Due to customers 183,707 141,216<br />

40 Trading <strong>financial</strong> liabilities 4,268 671<br />

80 Tax liabilities 25,776 14,786<br />

a) current 9,692 6,053<br />

b) deferred 16,084 8,733<br />

100 O<strong>the</strong>r liabilities 26,240 49,698<br />

110 Staff severance fund 3,045 2,602<br />

120 Provisions for risks and charges: 210 444<br />

b) o<strong>the</strong>r provisions 210 444<br />

140 Valuation reserve 11,223 10,485<br />

170 Reserves 58,947 51,041<br />

190 Share capital 72,576 72,576<br />

200 Own shares (-) (7,556) (940)<br />

210 Minority interest 2,798 2,658<br />

220 Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it (Loss) for <strong>the</strong> year (+/-) 85,176 12,687<br />

Total liabilities and net equity 472,114 372,239<br />


PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT OF THE BANCA FINNAT GROUP AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 (in thousands <strong>of</strong> euros)<br />

Items FY 2007 FY 2006<br />

10 Interest income and similar income 10,123 7,576<br />

20 Interest expense and similar expense (4,995) (4,544)<br />

30 Interest margin 5,128 3,032<br />

40 Commission income 44,243 46,301<br />

50 Commission expense (*) (10,808) (14,914)<br />

60 Net Commission 33,435 31,387<br />

70 Dividends and similar income 4,798 4,111<br />

80 Net Income from trading activities 10,076 1,339<br />

100 Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it (Loss) from <strong>the</strong> transfer or <strong>the</strong> repurchase <strong>of</strong>:<br />

b) available-for-sale <strong>financial</strong> assets 77,102 3,524<br />

120 Earnings margin 130,539 43,393<br />

130 Net value adjustments/write-backs for <strong>the</strong> impairment <strong>of</strong>:<br />

b) available-for-sale <strong>financial</strong> assets - 25<br />

d) o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>financial</strong> transactions (192) (73)<br />

140 Net income from <strong>financial</strong> operations 130,347 43,345<br />

180 Administrative expenses:<br />

a) staff costs (20,331) (15,681)<br />

b) o<strong>the</strong>r administrative expenses (*) (8,981) (8,757)<br />

190 Net allocations to provisions for risks and charges 234 (444)<br />

200 Net value adjustments/write-backs on tangible assets (627) (554)<br />

210 Net value adjustments/write-backs on intangible assets (220) (518)<br />

220 O<strong>the</strong>r operating income/charges 722 341<br />

230 Operating costs (29,203) (25,613)<br />

240 Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it (Loss) <strong>of</strong> equity investments 153 30<br />

280 Pre-tax income (Loss) from current operations 101,297 17,762<br />

290 Income tax on current operations (15,751) (4,867)<br />

300 Income (Loss) from current operations after tax 85,546 12,895<br />

320 Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it (Loss) for <strong>the</strong> year 85,546 12,895<br />

330 Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it (Loss) for <strong>the</strong> year pertaining to minority interests (370) (208)<br />

340 Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it (Loss) for <strong>the</strong> year pertaining to <strong>the</strong> Group 85,176 12,687<br />

(*) The value <strong>of</strong> item 180 b) "o<strong>the</strong>r administrative expenses" referringo to 2006 was amended in order to make it consistent<br />

with that for <strong>the</strong> year 2007 by reclassifying <strong>the</strong> amount <strong>of</strong> 1,989 thousand euros into <strong>the</strong> item 50 "Commission expense".<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

For fur<strong>the</strong>r information:<br />

Banca Finnat Euramerica S.p.A. (www.<strong>finnat</strong>.it)<br />

Investor Relations : IR Manager Gian Franco Traverso Guicciardi - Tel. +39 06 699331, E-mail: g.traverso@<strong>finnat</strong>.it<br />

SEC – Press Office - Marco Fraquelli – Tel. +39 02 62499979, E-mail: fraquelli@secrp.it<br />


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