Irmgard Neumann - Systemerkrankungen mit Nierenbeteiligung

Irmgard Neumann - Systemerkrankungen mit Nierenbeteiligung

Irmgard Neumann - Systemerkrankungen mit Nierenbeteiligung


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<strong>Systemerkrankungen</strong> <strong>mit</strong><br />

<strong>Nierenbeteiligung</strong><br />

ÖGN Fuschl 2013<br />

<strong>Irmgard</strong> <strong>Neumann</strong><br />

Wilhelminenspital Wien

• ANCA-Vaskulitis<br />

• Standardtherapie<br />

• MPO and PR3 ANCA - 2 Catagories<br />

• Follow up – Patients at risk<br />

• Remissionserhaltung<br />

• Lupus Nephritis<br />

• Standardtherapie<br />

• Hydroxychloroquine<br />

• Rolle von Rituximab

Induktions-Therapie<br />

Erhaltungs-Therapie<br />

3x0,5-1g Methylprodnisolon<br />

à 1mg/kg Aprednislon<br />

àtaper<br />

plus<br />

Cyclophosphamid (i.v./p.o.)<br />

oder<br />

Rituximab (bevorzugt bei Relapse !)<br />

OCS<br />

Azathioprin (2mg/kg)<br />

MTX (25mg/wk) Cave renal !!<br />

MMF<br />

Rituximab<br />

Dialysepflichtig<br />

+ Plasmaseparation

30 years ANCA - where are we today <br />

• ANCA sind ein Schlüsselbefund in der Diagnostik der SVV<br />

• Nur cANCA/PR3-ANCA und pANCA/MPO-ANCA klinisch relevant<br />

• Der diagnostische Wert von ANCAs bei „nicht-vaskulitischen“<br />

entzündlichen Erkrankungen schlecht untersucht<br />

• Die klinische Bedeutung von ANCAs für das Monitoring der SVV ist<br />

nach wie vor Gegenstand vieler Diskussionen<br />

• Experimentelle in vivo Studien unterstützen die pathogenetische Rolle<br />

von MPO-ANCA, es gibt jedoch kein Tiermodel für PR3-ANCA

The spectrum of ANCA-associated vasculitis syndromes<br />

Falk RJ & Jennette JC. J ASN 2010

PR3 vs MPO-ANCA (regardless of clinical diagnosis)<br />

PR3 <br />

MPO <br />

Age Younger Older <br />

Airway involvement +++ + <br />

Renal li<strong>mit</strong>ed disease + ++ <br />

Inters88al lung disease -­‐ ++ <br />

Granulomas ++ -­‐ <br />

Relapses +++ + <br />

Cardiovascular events + ++

Frequency of PR3 ANCA and MPO ANCA specificities<br />

by a variety of clinical phenotypes<br />

n=502 (97% renal)<br />

Lionaki, Falk, A&R 2012

à ANCA specificity independently predicts Relapse in AAV with renal disease<br />

Lionaki, Falk, A&R 2012

Relapse free survival<br />

MPO vs PR3<br />

MPO and PR3 ANCA<br />

within Chapel Hill Classif.<br />

MPA<br />

GPA<br />

Lionaki, Falk, A&R 2012

Editorial<br />

Editorial<br />

Editorial<br />

ANCA vasculitis: to lump or split<br />

Why we should study MPA and GPA separately<br />

populations. Thus one could hypothesize that GPA is less<br />

doi:10.1093/rheum<br />

common in Japan because the genes, which play a key<br />

role in pathogenesis, occur much less frequently.<br />

ANCA antigen seems to have a central role in determining<br />

disease phenotype. Appropriate triggers (e.g. infection)<br />

in genetically predisposed people can produce<br />

PR3-associated disease, whereas other environmental<br />

factors (e.g. drugs or silica) result in MPO-associated<br />

disease.<br />

FIG. 1Relative frequency of GPA and MPA across the world.<br />

FIG. 1Relative frequency of GPA and MPA across the world.<br />

The three types of vasculitis associated Classification with ANCA and relapse diagnostic in GPA [4]. criteria Thesebeing findings developed support<br />

[ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV)] are granulomatosis<br />

will need to include<br />

GPA,<br />

ANCA<br />

but not<br />

specificity<br />

MPA, is triggered<br />

as a discriminating<br />

by an infectio<br />

with polyangiitis (Wegener’s) (GPA), microscopic polyangiitis<br />

(MPA) and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyan-<br />

ondary to exposure to propylthiouracil and hy<br />

In contrast, drug-induced vasculitis (most co<br />

feature [10]. This will help clarify the distinct clinical<br />

phenotypes of PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA–associated<br />

giitis (Churg–Strauss syndrome) (EGPA). They have been typically associated with induction of a vascu<br />

classified together in the majority of classification vasculitis systems and per<strong>mit</strong> MPA with studies MPO-ANCA. into aetiopathogenesis Environmental expo to<br />

published since the introduction of ANCA, use including better-characterized the has beenand associated classified with patients. renal vasculitis, Futurea<br />

most recent 2012 Chapel Hill classification clinical system studies [1]. should these patients be powered also to have study MPA-type GPA and va<br />

GPA and MPA have been considered together MPAinindependently. clinical MPO-ANCA This poses [5]. significant difficulties for<br />

and treatment studies because they sharestudies many clinical under way in There which areGPA significant and MPA differences are combined<br />

outco<br />

features: for example, renal involvement together, is identical and in GPA previous and MPA. studies Walsh et will al. [6], need in a study to be of<br />

both diseases with a pauci immune focal re-evaluated segmentalwithtors thisfor inrelapse mind. inMany 535 patients studieswith areeither underpowered<br />

GP<br />

necrotizing glomerulonephritis. Granulomatous involvement,<br />

particularly of the upper respiratory tract, is a char-<br />

reported that PR3-ANCA positivity was asso<br />

to per<strong>mit</strong><br />

four<br />

this<br />

European<br />

analysis.<br />

studies<br />

Studies<br />

followed<br />

of MPA<br />

up for<br />

will<br />

1804<br />

consequently<br />

be much harder in Caucasian populations,<br />

acteristic feature of GPA, but not of MPA; eosinophilia, much higher risk of relapse than MPA [HR 1<br />

where MPA is relatively uncommon. The epidemiology,<br />

asthma and atopy typically occur in EGPA. More than 1.39, 1.89)], confirming previous reports of r<br />

90% of GPA and MPA patients are ANCA clinical positive. features, In trigger associated factors, with outcome PR3-ANCAand positivity genetic or fac-<br />

specificity stronglyofsuggest Thethat recently GPA and completed MPA should Genome-Wide be con-<br />

GPA<br />

most European studies, the ANCA antigentors<br />

GPA is predominantly proteinase 3 (PR3), sidered and in MPA as separate is Study diseases. in AAV has provided further evidenc<br />

predominantly myeloperoxidase (MPO). Only 50% of and MPA should be viewed as separate<br />

Funding: No funding was received.<br />

EGPA patients are ANCA positive, mostly MPO. GPA The patients studied were from the UK a<br />

and MPA are traditionally treated in the same way with Europe, where the link between disease (G<br />

Richard A. Watts 1 and David G. I. Scott 2<br />

populations. Thus glucocorticoids one could hypothesize and immunosuppressive that GPA is less Accepted drugs. 13 July 2012 and ANCA specificity is closest. The genetic<br />

common in Japan Recent because epidemiological, the genes, which play genetic, a key outcome Correspondence 1 Department and trial to: of Richard Rheumatology, were A. Watts, studied Department Ipswich for ANCA of Hospital specificity NHS(PR3 Trust, an<br />

role in pathogenesis, data suggest occur much thatless considering frequently. GPA and MPA<br />

Rheumatology, Ipswich as a and single<br />

Ipswich 2 Norwich Hospital<br />

clinical Medical NHSphenotype. Trust, School, Ipswich IP4<br />

PR3-ANCA University ofwas Eastasso<br />

5PD, UK.<br />

ANCA antigen entity seems fortothe havepurposes a central role ofinclinical determin- studiesAnglia, E-mail:<br />

and<br />

Richard.watts@ipswichhospital.nhs.uk<br />

trials Norwich, is UK. HLA-DP, Rheumatology SERPINA1 and2012<br />

PRTN3, whereas<br />

Downloaded from http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.org/ at

Unterschiede zwischen PR3-and MPO-ANCA-subsets<br />

• PR3-und MPO-ANCA subsets sind genetisch verschieden<br />

Genome-wide association study: 2687 European (GPA and MPA) , 7650 matched controls<br />

HLA-DP, SERPINA 1, PRTN3 for PR3 ANCA,<br />

HLA-DQ for MPO-ANCA (NEJM 2012)<br />

• Geographische Unterschiede in der Prävalenz von PR3-ANCA<br />

und MPO-ANCA<br />

• Extra-renale Manifestationen, Granulome und Relapse sind bei<br />

PR3-ANCA +ven Patienten häufiger<br />

• Nierenhistologie: Aktive und chronische Läsionen häufiger bei<br />

MPO-ANCA+ven Patienten<br />

• Kein Tiermodel für PR3 disease<br />

Unterschiede in der Pathogenese, Ätiologie..<br />

… Therapeutische Implikationen

Renale Prognose: Relapse – active renal disease<br />

Schlüsselbefund = Hämaturie !!! dysmorphe Erys, Zylinder, ev Proteinurie<br />

Renal survival according to the histologic categories<br />

Pictures I. Bajema<br />

A Berden, JASN 2010

Maintenance Therapy - IMPROVE<br />

Time to First Relapse and First Major Relapse<br />

Hiemstra, JAMA 2010

CYCLOPS – long term follow-up<br />

Data of 148 patients<br />

Median follow-up 4.3 years<br />

P=0.029<br />

Harper, Ann Rheum Dis 2012

CYCLOPS – long term follow-up<br />

Pulse daily oral (DO)<br />

Deaths 13 12<br />

Relapse rate patient –year 0.18 0.08 p

GPA and Relapse<br />

Disease-free interval and carrier status.<br />

57 patients with GPA grouped according<br />

to Staphylococcus aureus; p

Risikofaktoren für Relapse<br />

Relapse – Risiko ist variabel<br />

• GPA oder PR3-ANCA (vs. MPA)<br />

• ANCA positiv in Remission<br />

• Steigende ANCA-Titer<br />

• HNO<br />

• Lungenbeteiligung<br />

• GPA: Staph aureus carrier<br />

• SKrea 2 bis 3,0 mg/dl am Ende der Induktions-Therapie<br />

• Weniger CYC zur Induktion (CYCOPS, MYCYC)

Rituximab - Remissions -Erhaltung<br />

- Zeitintervall zum Relapse ist variabel<br />

- Risiko bei 6 Monaten↑<br />

- B Zell Re-Population ~10 Monat, aber variabel<br />

à mehr Relapse nach B-cell return<br />

• Relapse nicht <strong>mit</strong> ANCA -Anstieg assoziiert<br />

• Einige Relapse auch ohne B-Zellen<br />

- „Add on“ RIT zu anderen IS-à Infektionen unverändert

RITUXIMAB – Maintenance for refractory AAV<br />

Protocolized versus non-protocolized TX<br />

% 56 ENT, 34 lung, 27 joint, 16 renal, 12 eye, 12 skin, 7 PNP, 7 CNS<br />


Group A (n=28)<br />

Group B (n= 45)<br />

Group C (n=19)<br />

1g x 2 or 375mg/m2 x 4; repeated at relapse<br />

1g x 2 à 1x1g every 6 mo for 2 years (6g total)<br />

relapsers from Group A->followed by Scheme B<br />

A B C<br />

Response 26/28 (93%) 43/45 (95%) 18/19 (95%)<br />

Relapses at 2 years 19/26 (73%) 5/43 (12%)** 2/18 (11%)**<br />

Relapses at last f-up 22/26 (85%) 11/43 (26%)** 10/18 (56%)**<br />

(median 44 mo)<br />

SAEs 16 in 19 pts 32% 45 in 21pts 47% 20 in 7pts 37%<br />

Infections 10 30* 14<br />

*13 in 2 pts<br />

** p

n=19<br />

n=19<br />

n=28<br />

2g 6g relapsers<br />

àwait<br />

from A<br />

à 6g<br />

S<strong>mit</strong>h R,Jayne A&R, 2012

Ausschnitt<br />

• All (n=8) Remission by 6 months<br />

• Mean follow-up 12 mo (6-30), no deaths, no further severe infections<br />

à RTX can be considered for gen AAV and conco<strong>mit</strong>ant severe infection

Lupus Nephritis<br />

Standardtherapie<br />

-Hydroxychloroquine<br />

Rolle von Rituximab

Downloaded from ard.bmj.com on September 10, 2012 - Published by group.bmj.com<br />

ARD Online First, published on July 31, 2012 as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2012-201940<br />

Recommendation<br />

Joint European League Against Rheumatism and<br />

European Renal Association–European Dialysis and<br />

Transplant Association (EULAR/ERA-EDTA)<br />

recommendations for the management of adult and<br />

paediatric lupus nephritis<br />

George K Bertsias, 1 Maria Tektonidou, 2 Zahir Amoura, 3 Martin Aringer, 4<br />

Ingeborg Bajema, 5 Jo H M Berden, 6 John Boletis, 7 Ricard Cervera, 8 Thomas Dörner, 9<br />

Andrea Doria, 10 Franco Ferrario, 11 Jürgen Floege, 12 Frederic A Houssiau, 13<br />

John P A Ioannidis, 14 David A Isenberg, 15 Cees G M Kallenberg, 16 Liz Lightstone, 17<br />

Stephen D Marks, 18 Alberto Martini, 19 Gabriela Moroni, 20 <strong>Irmgard</strong> <strong>Neumann</strong>, 21<br />

Manuel Praga, 22 Matthias Schneider, 23 Argyre Starra, 24 Vladimir Tesar, 25<br />

Carlos Vasconcelos, 26 Ronald F van Vollenhoven, 27 Helena Zakharova, 28<br />

Marion Haubitz, 29 Caroline Gordon, 30 David Jayne, 31 Di<strong>mit</strong>rios T Boumpas 1<br />

ditional data are<br />

shed online only. To view<br />

files please visit the<br />

al online (http://ard.bmj.<br />

umbered affiliations see<br />

f article.<br />

espondence to<br />

i<strong>mit</strong>rios T Boumpas,<br />


Objectives To develop recommendations for<br />

the management of adult and paediatric lupus nephritis<br />

(LN).<br />

Methods The available evidence was systematically<br />

reviewed using the PubMed database. A modified Delphi<br />

method was used to compile questions, elicit expert<br />

opinions and reach consensus.<br />

Results Immunosuppressive treatment should be<br />


Approximately 50% of patients with systemic<br />

Ann Rheum Dis 2012<br />

lupus erythematosus (SLE) will develop lupus<br />

nephritis (LN), which increases the risks for renal<br />

failure, cardiovascular disease and death. In 2008,<br />

we published the first European League Against<br />

Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendations on the<br />

management of SLE. 1 Since then, several controlled<br />

trials have been published upon which updated

EULAR/ERA-EDTA Recommendations<br />

for the management of lupus nephritis 2012<br />

Indikation zur Nierenbiopsie bei SLE<br />

Jeder Hinweis auf eine <strong>Nierenbeteiligung</strong><br />

- reproduzierbare Proteinurie ≥0.5 g/24h<br />

- insbesonere + glomerulärer Hämaturie<br />

In Erwägung zu ziehen bei:<br />

- isolierter glomerulärer Hämaturie<br />

- isolierter Leukurie (nach Ausschluß einer Infektion)<br />

- ungeklärter Niereninsuffzienz bei unauffälligem Harnsediment<br />

(insbesondere bei aPL-AK)<br />

Klinische, serologische oder andere Laborparameter<br />

korrellieren nicht (ausreichend) <strong>mit</strong> der Nierenhistologie !

EULAR/ERA-EDTA Recommendations<br />

for the management of lupus nephritis 2012<br />

Beurteilung der Nierenbiopsie<br />

à ISN/RPS 2003 classification system (àglomeruläre Veränderungen)<br />

à UND - Activity und Chronicity Indices<br />

- Tubulointerstitielle Läsionen<br />

- Vasculäre Veränderungen (insbes. bei APL - Antikörpern)<br />

• ) Adäquates Sample für Lichtmikroskopie (≥8 glomeruli)<br />

4 Färbungen (H&E, PAS, trichrome silver)<br />

• ) Immunohistologie (IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q, κ and λ light chains)<br />

insbesondere bei LN V<br />

• ) ELMI hilfreich in einzelnen Fällen

Therapie -Konzept<br />

• Immunsuppressive Therapie<br />

à immunologische Remission<br />

- renal<br />

- extrarenal<br />

- serologisch<br />

Induktionstherapie à Erhaltungstherapie<br />

• Nicht-immunsuppressive Therapie<br />

• ACE-I +/- ARB bei Proteinurie (>0.5 g/24-­‐hr) Hypertonie<br />

• RR-Therapie<br />

• Statine (LDL < 100 mg/dL) KHK-Risiko 5–8 x erhöht !<br />

• Hydroxychloroquin<br />

• Vit D<br />

• Antikoagulation - Nephrotisches Syndrom, SAlb

Lupus nephritis Initial treatment<br />

EULAR/ERA-EDTA Recommendations<br />

for the management of lupus nephritis 2012<br />

Class IIIA or IIIA/C (±V)<br />

Class IVA or IVA/C (±V)<br />

MMF (3 g / day)<br />

oder<br />

Low-dose i.v. CYC<br />

(3g, Euro Lupus)<br />

+ Glucocorticoide: Initial: 3 x IV Methylprednisolon 500-750 mg<br />

à oral Prednisolone 0.5 mg/kg/d für 4 Wochen,<br />

reduzieren bis ≤10 mg/d <strong>mit</strong> Monat 4 bis 6<br />

Ungünstige prognostische Faktoren (rascher Abfall der GFR, Histologie)<br />

àCYC 1x/Monat in höheren Dosen (0.75-1g/m2) für 6 Monate<br />

Non-responders unter MMF od CYC<br />

à switch von MMF auf CYC bzw. CYC auf MMF<br />

à Rituximab<br />


Lupus nephritis Initial treatment<br />

EULAR/ERA-EDTA Recommendations<br />

for the management of lupus nephritis 2012<br />

Class V LN<br />

MMF (3 g/day)<br />

+ oral Prednisolon (0.5 mg/kg/day)<br />

Non-responders: CYC<br />

Calcineurin inhibitors (Cyclosporin A, Tacrolimus)<br />

Rituximab<br />

Class II LN <strong>mit</strong> Proteinurie > 1 g/day (unter ACEI/ARB):<br />

Corticosteroide (0.25-0.5mg/kg/d)<br />

+/- Azathioprin (1-2 mg/kg/d)

Lupus nephritis Subsequent Treatment<br />

EULAR/ERA-EDTA Recommendations<br />

for the management of lupus nephritis 2012<br />

MMF (2 g/day)<br />

oder AZA (2 mg/kg/day) mindestens 3 Jahre<br />

+ low dose prednisone<br />

(5-7.5 mg/day)<br />

Calcineurin inhibitors diskutiert bei LN V<br />

Generell:<br />

- Ausschleichen der Substanzen, Gucocorticoide zuerst<br />

- Bei initial gutem Ansprechen auf MMF gut à MMF belassen<br />

- Schwangerschaft geplant àswitch auf AZA

Maintenance Therapy - For how long<br />

risk factors for progression to CKD:<br />

• African, Hispanic ethnicity<br />

• young age,<br />

• BX: crescents<br />

• lack of complete remission<br />

• persistently elevated Screatinine or sign proteinuria<br />

• persistently elevated APL-AB<br />

• persistently low levels of C3<br />

• frequent relapses<br />

Risk factors for renal flare<br />

• Young age at onset of SLE (

Severe LN – Induction MMF versus CYC<br />

Systematic review – pooled results<br />

Definition:<br />

• Class IV >15% cresc and/or glomerular capillary necrosis (often Screa↑)<br />

• Relapsing disease despite CYC (often Screa↑)<br />

• Proliferative LN (III or IV) with impaired renal function<br />

-> studies & personal communication: n= 382<br />

à MMF and CYC equally effective in inducing remission<br />

à Relapse rate, risk of ESRD higher in MMF<br />

Rovin B, CJASN 2013

HCQ - Clinical Benefits<br />

SLE : Less flares (HCQ-discontinuation à 6x greater rate of flares)<br />

Lower prednisone doses Canadian HCQ Study Group (NEJM 1991)<br />

LN: Multiple cohort studies (29 and 1480 SLE patients)<br />

Lower incidence and prevalence of renal disease wilth HCQ<br />

(A& Rheum 2005; A& Rheum 2010)<br />

Less nephritic flares<br />

random withdrawl study, 3yrs f-up, n=47<br />

-> 74% reduction risk of nephritic flares with HCQ (4% vs 14%)<br />

(Tsakones,Lupus 98)<br />

Reduced risk of developing renal disease (n=203)<br />

lower frequ.of CLASS IV LN<br />

lower GC doses<br />

lower SLE activity (LUNIMA, 2009)<br />

Improvement of renal outcomes in LN III+/-V, IV+/- V at 12 months<br />

(Hopkins lupus Cohort 2006,<br />

Lupus 2006, 2008, A&Rheum 2009)

HCQ - Clinical Benefits<br />

Lipids: Tgl↓ LDL↓ HDL↑<br />

Improves glucose profiles (↑binding of insulin to ist receptor)<br />

à metabolic syndrome ↓<br />

Reduces risk of malignancy<br />


B- Zell Depletion bei Lupus Nephritis<br />

Background<br />

SLE: 5-6 fach erhöhtes Risiko für KHK<br />

(chronische Entzündung, Immunosuppression)<br />

LN:<br />

Response auf CYC oder MMF: 30-60% < 6 Monaten<br />

55-80% 50% erhalten noch 10 Jahre nach Diagnose eine IS

Rituximab bei Lupus Nephritis<br />

Review: 300 Patienten, 21 Studien<br />

Häufigste Indikation für Rituximab: Refraktäre oder Relapsierende LN<br />

Follow-up 3-36 Monate; nur 11/21 Studien: follow-up >12 Monate<br />

Follow-up period >12 months<br />

Response rate (CR+PR) 50-100%<br />

(median 80%)<br />

No benefit for combining other immunosuppressive agents with Rituximab<br />

J W. Gregersen, D. R. W. Jayne Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 2012

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