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proportionate to the seriousness of the offence committed, the degree of criminal responsibility of each defendant and the aim of punishment. The court remanded all defendants in custody pending an appeal, holding that the manner in which the crime was committed and its harmful consequences had upset the general public, and that if released from custody, the defendants could pose a threat to the fair and smooth running of this criminal trial. Analysis of proceedings At the time of writing it was not possible to make a more in-depth analysis of the judgment delivered in this case because the written judgment was not available to the HLC. The sentences pronounced can be deemed appropriate, particularly bearing in mind that the rapes, as one of the acts committed, have had serious and long-lasting consequences on the injured parties and their families. 2.2.Lički Osik On 16 March 2012, the Higher Court in Belgrade delivered a judgment in the retrial of the Lički Osik case. 102 The accused - Čedo Budisavljević, Mirko Malinović, Milan Bogunović and Bogdan Gruičić – were found guilty of a war crime against the civilian population as co-perpetrators and sentenced as follows: Čedo Budisavljević and Mirko Malinović each to 12 years in prison, and Milan Bogunović and Bogdan Gruičić each to 10 years in prison. 103 Course of proceedings The TRZ 104 indictment of 25 June 2010, charged Čedo Budisavljević, Mirko Malinović, Milan Bogunović and Bogdan Gruičić, members of the MUP in SAO Krajina and the TO in Teslingrad, with the killing of five civilians in October 1991, on the territory of Teslingrad municipality (Lički Osik, RH). Defendant Čedo Budisavljević, as commander of a special unit of the MUP of SAO Krajina and deputy commander of the police station in Teslingrad, received an oral order from his superior officer, Dušan Orlović 105 , to kill Mane Rakić and his sons Dragan and Milovan and daughter Radmila, who had been arrested on suspicion of possessing a radio transmitter and 102 Members of the trial chamber: judge Vinka Beraha Nikićević (presiding), judge Snežana Nikolić Garotić and judge Rastko Popović. 103 Following the issuing of this judgment, on 16 March 2011 the HLC issued a press release: “Defendants in the Croatian family murder in Lički Osik sentenced to 12 years each”. 104 The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia transferred this case to the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia in keeping with the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in the Prosecution of Perpetrators of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and Genocide. 105 The court decided to try Dušan Orlović separately. 42

collaborating with Croatian forces, as along with their mother Lucija Rakić, who was not in detention. Together with defendants Mirko Malinović and Milan Bogunović, members of the TO in Teslingrad at the time, they, as they had previously agreed, went to Lucija’s holiday house. While Malinović and Bogunović kept watch in the yard, Budisavljević entered the house and killed Lucija with a firearm, after which all three men burned her body and the holiday house. Several days later, defendant Čedo Budisavljević, together with defendants Mirko Malinović, Milan Bogunović, Bogdan Gruičić and Goran Novaković 106 , went, as had been agreed, to the police station in Teslingrad, where Mane, Dragan, Milovan and Radmila Rakić were confined, duck taped their hands and mouth and then transported them to the Golubnjača cave, killed them with firearms and threw their bodies into the cave. On 14 March 2011, the Higher Court in Belgrade found the defendants guilty, sentenced them each to 12 years in prison and remanded them in custody. On 9 November 2011, the Court of Appeal in Belgrade, upon hearing appeals from both the TRZ 107 and the defense counsels of all the accused, delivered a ruling accepting the appeals, reversing the judgment and remanding the case to the trial court for a new trial. During the retrial, which began on 12 March 2012, the court re-examined the defendants, who stood by their defense presented at the first trial, in its entirety On 16 March 2012, the presiding judge, Vinka Beraha Nikićević, pronounced judgment, finding the defendants guilty of a war crime against the civilian population as co-perpetrators. Čedo Budisavljević and Mirko Malinović each were sentenced to 12 years in prison, and Milan Bogunović and Bogdan Gruičić were each sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment. In the oral explanation of the judgment, the presiding judge said that the court had established beyond doubt that the defendants committed the offence that they were charged with. The defendant Budisavljević pleaded guilty to the crime and provided a detailed account of the role of each of the defendants in its commission, without downplaying his own responsibility at any moment. The court accepted his testimony in its entirety because it was corroborated by other evidence, such as the testimonies of witnesses Radomir Narandžić, commander of Teslingrad police station, Milan Mirić, a member of the TO in Teslingrad, and Milan Jakšić, an officer at the Gračac police station, as well as by physical evidence – autopsy and victim identification reports. Defendants Malinović, Bogunović and Gruičić denied committing the crime but did not deny having been present at the crime scene at the time of the crime. The court did not give credence 106 The court decided to try Goran Novaković separately. 107 Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor Dušan Knežević. 43

proportionate to the seriousness of the offence committed, the degree of criminal responsibility of<br />

each defendant and the aim of punishment. The court remanded all defendants in custody pending<br />

an appeal, holding that the manner in which the crime was committed and its harmful<br />

consequences had upset the general public, and that if released from custody, the defendants<br />

could pose a threat to the fair and smooth running of this criminal trial.<br />

Analysis of proceedings<br />

At the time of writing it was not possible to make a more in-depth analysis of the judgment<br />

delivered in this case because the written judgment was not available to the HLC. The sentences<br />

pronounced can be deemed appropriate, particularly bearing in mind that the rapes, as one of the<br />

acts committed, have had serious and long-lasting consequences on the injured parties and their<br />

families.<br />

2.2.Lički Osik<br />

On 16 March 2012, the Higher Court in Belgrade delivered a judgment in the retrial of the Lički<br />

Osik case. 102 The accused - Čedo Budisavljević, Mirko Malinović, Milan Bogunović and Bogdan<br />

Gruičić – were found guilty of a war crime against the civilian population as co-perpetrators and<br />

sentenced as follows: Čedo Budisavljević and Mirko Malinović each to 12 years in prison, and<br />

Milan Bogunović and Bogdan Gruičić each to 10 years in prison. 103<br />

Course of proceedings<br />

The TRZ 104 indictment of 25 June 2010, charged Čedo Budisavljević, Mirko Malinović, Milan<br />

Bogunović and Bogdan Gruičić, members of the MUP in SAO Krajina and the TO in Teslingrad,<br />

with the killing of five civilians in October 1991, on the territory of Teslingrad municipality<br />

(Lički Osik, RH). Defendant Čedo Budisavljević, as commander of a special unit of the MUP of<br />

SAO Krajina and deputy commander of the police station in Teslingrad, received an oral order<br />

from his superior officer, Dušan Orlović 105 , to kill Mane Rakić and his sons Dragan and Milovan<br />

and daughter Radmila, who had been arrested on suspicion of possessing a radio transmitter and<br />

102 Members of the trial chamber: judge Vinka Beraha Nikićević (presiding), judge Snežana Nikolić Garotić and<br />

judge Rastko Popović.<br />

103 Following the issuing of this judgment, on 16 March 2011 the HLC issued a press release: “Defendants in the<br />

Croatian family murder in Lički Osik sentenced to 12 years each”.<br />

104 The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia transferred this case to the Office of the War<br />

Crimes Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia in keeping with the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in the<br />

Prosecution of Perpetrators of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and Genocide.<br />

105 The court decided to try Dušan Orlović separately.<br />


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