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y a universally accepted non-applicability of statutory limitations to war crimes. Such a position<br />

of the court is at odds with the established practice of the ICTY not to consider the length of time<br />

between the punishable conduct and the subsequent judgment as a mitigating circumstance. 135<br />

The court also attached too much importance to the mitigating circumstances in determining<br />

penalties for Perić and Vlajković, sentencing them each to five years imprisonment (the statutory<br />

minimum), and particularly with regard Josipović, who was sentenced to four years in prison<br />

(below the statutory minimum). Given the seriousness of consequences of their acts – the death<br />

of 17 and wounding of 11 civilians in the minefield and the fact that all three of them were JNA<br />

officers at that time, they should have received tougher sentences.<br />

At the beginning of this trial, family members of a large number of injured parties came to the<br />

Higher Court to attend the proceedings. Following the decision of the Court of Appeal to release<br />

Ljuban Devetak from detention, many of these people, revolted by this decision, stopped<br />

attending the trial.<br />

2.6. Gnjilane Group 136<br />

The retrial of the Gnjilane Group case ended on 19 September 2012, in the conviction by the<br />

Higher Court in Belgrade 137 of Samet Hajdari, Ahmet Hasani, Nazif Hasani, Agush Memishi,<br />

Burim Fazliu, Selimon Sadiku, Faton Hajdari, Kamber Sahiti, Ferat Hajdari, Sadik Aliu and<br />

Shefqet Musliu. All were all found guilty of committing a war crime against the civilian<br />

population 138 and sentenced as follows: Samet Hajdari to 15 years in prison, Ahmet and Nazif<br />

Hasani to 13 years in prison each, Agush Memishi, Burim Fazli and Selimon Sadiku each to 12<br />

years in prison, Faton Hajdari to 10 years in prison, Kamber Sahiti, Ferat Hajdari and Sadik Aliu<br />

each to eight years in prison, and Shefqet Musliu to five years in prison.<br />

Defendants Samet Hajdari, Ahmet Hasani, Nazif Hasani, Agush Memishi, Burim Fazliu, Selimon<br />

Sadiku, Faton Hajdari, Kamber Sahiti, Ferat Hajdari, Sadik Aliu, Shefqet Musliu, Fazli Ajdari,<br />

Rexhep Aliu, Shaqir Shaqiri, Idriz Aliu, Shemsi Nuhiu and Ramadan Halimi, were found not<br />

guilty of the charges in another 20 counts of the TRZ indictment 139 , because t<strong>here</strong> was no<br />

evidence indicating that they committed the acts specified under these counts. They were<br />

acquitted of charges of expelling ethnic Albanians, Serbs and persons from other minority<br />

135 ICTY, Trial Chamber judgment in the Dragan Nikolić case (IT-94-2-S) – par. 272 and 273.<br />

136 K-Po2 18/11.<br />

137 Members of the trial chamber: judge Snežana Nikolić Garotić (presiding), judge Rastko Popović and judge Vinka<br />

Beraha Nikičević.<br />

138 Article 142 (1) of the CC of the FRY, as co-perpetrators, in conjunction with Article 22 of the CC of the FRY.<br />

139 Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor Miroljub Vitorović.<br />


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