RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT


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69-188 mm for total seedling lengths. In the field, planting at a depth of 3.2 cm showed few differences due to<br />

mesocotyl length. However, emergence from a 6.4 cm depth was excellent for long mesocotyl lines and poor<br />

for short lines.<br />

Materials are being identified that tolerate temperatures below 13.9° C, a threshold level at which disruption<br />

of meiosis occurs. However, our procedures and techniques require further modification for effective<br />

screening.<br />

Stalk breakage and lodging is a severe constraint for mechanized harvest. Several causes have been<br />

identified and progress is being made to reduce the incidence and severity of lodging.<br />

Strategy to Raise Pearl Millet Productivity through Intensive Agriculture<br />

(Strategies pour augmenter la productivite du mil par la culture intensive)<br />

K.R. Chopra<br />

Director, Research and Production, Mahendra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd., Post Box No. 52, Mahavir<br />

Marg, Jaina, Maharashtra 431 203, India<br />

In India, pearl millet is usually cultivated in semi-arid and sub-humid regions on marginal lands and average<br />

yields are low. During the past decade, high-yielding hybrids and varieties became popular due to their high<br />

yield potential, and ability to respond to improved cultivation practices and to light irrigation under drought<br />

stress. Improved varieties are early maturing so they are adapted not only to irrigated areas but also to dry<br />

lands with moderate rainfall. Hence pearl millet is becoming a dominant crop in intensive agriculture in many<br />

parts of Maharashtra and other millet growing states. National policy with regard to crop planning needs to be<br />

reexamined in view of the water use economy and overall production and productivity of various food crops.<br />

Efficient use of land and water is essential in dry zone irrigation schemes. High priority needs to be given to<br />

increased cultivation of crops such as pearl millet which respond remarkably to a few light irrigations.<br />

Agroclimatologists should assist in the formation of research and development strategy by mapping zones<br />

where millets could be grown with assurance. Breeding objectives of millets need to be redefined. The purpose<br />

should be improved yield stability, resistance to major diseases, pests and drought conditions, and adaptability<br />

to specific agro-environments. Cultivation technology should also be developed to suit specific conditions,<br />

crop rotations and mixed cropping patterns.<br />

Extension efforts need to be strengthened to make farmers aware that it pays to use seed of recommended<br />

improved varieties, and to adopt improved production technology to realize their yield potential.<br />

Agronomy for the Realization of Yield Potential of Pearl M i l l e t — a<br />

Speculation<br />

(Methodes agronomiques pour la realisation du potentiel de rendement du<br />

mil—une conjecture)<br />

Chong Woon Hong<br />

Project Scientist, IFDC-ICRISAT Cooperative Fertilizer Nitrogen Research Project, ICRISAT, Patancheru,<br />

Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India<br />

Modern cereal crops cultivars generally possess high yield potentials. The realization of these potentials<br />

requires improved agronomic management, most notably with the increased application of plant nutrients as<br />

fertilizers. This fact has been convincingly demonstrated in the success stories of the green revolution with rice<br />


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