EEP Crowned pigeon number 4

EEP Crowned pigeon number 4

EEP Crowned pigeon number 4


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<strong>EEP</strong> STUDBOOK CROWNED PIGEONS<br />

The ratios of vitamins and minerals are in most institutions are lower than the values used in<br />

the poultry industry (Centraal Veevoederbureau, 1993).<br />

Especially the ratio of calcium was low: the German researcher Meyer advised a need for<br />

calcium for maintenance (not for production!) for <strong>pigeon</strong>s of 0.8 grams per MJ metabolizable<br />

energy, which means about 1.2 grams calcium per day for a bird of 2.5 kg. Most diets for<br />

crowned <strong>pigeon</strong>s only contain less than 0.5 gram of calcium per day, but it might be possible<br />

that some zoos feed their <strong>pigeon</strong>s additional mineral stones or lime stones or oyster shells and<br />

did not list this on the questionnaire. A deficiency of calcium causes a decalcification of the<br />

skeleton. Of course it is simple to add some mineral stones to the food. Calcium can only be<br />

converted if a sufficient amount of vitamin D is supplied. In most cases less than 74<br />

International Units vitamin D per MJ metabolizable energy is supplied As a result of this the<br />

Ca : P ratio in most diets is not that good (Hallebeek, 1995).<br />

Comparing diets of the five institutions with the best reproductive results shows:<br />

Intake: 250 grammes a day, containing a total of 100 grammes dry matter (40%)<br />

Energy: 1.5 MJ Metabolizable Energy (ME) per day.<br />

Crude protein: 10 grams per MJ = 15 grams per day (15% in dry matter)<br />

Crude fat: 7 grams per MJ = 11 grams per day (11% in dry matter)<br />

Crude fibre: 7 grams per MJ = 11 grams per day (11% in dry matter)<br />

Crude ash: 8 grams per MJ = 12 grams per day (12% in dry matter) (Hallebeek, 1995)<br />

Results from crop and stomach analysis in the wild<br />

<strong>Crowned</strong><br />

<strong>pigeon</strong>s<br />

Cp 1 crop<br />

Cp 1 stomach<br />

Cp 2 crop<br />

Cp 2 stomach<br />

Cp 3 crop<br />

Cp 3 stomach<br />

Cp 4 crop<br />

Cp 4 stomach<br />

Crude<br />

protein*<br />

63<br />

53<br />

137<br />

47<br />

89<br />

67<br />

95<br />

48<br />

Crude fat*<br />

57<br />

--<br />

--<br />

107<br />

106<br />

91<br />

142<br />

82<br />

90<br />

Crude fibre*<br />

379<br />

512<br />

--<br />

524@<br />

493<br />

553<br />

Phosphorus*<br />

0.8<br />

0.5<br />

--<br />

1.0<br />

1.2<br />

0.8<br />

Calcium*<br />

The samples are analysed by the Research Institute “De Schothorst” at Lelystad, the Netherlands, using the<br />

Berntrop method.<br />

* Values are given in grams per kilogram dry matter. It was not possible to determine the dry matter ratio,<br />

because when the ethanol was removed, also some water disappeared from the samples.<br />

@ Not possible to carry out the determination twice, because there was not enough material available. In<br />

the samples where the experiments were carried out twice, no significant differences were found.<br />

475<br />

577<br />

1.4<br />

0.7<br />

2.0<br />

2.2<br />

--<br />

1.2<br />

3.5<br />

2.8<br />

3.3<br />


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