RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT


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Table 11. Major production constraints and general production trends (1960-85) of pearl millet in some Indian states.<br />

Indian state<br />

Andhra Pradesh<br />

Gujarat<br />

Haryana<br />

Karnataka<br />

Punjab<br />

Tamil Nadu<br />

Uttar Pradesh<br />

Major production constraints<br />

Millet grown on poor and marginal soils.<br />

Resource-poor farmers. Erratic rainfall.<br />

Uncertain market trends.<br />

Erratic and scanty rainfall,<br />

diseases, and allocation of<br />

marginal land to millet.<br />

Inadequate supply of reliable HYV seed at<br />

the required time. Poor plant populations<br />

and stand establishment. Lack of adoption<br />

of suggested agronomic practices such as<br />

proper spacing, thinning, filling gaps,<br />

weed control, rouging diseased plants,<br />

and fertilizer use.<br />

Lack of irrigation, timely monsoon<br />

rains, improved seeds, and farmers'<br />

poor economic conditions.<br />

seed not available. High cost of<br />

fertilizer limits its use. Lack of proper<br />

technology to maintain adequate plant<br />

stand and control weeds. Varieties suitable<br />

for mixed cropping not available.<br />

Downy mildew epidemic in 1984 and 1985,<br />

use of marginal land, quality seed<br />

not available, local varieties grown widely,<br />

ergot susceptibility.<br />

Lack of suitable hybrids (BK 560 now<br />

susceptible to downy mildew). Stores<br />

poorly under ordinary storage conditions;<br />

traders dictate prices and buy low. No<br />

industries based on pearl millet as<br />

for maize and finger millet. Reduced<br />

demand due to urbanization and<br />

increased income of consumers.<br />

Use of local and low-yielding cultivars,<br />

delayed sowing, totally rainfed cultivation,<br />

low plant populations, local cultural<br />

practices, fertilizer not used, plant<br />

protection measures not used, crop grown<br />

on marginal land.<br />

General production trends (1960-85)<br />

Production was stable from 1960-70<br />

at almost 300000 t grown on just under<br />

600 000 ha, but increased to 336 000 t on<br />

60 000 fewer hectares when high-yielding<br />

cultivars were introduced in 1980. In 1984<br />

production dropped to just over 200000 t as<br />

farmers switched to other, higher value, crops.<br />

Average yield in 1960-61 was 334 kg ha -1 , which<br />

has increased yearly to a record of 1028 kg ha -1<br />

in 1981-82. Possible reasons include use of hybrid<br />

seed and recommended cultivation practices.<br />

Area remained almost stable, but production<br />

was low and fluctuated highly. Compound<br />

production growth rate of 1.5%. High-yielding<br />

varieties responsible for increased<br />

productivity.<br />

Possible reasons for increasing production trend:<br />

varietal improvement (yield and disease<br />

resistance), increased irrigation, and adoption of<br />

improved technology.<br />

Production area is decreasing as irrigation is<br />

introduced in the tract, but production is increasing<br />

by use of improved varieties and technology.<br />

Area decreasing. Productivity stable at about<br />

500 kg ha -1 , from 1960-65, but doubled<br />

500 kg ha -1 , from HB1 was released. Yields dropped<br />

as the hybrids became susceptible to downy<br />

mildew in 1971-75, but rose again in 1976-80 as<br />

new hybrids were introduced. Yields averaged<br />

1143 kg ha -1 during 1980-85 as more new<br />

hybrids and composites were introduced.<br />

Decreasing trend from 1962-63 to 1974-75,<br />

but increased until 1978-79, from which<br />

time the trend has been decreasing again,<br />

perhaps due to competition from other crops.<br />

Traders reluctant to purchase WC-C75 (replacing<br />

BK 560) because they believe it stores poorly.<br />

Low yields in 1960-61 probably due to heavy<br />

rains. Production trend decreased until 1981-82,<br />

then increased. Changes apparently due to seasonal<br />

fluctuations.<br />


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